Just wondering how many of you shopped yesterday.
How were the crowds?
Did you save a lot of money?
How much of your Christmas shopping did you get done?
Are you taking part today in Small Business Saturday?
Are you shopping online too?
I do most of my Christmas shopping online as it is hard for me to get around with the crowds but would love to hear about your experience!!!
I skip the whole Black Friday thing but I am going to head out today and support some small businesses. I think that is a great idea and we need to do this more often. Small businesses are the back bone of this country and it can be a Win-Win. I will always love to do some shopping at the big corporate stores, Target, Walmart,Macy’s but supporting small businesses too is just as important and it doesn’t have to be one or the other! Just spread the love 🙂
We went to Walmart and bought mainly stuff for our cats. Today, we went to our favorit bookstore- From My Shelf Books and to a Chinese Restaurant called The Dumpling House both are located in Wellsboro, PA. Then we went to Weis Markets and did food shopping. Weis is not exactly small business but they do have employees that help you to your car. Neil uses a motorized cart and Weis will let you go to the car with the cart and help put packages in the car and take the cart back.
I didn’t go to any of the 10pm or 12am sales. I choose Menards at 6am. There was a long line to get in but; it only toke about 10mins once the lline got going. And with shopping and check out under an hour. and i found all i wanted. This store was super organized right down to having people throughout the store to help and a guy telling you which line to check out in. And all the shoppers were nice. That was in the bigger city. Then we came back home to our local Walmart and no one was there & I found some items. They said everyone was there at 10pm. And today another store had a couple of great deals so I hit that one early. I will be doing a small amount online this year. Kind of have to watch my spending this Christmas.
Sue B
Wow, guess no one gives a hoot if I’m back or not or everyone is out SHOPPING! I did the Black Friday last year & phooey on that! I’m going to try the Cyber Monday this year. Have a great day!
The only shopping I did was to run to Stein’s at night to get a Christmas tree. The crowds were long gone by then. My son and his gal braved the crowds and had fun. They got some good deals. My son bought a memory foam topper for his bed and loves it! I love a good bargain but those crowds are not my cup of tea!
After watching reports on t.v. I see this weekend was quite successful for stores and shoppers. Glad I missed it though it looked crazy. Online and local is what I plan to do.