Welcome to Cozy Wednesday!
I am excited today to have Julie Hyzy drop by for a short Q & A. I will also share my review of
Fonduing Fathers (A White House Chef Mystery). I just love it when Julie comes to visit!!
Hi Julie!
Hi Everyone!
1. What is the best thing about writing a series set at The White House?
When I was a kid, history class was boring. I didn’t care what year a war started or when treaties were signed. Today, I find history fascinating. I particularly enjoy U.S. history and especially love learning anything to do with the White House. Writing these books has encouraged me to learn more about the residence and its families than any class ever could. By placing Ollie in the heart of the home, I’m wrapped in all its glory and magnificence. Researching has become a true joy.
2. What is the worst thing about writing a set at The White House?
By far, the worst thing is that I can’t just run into the president’s home and take a look around whenever I feel like it. Visiting the White House is a big deal and there are a bunch of hoops to jump through before you’re allowed in. Even then, no purse, no pen, no paper, no camera. And most of the building is off-limits. I want to see everything, including secret little spots no one knows about. I’d love it if I could spend hours there, wandering anywhere I pleased.
3. When did you know that you wanted to become an author?
I’d have to say at about age six. I started writing my first books back then. I guess I just always wanted to tell stories. Even as I grew and became an adult, the desire to become an author never left. I was determined to be the youngest published author anywhere, and I decided I’d hit it big by the time I was eleven. That didn’t happen, of course. But I never gave up.
4. What are you reading for fun right now?
As much as I love cozy mysteries, I try not to read them when I’m writing one of my own. I’ve got two books I’m reading for fun right now: The Fiery Cross (Outlander) by Diana Gabaldon, and my youngest daughter’s first novel, a dystopian YA adventure. It’s pretty good!
5. If money was no object and you could escape to anywhere in the world to write where would you go and what do you think the book would be about?
Europe, I think. All over the continent. I was there, once, a couple of years ago and I found it incredibly beautiful and rich with history. I have family in Luxembourg and that country is – though small – amazing. I loved every moment there, and in Italy, and in France, especially along the Normandy coast. My guess is that I’d write about an American in Europe who stumbles over a dead body and needs to rely on her amateur sleuthing skills to save the day. Pretty original there, huh?
Thanks Julie for giving us a little peek at the author behind the stories.
About Julie Hyzy
Anthony and Barry Award winner Julie Hyzy is theNew York Times bestselling author of the White House Chef Mystery series featuring the intrepid Olivia (Ollie) Paras, and the Manor House Mystery series featuring mansion curator Grace Wheaton. Want to know more check out Julie’s webpage.
Fonduing Fathers
(A White House Chef Mystery)
6th in Series
Cozy Mystery
Berkley Prime Crime Mystery
The Berkley Publishing Group (December 31, 2012)
Published by The Penguin Group
Cover Illustration by Ben Perini
Cover Design by Annette Fiore Defex
Mass Market Paperback: 304 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0425251812
E-Book: ASIN: B0095ZMOZU
590 KB
White House executive chef Olivia Paras has enough on her plate. But after gaining new information about her father’s death, the First Family isn’t the only family Olivia is concerned about…
A trip home for Ollie changes everything she knew about her father. Her mother reveals that he was actually dishonorably discharged from the army. He went on to work for a dietary supplement company but was brutally murdered because someone thought he was selling corporate secrets. This doesn’t fit anything she knew about her father and she knew there had to be more to his story. With Gav’s help she is determined get to the truth even if it threatens national security.
Dollycas’s Thoughts
I have to admit that when I first saw this title I had a completely different idea in my head about where this story was headed. Something more to do with Washington or Jefferson. I am so glad I was wrong. This story was amazing!!
Delving into Ollie’s past was a real treat for the mind and soul. Let’s face it fathers and daughters have a bond. Our fathers are our first super heroes. So when Ollie finds out there was part of his life that she knew nothing about – a monumental part of his life – it makes sense she would move heaven and earth to get to the truth. And she almost does.
We are also treated to a closer peek into President Hyden’s relationship with his son Josh. Josh dreams are being chef. The President has other dreams for his son. Ollie smooths the ruffled feathers to make both happy knowing the young man will have plenty of time to explore all his future options. Josh is a awesome kid and ends up playing a very pivotal role in this story.
July Hyzy topped herself with this story. She had me totally immersed into Ollie’s life with some laugh out loud moments and times I was on the edge of my seat. An outstanding mystery! A must read!! You will want to give your own father a big hug. I have sent a virtual one to heaven myself.

Thanks to the people at Penguin
I have 2 copies to giveaway!!
You do not have to be a follower to enter but I hope you will find
something you like here and become a follower.
Followers Will Receive 2 Bonus Entries For Each Way They Follow
Plus 2 Bonus Entries For Liking My Facebook Fan Page.
Leave a comment for Julie for 5 Bonus Entries !
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5 Bonus Entries For Each Link.
Contest Will End January 16, 2013 at 11:59 PM CST
Winners Will Be Chosen By Random.org
Winners Will Be Notified By Email
and Will Be Posted Here In The Sidebar.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. Receiving a complimentary copy in no way reflected my review of this book. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
I love this series and am looking forward to reading “Fonduing Fathers”.
So glad we can read more of Ollie’s adventures, no need to enter me in the giveaway, I buy every single release in this series!
I’m on the first in the Grace Wheaton series. I’d like to start the other series as well. Dee
This series looks like great fun, Julie! I used to live in D.C. and loved visiting the White House when friends came to town. I actually got a private tour of some of the off-limits areas once – an old friend in law enforcement used his connections and I got to tag along. Very interesting! I look forward to reading your books – thanks for being here.
I really enjoy this series and would love to win.
Julie, sounds like a marvelous book and is on the amazon wish list. Of course winning would be better. Praying for your continued inspiration, Susan Fryman
This sounds like a great cozy! Thank you for hosting this giveaway.
Hi Julie — I love that the cover of my new book is in the same colors as yours — I feel promoted somehow by our publisher! Congratulations on all your success and your great story-telling.
I haven’t started reading this series yet, I’ll add it to my list.
A great series. Thanks for this chance.
This book is unique and so appealing.
Hi Lori and Hi Julie!
I am looking forward to the newest book in this series. Congrats on the release. How many books will be written in the series? What is the easiest and hardest thing about writing a series? Thanks.
One of my favorite series and looking forward to reading it!
I really enjoy this series and am looking forward to reading this one. My dad is having some health issues and I think this book will be quite touching for me.
Howdy – This series has been on my radar for at least a year now – I did not realize that Julie was up to # 6!! I have GOT to figure out where to squeeze it into my TBR list before she gets to # 7!!
I’m a follower here and facebook. I tried to get tickets to White House but you have to apply 6 months in advance to get FBI clearance. rhonda_nash_hall@comcast.net
I own a number of Julie’s books, including the White House Chef series. Her writing style and stories entertain me and even make me laugh. I’d love to win a copy of Fonduing Fathers for my home library.
I love this series and this book is next on my list to read.
Would love to read it sounds really good. Thanks for the chance.
Thanks everybody!! This is such a fun site! Thanks, Lori, for having me here!
Christine A. – you asked how many books in this series. At this point I have a contract to write three more in this series and three more in my Manor House series. That means a total of 9 White House Chef and 6 Manor House… unless, of course, the publisher contracts for more
The hardest part about writing a series is keeping it fresh. I don’t ever want to “phone it in” which is easily done. Every book could have Ollie in the kitchen and some bad guy wandering across her path, but that would get boring after a while. At least I think it would. I love changing things up so that readers know they’ll learn more about Ollie but they don’t always know what to expect from one of her adventures. It’s the same with Grace and the Manor House Mysteries. I love the supporting characters, but if things never changed, the stories would get stale.
The easiest part about writing a series … tough one. I’d have to say that it’s probably that I’ve gotten to know my characters so well that I can start each new story more quickly than if I had to come up with an entirely new cast each time.
Thanks, everyone, for stopping by. I hope you enjoy Fonduing Fathers!
I think many girls romanticize their fathers—so I wonder how Ollie handles learning about her father.
Did you ever get to see the White House?. I did when I was in school and loved it. It was so exciting to see where some much history takes place.
I know I have read at least one of the White House Chef books but I never recorded it on my cards. I keep cards for the books I buy.
This is such a terrific series – one of my favorites! I hope you write more than 3 in the future.
Please take my name off the list as I just won on another site. Thanks. Karen B,
I love mysteries, but haven’t read any in a long time. This sounds like an awesome series to get back into mysteries with!
Julie this is a fun series and I love the titles of all your books. Thank you.
I really like Julie’s series. And I liked her comments about why it’s both good and bad to write a book that takes place in the White House! Thanks for the chance to win!
Thanks for t he giveaway. i would love to read this book. Sounds very good.
I love cozy mysteries and fondue, so this should be a great treat!
Good luck with everything Julie! Thanks for hosting this giveaway 🙂
I’ve been looking for a new cozy series and Julie’s series set in the White House sounds terrific.
I really like your series. I used to live at 19th & F sts. (George Washington University) and really like the area details.
I haven’t read this series yet.
Both my husband and I are big fans of this series!
I have yet to read this series, but I do have to say that they all sound great. This one particularly strikes my interest, probably because of where it takes place 🙂 Thank you for your generosity and sharing your thoughts with us! I truly enjoy reading what authors have to say about where they draw their inspirations, their challenges and everything that comes along with writing a book.
this is my favorite cozy series- I cant wait to see what Ollie is up to this time.
History & food are two of my favorite thing. Combine them in a cozy and I am in heaven. i love both of Julie’s series. I’m excited to hear there will be several more on the way. 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!
This is one of my top three favorite mystery series. Can’t wait to read this.
Hi Julie, Congrats on your book being on NYT best sellers. Such a great honor.