Social Insecurity
(The Brigid Kildare Mystery Series)
1st book in the series
Cozy Mystery
Self Published
Paperback: 242 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1481099134
E-Book File Size: 323 KB
Brigid Kildare is a private eye, but not the typical chase down criminals and cheating husbands private eye. Brigid does the softer stuff, background searches, computer security, pre-employment screening, any investigation that can be done via the computer. She is also unique in that she is an amputee so the running with a prosthetic leg after “perps” just isn’t her thing.
Until now. Some of the elderly ladies in the neighborhood are disappearing. Women who have become friends with Brigid and she knows they wouldn’t just up and move away and not tell her. When she can’t get the police to believe her, even her own father who is the chief!, she launches an investigation on her own. She is a woman on a mission and she is not going to let anything or anybody hold her back.
Dollycas’s Thoughts
Being a woman with a disability myself, having grandmother that was an amputee, and a cozy lover I just had to read this book. I found myself envying Brigid. I was amazed by her prosthetic legs. My grandmother was an amputee after a car accident and her “new” legs were nothing like these. Science has come along way.
Brigid is out there, doing good things for good people. Her disability may slow her down just a bit, but she just keeps right on going, sometimes putting herself in danger. You totally forget this woman is handicapped at all. Growing up with a dad on the police force and her other investigative work have taught her how to follow the clues and put the puzzle together. A great sleuth!
Brigid is also surround by quite a group of eclectic characters. Her friends want to help and try to keep her out of trouble. The police just want her to let the whole thing go and then something happens and they realize she just may be right.
Earl, who is rumored to look like Rick Fox, is a detective who is trying to keep the whole thing in perspective. He has known Brigid almost his whole life and he knows she is not going to back away from this investigation. He recognizes that to keep her safe he needs to know what information she has and try to stay one step ahead of her.
This story is part of a serial so as the clues come together and this mystery is solved the next one is being set up. The author has built a nice foundation in this debut for the characters to move forward. The next book in the series, Meditated Murder, can’t hit my Kindle soon enough. Shannon has definitely left this reader wanting more!!

About Kate Eileen Shannon
Kate Eileen Shannon is a Writer, Artist, and sometimes Real Estate Agent – as she says, ‘a purveyor of ephemera and bagatelle’. Trifles. Little things. Here today, gone tomorrow. In other words, a little of this, a bit of that.
She has had three husbands and two children; lived in Ireland, Rhode Island, and Florida; owned a brake repair shop, an art gallery, a farm, and a boat building business; been a Realtor, a title examiner, a real estate closer, and a government employee which led her straight to being unemployed, laid off, made redundant.
Kate is currently living in Rhode Island overlooking the water and a lighthouse; with her husband, Dick Thomas (who won’t let her have a cat); where she spends her time painting, drawing, and of course working on the next book in the Brigid Kildare mystery series, MEDITATED MURDER.
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Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the author. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. Receiving a complimentary copy in no way reflected my review of this book. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
I’ve already read it and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Hope to galvanise myself into writing a review shortly!
This sounds like something I want on my Everest-sized t-b-r list!
Oh my, this was a surprise to find when I checked my email. Thank you so much for your kind review.