Yarn to Go
(A Yarn Retreat Mystery)
Brand New Series!!
Cozy Mystery
A Berkley Prime Crime Mystery
The Berkley Publishing Group (July 2, 2013)
Published by The Penguin Group
Cover Illustration by Patricia Castelao
Cover Design by Rita Frangie
Mass Market Paperback: 304 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0425252215
E=Book File Size: 670 KB
ASIN: B009NY4906
Dessert chef Casey Feldstein doesn’t know a knitting needle from a crochet hook. But after her aunt dies unexpectedly, leaving Casey to run her yarn retreat business, the sweets baker finds herself rising to the occasion—and trying to unravel a murder mystery…
Casey has history of not completing what she starts but decides to complete something her aunt started even though she hasn’t a clue on how to run a yarn retreat. With the help of her friend, Lucinda, and master teacher, Kris, she just may be able to pull it off and close her aunt’s business with no strings left hanging.
But then one of the retreat regulars is found dead in her hotel room. Casey has an inkling the police are missing something. Let’s face it they still have not caught the person who committed the hit and run that killed her aunt, so she doesn’t have much faith in their abilities. She starts to knit the clues together and she plans to unravel all the knots and catch the killer herself if she has to…
Dollycas’s Thoughts
Set in Monterey, California, Betty Hechtman’s new series is off to a fantastic start.
Casey Feldstein is a 35 year old woman whose life has taken several different directions much to her parent’s dismay. The latest turn has taken her to California to her aunt’s guest house. She has a job doing what she loves baking desserts for a local restaurant and baking muffins for several other businesses. Then her aunt is killed and she is left handling the details of her estate.
I fell for this character very quickly along with all the supporting characters. Lucinda is the perfect sidekick, her husband Tag is ultra obsessive compulsive and it drives Lucinda crazy but she loves him. Casey’s old boyfriend arrives on the scene with her parents in hopes are getting her to settle down and do something they approve of. Dane, the neighbor, who is also on the police force, adds to the romantic tension and the humor in the story.
The mystery is extremely well presented and woven through the entire story with ease. There really are three deaths and they may or may not be connected. It was really very interesting to follow all the clues and put everything together.
Hechtman is also the author of The Crochet Mysteries that feature Molly Pink, and an avid crafter so she knows what she is doing in the cozy mystery department. She has not only given us a wonderful story to kick off this series but has laid the groundwork for many more installments.
If you are not familiar with her work you can start with this one and then you can get started on her other series. The eighth book in that series, FOR BETTER OR WORSTED.,comes out in November.

About This Author
Betty Hechtman was born in Chicago, Illinois and on a particularly eventful weekend graduated college, got married and moved to Los Angeles, California. She has a degree in Fine Arts and has had a variety of professions including being a volunteer farm worker on a kibbutz, Sunday school teacher, waitress, retail sales, editor of a finance company newsletter, telephone operator, associate publicist and freelance writer.
Her love of mysteries started with Nancy Drew and blossomed when she began to read Agatha Christie’s books. She has been doing handicrafts since she was a child. It is like a dream come true to be able to mix mystery and yarn craft in her books.
Find out more about Betty and her books on her webpage here and check out posts on Killer Hobbies.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. Receiving a complimentary copy in no way reflected my review of this book. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Adding to my TBR list. Thanks for the recommendation.
I love Monterey – a great setting for a book.
I can’t wait to read it. I added it to my list.
Thanks for the review ~ sounds like another wonderful read! I have added it to my TBR List ~ Happy Reading ~ Cheers~ Elizabeth MacGregor
Cute cover. Thanks for the review. Sounds like a good book.
Sue B
Definitely adding this to my TBR list. Yarn and mysteries — two of my favorite things.