Book Expo America happens each year. It is is the largest annual book trade fair in the United States. BEA is almost always held in a major city over four days in late May and/or early June. Nearly all significant book publishers in the United States, and many from abroad, have booths and exhibits at BEA, and use the fair as an opportunity to showcase upcoming titles, sell current books, socialize with colleagues from other publishing houses, and sell and buy subsidiary rights and international rights. Authors, librarians, and buyers for book retailers also attend the event.
BEA Book Blogger Conference runs concurrently.
Some tech savvy bloggers have created Armchair BEA for those of us that can’t attend in person.
Armchair BEA
“A Conference for Book Bloggers
in the comfort of our favorite chair”
Monday, June 4th: Introductions First!
Tuesday, June 5th: Giveaways Everywhere!
Wednesday, June 6th: Networking … In Real Life?!
Thursday, June 7th: Beyond the Blog
Friday, June 8th: The Future of Book Blogging
The Interview
1. Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging?
I started blogging December 31, 2009. That year was a rough one for me and I wanted a new start for 2010. A friend suggested blogging and I jumped in with both feet having no idea what I was really doing but quickly figured it out and I love it. Dollycas’s Thoughts became Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book in October 2011 when I moved to a self hosted WordPress format.
2. What is your favorite feature on your blog (i.e. author interviews, memes, something specific to your blog)?
My favorite feature is Cozy Wednesdays. My favorite genre is cozy mystery so each week I welcome cozy authors to guest post and I include a giveaway. The feature gives us a peek at the author behind the pages of the books we love. I was amazed by the use of pseudonyms and how many men are behind the woman’s names on the covers. The authors are sometimes as much of a mystery as their stories.
3. Which is your favorite post that you have written that you want everyone to read?
My most favorite post first appeared on Dollycas’s Thoughts June 9, 2011 and I moved it to this blog on February 12, 2012. A BOOK COVER IS SO MUCH MORE THAN A COVER FOR A BOOK brought Artist Teresa Fasolino to my blog to explain how the beautiful book covers of today are created. She takes us step by step through the process. Since then if I give credit the cover illustrator and cover designer as often as I can. Some of these covers are true works of art.
4. What is your favorite part about the book blogging community?
The best part of the blogging community is “meeting” each other, forming friendships, being able to reach out and find help if you need it, and finding other people have your back on your blog and in real life. I am blessed to have made some wonderful friends that I probably will never meet face to face. With my health issues I face some unusual problems but this community rallies to help anytime I ask. When I decided to move my blog to WordPress I had friends to answer my questions, some pretty stupid, without complaint. Blogging is like therapy some days and a kind word from a fellow blogger or follower can turn my whole day around. Book Bloggers Rock!!
5. Where do you see your blog in five years?
There are many factors that could effect my blog five years down the road. The first is that after my accident in 2001, that left my right side paralyzed, I was given an iffy prognosis for my life. Then about 5 years ago a cyst was found on/near my spinal cord causing a great deal of pain in my arms that has been remedied by medication so far. The doctor at that time told me to live like each day may be my last because a simple fall could cause the cyst to break and any outcome then was not positive. Yet I am still here and kicking at least with one leg. So I treat each day as a gift.
The changes in the publishing world could change the book blogging world entirely as well. I love receiving books and sharing my thoughts and the books with others. I hope I am able to continue blogging the next five years and beyond. I will strive to add new things and keep my thoughts fresh and relevant.
If the Armchair BEA has brought you here for the first time I hope you find something you like and come back often!
If you are already a follower I hope you will tell your friends and help me grow! I love helping people “Escape Into A Good Book”!
I’m glad you’re not letting your condition stop what you love to do. I’m in a wheelchair myself with a genetic condition, so I totally understand the whole not taking a day for granted. I’d love to hear a cover and names of characters come to life! I’ll definitely be checking out your posts. Great meeting you!
I’m sorry for your accident and the way it has affected your life, but I think you are very brave to carry on as your are. It’s good to find an outlet for our thoughts and creativity, such as blogging can give, and I often find myself comforted by not only reading but the posts and reviews of others. Bless you, and it’s nice to meet you.
I am so impressed at your attitude and ability to keep going through your health problems. I hope you continue to keep persevering! And your post on book covers is fascinating!
Pleased to meet you, and thanks for stopping by my Armchair BEA Intro Post.
I love your attitude Lori! Your blog is my favourite to find what what cozy to add to my shelf next!
Enjoy Armchair BEA
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out
I love reading about book covers, definitely going to check out that post!
My bea post is here:
Hey Ms. Dollycas! I have read your blog on and off for years. However, I have missed the Cozy Wednesday feature. I will be reading your blog more often.
I, Too, had a catastrophic injury but mine was in 1986. My right side was paralyzed for 3 months. While I do not feel that side, it moves normally. We have a lot in common!!
What an admirable person you are! Good for you, living each day, one day at a time!
My brother lost feeling in his left side after a stroke but you seem to have an amazing positive attitude with it all, great for you.
The blogging community definitely becomes true friendships.
Thank you for stopping by the blog today!
I don’t know if this is something you can fix, but your site crashed my browser three times while trying to load =( Just thought it was something you should be aware of, since it’s such a gorgeous site and I really wanted to get here!
Each day is a gift, you are so right. You can stay home and keep us comfy. I have always enjoyed reading your blogs and reviews. (That’s why my wish list is so long)
We love you.
I love your Cozy Wednesdays! 😀 Hope you have a fun BEA week!
-Heather @ BookStacksOnDeck
Stopping by for Armchair BEA. I enjoy your blog even though I don’t comment that much. After reading your intro, I admire you perseverance and attitude facing the day to day struggle with pain and disability. I agree, this is a remarkable community of helpful and welcoming people.
I agree, meeting new people is the best part!
I love meeting so many wonderful people through the book blogging community as well! It’s so wonderful. 😀 And we’re definitely all there for each other, which is nice!
Thanks for stopping by!
I too enjoy your blog, and I agree you make my TBR pile get bigger and bigger. I enjoyed learning more about you today, that was fun.
The best of luck with your condition! I know many bloggers (myself included) have things like that which have brought us to blogging. The blogging community is so amazing and supportive over all!
Your cover guest post is so awesome! It’s very interesting.
Thanks for stopping by LIO!
Blogging is indeed a little like therapy! I’m so glad that you were able to find a passion when your health became uncertain. Book bloggers are a wonderful lot 🙂
I’ve got some acute and chronic health issues so I can totally relate to the each day is a gift, I don’t take anything for granted and like you find blogging therapeutic and the blogging community supportive and so giving!! I feel so lucky to be a part of it.
Thanks for sharing Lori, you’re inspirational and I love your blog 🙂
Wow – you have such a positive outlook on things considering all of the health issues you’ve mentioned. very inspiring!
Chrystal, Thanks for stopping by. I am still visiting BEA blogs too!