Welcome to Cozy Wednesday!
Leann Sweeney and I go way back to when I started blogging back at Dollycas’s Thoughts. The first book in the series The Cat, The Quilt and The Corpse was the very first book I publicly reviewed. I know my reviews have improved since then. With Facebook it is nice that we could online friends. Because of that I know Leann while is so excited about the new book The Cat, the Wife and the Weapon: A Cats in Trouble Mystery, she has had a rough week. I will let her tell you all about it!
Hi Leann!!
Hi Lori and all!
Cats in Trouble—Maybe Even in Your Own Home
By Leann Sweeney
Mercy, South Carolina is home to quilter Jillian Hart, her three wonderful cats Chablis, Merlot and Syrah and a cast of characters who help or sometimes hinder Jillian’s quest to help “Cats in Trouble.” (And by the way, the cats NEVER hinder!) Somehow, Jillian’s quest always seems to involve murder. This time, in The Cat, the Wife and the Weapon: A Cats in Trouble Mystery,
the investigation is more personal than ever before. I won’t say more than that! I’ll let Lori tell you.
In each novel in the series, I always try to enlighten and entertain—plus include a cat in trouble who might be a bit of surprise. I drew on my own experience with feline diabetes for this new book. My precious cat, Agatha Christie was diagnosed two and a half years ago. She fought the good fight, but this week, seven days after the release of the new book, she crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. She was the sweetest cat I have ever known and the third cat in a year I have lost to what was really just old age. They were all teenagers in cat years, but ancient in human years. I miss them so much, but I have a new “fellow” in my life named Wexford (after Ruth Rendell’s police inspector). He turns one-year-old next week, has a great and loving personality and is my new inspiration.
I was so gratified to learn that several people who read the new book last week learned through my heroine, Jillian, that plastic is toxic to cats. They have since removed plastic dishes from their homes. If that information saves one cat’s life, I am so happy. My own Archie Goodwin, a tuxedo cat who died in November, was suffering from terrible mouth and gum sores about seven years ago. I did a little research, found out plastic can cause these sores (and worse things, too). Within a week of removing the plastic dishes, his sores were gone and they never returned.
Next up in the series, I tackle the heartbreak of feral cats and all the misinformation about them—plus the humane and wonderful ways people are saving these colonies of cats. Look for The Cat, The Mill and The Murder next April. Guess I better get back to work, huh?
I am so glad Leann is able to stop by today. I know she has a lot on her mind. Our pets work their way into our hearts so fast and we become almost as dependent on them as they are on us. They can always sense when we need them. When we have had a bad day they are there with the head on our knee or jump into our laps to comfort us. It is always painful when they are sick and can’t tell us what is wrong or when we lose them quickly or to a longtime illness. They may be gone from our physical lives but will forever live on it our hearts.
Thank you Leann for sharing!!
The Cat, the Wife and the Weapon:
A Cats in Trouble Mystery
4th in the Series
Published by New American Library
A Division of The Penguin Group
Mercy is a town when everyone knows everyone’s business. How is that Jillian didn’t know her friend Tom had a brother?
Jillian returns home after attending craft fairs and cat shows selling her beautiful kitty quilts to find Tom missing and a man claiming to be Tom’s brother looking mighty comfortable in Tom’s house. She also finds Tom’s diabetic cat has gotten out of the house and this stranger has made no effort at all to look for him.
Then Tom’s car is found wrecked with a dead man, thankfully not Tom, inside. Where the heck is Tom and what is going on in Mercy?
Jillian with the help of her feline friends is going to find out and find out fast before someone else ends up dead!
Dollycas’s Thoughts
Each story is better than the last. This is definitely the best of the series so far!!
We get to delve into Tom’s past and it is jam packed with secrets that keep us on our paws until the very last page. I don’t want to give too much away but I will say there are several surprises. Lydia still thinks Jillian is standing in the way of her and Tom living happily ever after. Merlot, Syrah and Chablis meet a new friend and there are some new characters that you have to read to believe. There are parts will have you laughing out loud, parts that will have you shaking in your shoes, and parts that may make you shed a tear or two. Sweeney has written a complex mystery and the dialogue between the characters was some of the best I have ever read.
Leann also always includes some cat facts and trivia woven into her stories and this time she enlightens us on feline diabetes and that plastic bowls can be toxic to our furry friends. I changed my pets water bowls the minute I read about it in the book.
I am not going to pussyfoot around, this book is fabulous, I loved it and you will too!

About This Author
As well as being a writer, I am a registered nurse and worked for 35 years, 15 of them mostly in psyschiatry and the last 20 before I took early retirement as a school nurse–but wait. School nursing is a psych job, too. I have degrees in nursing and in psychology and have lived on the Texas Gulf Coast for 32 years. My husband is a chemical engineer and I have two amazing children. My son and his wife live in Seattle. My daughter and her husband rotate between NYC and Massachusetts. Aren’t we lucky to be in between? Well, sorta. Both places are too far away.
Would you like to win a copy of this fabulous book?
Thanks to the people at Penguin
I have 2 copies to giveaway!!
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Contest Will End May 2, 2012 at 11:59 PM CST
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Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. Receiving a complimentary copy in no way reflected my review of this book. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Thank you Leann. Sounds like a good book for cat lovers, my daughter’s family has 5 and we share a home so that means her cats ‘share’ my living room and bedroom/bathroom, lol.
I haven’t yet read this series, but I would love to start, it sounds great!
Leann, I am so excited to hear about this latest edition to your series. As you know, I am a big fan. I was so sorry to hear about Aggie, but I was inspired to hear that she contributed to your latest book. Keep up the great work!
I am excited to read these. Thanks for the chance to win!
I am in love with this series. Can’t wait to read this book!
I haven’t read any of this so will put this series on my list. I love that you add little tidbits to inform the reader. I didn’t know plastic was toxic to cats.
I love to re, I haven’t read any of this books yet.
Leann, I haven’t read any of this series yet, but this episode sounds good enough that I would like to go back and start at the beginning! Thanks for offering this part of the series for us to win!
My sympathy on your loss of Agatha and your other cats.
My husband and I have had so many dogs, all strays or other rescues, so their health has been precarious but their love ever lasting. None of them, however, would have recognized a clue if it bit them–well, maybe the beagles, who could have been burying the clues. Hmm, I wonder where their puppy-mill owner went when he disappeared.
Hi Leann, I really do love your books. And when the local libraries don’t have them, I’m forced to enter giveaways and pray for a win… or I try to borrow them from local friends with a bigger book budget.
But I will say this… as long as you keep writing books, I’ll keep reading and enjoying them.
I have enjoyed meeting you through the interview, Leann. Thirty-five years as a nurse? I applaud you. You must have tender loving hands. Even more so since you love cats too. I also love cats and cozies. My cat is a tuxedo. Her name is Boots. I can’t imagine life without her. So I understand the sorrows you have gone through with some of your cats. I am anxious to read your series of books. Thanks for being here today.
These mysteries sound awesome! I love cats and am looking forward to reading these books. 🙂
I had a cat with diabetes, too, and she actually got over it after about 5 years. That’s when I learned that cats, unlike people, can “grow out of diabetes.” However, it wasn’t long until she got breast cancer and even after 2 surgeries, it proved deadly. Thanks for your very enjoyable books—the cats just make them so special.
Sorry for the loss of your kitty. My cat BearBear just got diagnosed with diabetes. Your series sounds wonderful. I love that you include cat facts in your books. Love the cover.
Sue B
I love cats! This sounds like a series I will really enjoy! Thank you for the giveaway!
I jsut bought the first book in this series. I am sorry for your furry loss. We have 3 felines at present.
This book sounds great and so interesting. I love my kitties and they always curl up with me while I’m reading!!
This is already on my wishlist! Thanks for such a great series.
Hi Leann,
I love your books and I recently finished your latest book which is the best one yet. I can’t wait for your next one.
Another great book in a great series.
griperang at embarqmail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway. I really would love to read this series.
I never knew plastic was toxic to cats. I’m glad I read that. Thanks. We use metal dishes.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Thanks so much for all the kind words. Agatha went “in and out” of diabetes. It is true that cats, unlike humans, can recover and start making insulin again. She actually had normal blood sugars for her last 6 months. But like in humans, diabetes takes a toll. I am missing my sweet baby, but she lives on in my heart. I am so thrilled this book made the NY Times list as Aggie played such an important role in its creation. Thanks so much everyone!
I’m sorry about your loss,I have a dog and he’s very special to me.
Thanks for all the kind words about Agatha. She always used to sit next to me when I was writing and I miss that so much.
I like cats and dogs . My son is diabetic , I dont know how I would handle it if his cat was to. Sorry for your loss
I also enjoy reading mysteries
I love it when there is a taste of true trivia in a fictional story. Somehow to me it makes it come alive. I have been known to go and look up something in a story after reading it to see if it is true or not and it is always exciting when I realized that by spending time doing my favorite thing, I still get the the benefit of learning something new 🙂 Thank you so much for taking the time to share with us and for the lovely giveaway opportunity.
I have this one on my wishlist!
lag110 at mchsi dot com
I love your series Leann. I didn’t know that the plastic dishes can be harmful for cats. I use ceramic dishes for my cat.
Thanks Elisa! Those dishes are harmful and I was at Petsmart yesterday and saw them all over the place. Kinda made me mad!
I need to start this series!
Sounds like a great series. I just love mysteries and would enjoy this book.
I love Cozy Mysteries and have 4 cats so this book was written for me. lol Thanks for the great series Leann. Already have on my wish list and can’t wait to read.
Cats, wives and weapons. An intriguing combination. Sounds like something I would really enjoy reading.
Being a psychiatric nurse must have given you some significant insight into human behavior.
sounds like a great read
Thanks for this contest. I am sorry about your cat. I love cats. It hurts when a pet is lost. The oldest pet I have now is a 12 yr old Yorkie. I can’t imagine life without any of my pets.
Thanks everyone. I’ve been at a conference and couldn’t answer my e-mail until today. Yes, I will miss my fur friends forever, but the ones I still have are so loving and special it takes a little of the sting away.
Hug your pets!
I can’t wait to read this cozy!
I love all of Leann’s series. So sorry for your loss. Pets hold a special place in our hearts. Definitely makes me give my two dogs an extra long hug. Looking forward to this newest release. Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂
Thanks everyone. Still missing my kitties, but Wexford keeps me on my toes. I am so glad many of you have read and enjoyed my books. Makes me smile!
OMG! This sounds crazy, I can hardly wait to read this!
Sounds like a wonderful series. I love mysteries and even though I’m a dog person, I find that I really enjoy mysteries with cats. They seem very intuitive.
Beverly aka Booklady
Beverly, the latest mystery not only has cats but a pretty neat DOG, too!
Leann 🙂
Just started reading The Cat, The Wife, and The Weapon. Hard to put down Leann’s books.