Welcome to a Special Thursday Edition of Cozy Wednesday!
There are so many wonderful books out this month and wonderful authors to visit with
I had to add an extra Wednesday.
Sofie writes the Magical Cats Mysteries but did you know Sofie Kelly is the pseudonym of young adult writer and mixed-media artist, Darlene Ryan. She is quite a versatile writer.Her latest book Copycat Killing hit the shelves Tuesday. I am happy she is here today with us, as are my own not magical cats Sherlock and Professor Moriarty who look just like Hercules and Owen. She answers some very interesting questions and if you are like me you are going to want more details on a couple of them, so be sure to leave a comment and maybe she will tell us a little more.
Hi Sofie!
Hi Everyone!!
A Dozen Questions for Sofie Kelly
(From the creative minds of my friends Jude and Sara.)
1. What’s the most unusual job you’ve ever had?
I was an all-night, rock & roll disk jockey.
2. Have you ever been arrested?
No, but I have had a criminal background check done on me through Interpol. I’m not a secret European cat burglar. My daughter is adopted and it was part of the paperwork.
3. What’s the scariest thing that ever happened to you?
Getting herded out of Tienanmen Square by communist soldiers was pretty scary.
4. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you?
I was having some tests done at the hospital and I was in a small room changing into one of those gowns that ties in the back. After I’d put it on I turned around to discover that I had just…um…flashed the group of construction workers working outside because I’d forgotten to close the curtains. I was so embarrassed I stopped being nervous about the tests.
5. What’s one of your most annoying habits?
I apologize to inanimate objects. It drives my friends crazy. For instance, if I bump into the sofa I say, “I’m sorry.”
6. Do you have a “guilty pleasure” TV show?
Yes. I like to watch Pawn Stars on the History Channel. The things people bring in to sell fascinate me. A straitjacket worn by Houdini turned up on one episode.
7. What is your hair its natural color?
It is at the moment. (Brown.) But I’m going to dye it red again.
8. Who’s the most inspiring person you’ve ever met?
Jake Lawless. Jake works with the Rick Hansen Anniversary relay. I met him in the fall when my daughter was one of the medal bearers. Jake is in a wheelchair—he’s what’s called an incomplete quadriplegic. He’s also one of the warmest, funniest and most positive people I’ve ever met. Not a Pollyanna, just a genuinely fascinating guy.
9. What surprises people the most when they meet you in person?
That I’m not taller. Apparently I look taller in photographs. And I often hear that I’m not as serious in person. I guess that means I look like a tall person without a sense of humor in pictures.
10. What’s your favorite winter sport?
Sitting on the sofa with a cup of hot chocolate looking out the window at the snow.
11. What’s your favorite summer sport?
Swimming, followed closely by hiking.
12. Did you always want to be a writer?
No. I wanted to become a director, move to California and marry Michael Cole from the Mod Squad.
Tienanmen Square, really, scary, holy cow!!!
I am glad you are home safe and sound and writing stories for us to enjoy!!!
Check out http://www.sofiekelly.com/ and http://www.darleneryan.com/ to find out more about this author.
Copycat Killing: A Magical Cats Mystery
3rd in the Series
An Obsidian Mystery
Publish by New American Library
A Division of The Penguin Group
Welcome back to Mayville Heights! I hope you brought your umbrella, boots and a rain slicker. It’s been “raining cats and dogs” for days. There is flooding all over town. The local artists’ co-op has a basement full of water and our favorite librarian Kathleen is helping her friends move their work to higher ground in case the water continues to rise.
All the artwork is saved but one artist isn’t as lucky. Mask maker Jaeger Merrill is found drowned in the basement. The death doesn’t look accidental to Kathleen. Detective Marcus Gordon is on the case and Kathleen along with her fantastic felines just can’t help themselves from assisting him in any way they can. Owen and Hercules use their magic to help “unmask” the killer.
Dollycas’s Thoughts
These magical felines continue to steal the show! Hercules and Owen are truly special characters. Kathleen handles their powers much better than I would. All the characters are continuing to evolve. Heck the good detective may even get a library card in the next installment. Kathleen has definitely made herself at home in Mayville Heights. She has taken falling for a guy to a new level and finds something startling from Roma’s past. And when Kathleen and Maggie get together there is never a dull moment. (Watch out for flying rodents!)
I especially enjoyed this story because of the history featured that creates a mystery inside of a mystery. The town is getting ready to celebrate the library’s centennial with a very special showcase of the groups that have met at the library over the years. One group was doing more than most people knew and some journals from Rebecca’s mother are discovered that hold several secrets.
Well written, carefully plotted, a little romance and a bunch of humor. A purrfect cozy mystery!

Thanks to the people at Penguin
I have 2 copies to giveaway!!
You do not have to be a follower to enter but I hope you will find
something you like here and become a follower.
Followers Will Receive 2 Bonus Entries For Each Way They Follow.
Plus 2 Bonus Entries For Liking My Facebook Fan Page.
Leave a comment for Sofie for 5 Bonus Entries !
If you publicize the giveaway anywhere you will receive
5 Bonus Entries For Each Link.
Contest Will End May 10, 2012 at 11:59 PM CST
Winners Will Be Chosen By Random.org
Winners Will Be Notified By Email
and Will Be Posted Here.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. Receiving a complimentary copy in no way reflected my review of this book. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
i LOVE these books!! i read one and immediately ran out for the next… cant wait to get this new one too!!
thanks for the chance to win…. and reassurance that i am not the only one who says sorry when i bump into the wall, couch or chair… lol
You are my kind of winter sporting gal! Cushy sofa, cocoa, and a good book – oh yea! Thank you for taking the time and effort to share a bit of you with us today 🙂 I would love to read about the magical cats!
Alaina, I’m happy to hear you like the Magical Cats–and that I’m not the only one who apologizes to the sofa!
Denise, years ago I worked with a guy who had played hockey. He tried to teach me how to skate. The only thing I learned was how to stand up on the skates–plus a few “colorful” words.
I signed up for your website email so I can follow this series. Since I’m a cat lover with 2 cats, I’m looking forward to your books. Your covers are cute too. I don’t think my cats are magical, but I often wonder what they’re thinking 🙂
i loved the cool questions you came up with! i tweeted, but not till after i had hit submit… http://t.co/pQXtGFwl thanks for the opportunity to win.
I love this series, and if my partner and I weren’t BOTH deadly allergic to the furballs we’d probably of had cats instead of kids. LOL
Interesting life you lead. Thanks for writing, so we can read! Dee
I love kitties, cozies, and mysteries!! Sometimes I just get so tired of reading the usual paranormal stories and want to curl up with a good read. That “curl” would include a cup of tea and a kitty (or dog, depending on who gets to my lap first)! Thanks for giving us a chance to win what looks like a good book!
Barbara, this is my favorite cover. (I’ll probably say the same thing with the next book.)
Marianne, the credit for the questions goes to my friends, Jude and Sara. Sara wants me to confess that not only is Pawn Stars my guilty pleasure I also have a tiny crush on Danny, the car restoration guy. Maybe I do, maybe I don’t.
Nora-Adrienne, my husband is extremely allergic to cats too. Luckily, I know several people with cats who are happy to share the furballs with me.
Dee, thanks for reading so I can write.
Mary Ann, I hope you get the chance to curl up with the Magical Cats.
This comment may disappear, should my dog catch a glimpse, but currently she’s outside staring at the top of a tree, hoping the wind will make it rain squirrels (rather than felines). A friend’s you-know-who are never mentioned as other than “the girls” and as seldom as possible.
Sofie, this cozy sounds like I could sit down and pass the day away reading it.
this sounds like a book I’d like to read
His sounds like a great series. So good to hear about it. I love cats. Running over to buy it for my Kindle!
These books sound so awesome. I don’t know which job sounds cooler – all night dj or author. I’d love to try both!
LOVE this series. It is a very fun series.
I would love to hear more about your adventures in China! I will be checking out your book at the library.
I love magic and cats! I’m sure I would enjoy this story. Thank you for the giveaway!
Sofie, What a interesting life you have! Can’t wait to read this. Lori I couldn’t enter as there isn’t a submit button on my form..
Magical cats – how fun! Such a cute cover.
Love the cover. Going to add this to my reading. You have an interesting life for sure. Great post.
Thanks for the giveaway. I can’t wait to read this book. Tore923@aol.com
I want to find out more about Hercules and Owen and their “powers”. This sounds interesting.
Cats and cozies just go together perfectly. Thanks for the giveaway.
congrats to Sofie!!!
read the 1st book in the series & loved it!! still need to read the 2nd book & now the 3rd book is on my WishList!!!
thank you for the giveaway!!!
Greetings to Sofie and congrats on your success! The new Magical Cats book looks great! I enjoyed the dozen questions and we are known to tune into Pawn Stars around here too!
Liz, I could use your dog. The squirrels are digging holes in my lawn. And I think they’re laughing at me when I bang on the living room window.
Wendy, Gloria, and Jane, thanks for your kind words about the books.
Kelli, all night dj was pretty cool. I meet some intriguing people.
Nancy, thank you for the compliment.
Leanna, China was incredible, especially because of my beautiful daughter.
Carol, I like magic and cats too, as well as coffee, Matt Lauer and Kevin Sorbo–all of which are in the books.
Nancy B, I think it’s more that Jude and Sara picked questions that make me sound interesting. They’re good friends, that way.
Karen and katsrus, this is my favorite cover too–at least until the next one.
Victoria, good luck in the draw.
Linda, I hope you like Owen and Hercules. I’ve borrowed bits of the personalities of several cats to create them.
Sue, I think cats and chocolate go with everything.
Cyn, I hope you like Books 2 & 3.
HoldenJ, one of these days I’m going to Vegas and have my picture take with the Old Man.
I would love to read this book…sounds very interesting…great interview.Thanks…
Love the title and play on words! Thank you for the giveaway!
Love it when I find a new author.
I love cats and dogs and have 4 cats bossing me around at this time. I do love stories with cats and their curiousity to find out what is going on around them. I have added this one to my wish list as well as the series.
Thanks for the opportunity to enter giveaway.
I love cozies with cats in them.
That must have been very frightening. I was in China at Tianamen Square in 1992. It was a much better day, the sun was shining, people smilling and they wanted to have our picture taken with them. I was annoyed by a Red Army soldier who was blocking the way at the luggage carousel. The luggage came out of window area and he wanted to make sure that he got his first. Since I was allowed to see the luggage, I had to wait for him to pick out his even before I could look for mine. Not a good ambassador but the rest of the people there were very kind.
Carol Wong
Please take my name off for winning this book. I was lucky enough to win it from anothe blog.
This sounds like a fun story. Magical cats are cool. Thanks for the chance to win!
I am looking forward to reading the book, thank you for the opportunity to win it!