It is always a lot of fun when Sofie Kelly drops by!!
What’s in a Name?
By Sofie Kelly
I steal people’s names. No, I’m not some kind of identity thief who is going to take out five credit cards in your name and order every single product advertised on late-night TV. But if I like your name, it may end up in one of my books.
I’ve always had an affinity for names. As a teenager I wanted to be named Jennifer. That’s because in my mind girls named Jennifer had long, flowing hair, kind of like Susan Dey of The Partridge Family. I did not have long, flowing hair. (Yes, I know Susan Dey was not named Jennifer. My teenage logic was not necessarily logical.)
For me, names often have identities attached to them. Sometimes when I name a character I also give him or her some of the qualities of the real person with that name. For instance Idris, a name I used for a dead character in the Magical Cats mysteries, came from a tombstone. The real Idris outlived two wives and buried them side-by-side in a double plot. I began to imagine what he might have been like. Practical, obviously. He didn’t buy a new plot or a new headstone when his second wife died. He used what he had. Not overly sentimental, either, I decided, because otherwise I don’t think he would have left his two wives to rest side-by-side for eternity. When I created the fictional Idris, I gave him the qualities I imagined for the real man.
Hercules, always makes me think of actor Kevin Sorbo, from the campy Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. So when I gave that name to one of the Magical Cats, I also said that’s who he was named for. The fact that Sorbo was born and raised in Minnesota, the state where the Magical Cats mysteries are set, just felt like a sign that Hercules the cat had the right name.
On the other hand, there is a real Marcus, but the only thing the fictional Marcus and the real Marcus share is their name. The real Marcus is a talented artist and teacher with a funky style and a great sense of humor. The fictional Marcus is a lot more serious and stiff.
Because a lot of names carry their own baggage with them, sometimes I don’t use a name I like. In a recent manuscript I named a con artist, Peter. And realized my mistake almost immediately. My friend, Peter, is kind and gentle and far more likely to give you the shirt off his back than try to scam you out of yours.
It’s not just associations that make me like a name, though. Sometimes it’s just the way the name sounds. Case in point: Benjarvus Green-Ellis. (He’s a running back for the Cinncinnati Bengals.) I just like the sound of his name when I say it. I like his nickname too: The Law Firm. Both are probably a bit too distinctive to use in a book, though. Then there’s Siobhan. It’s Irish. I love that the name looks one way and sounds another. And not only do I like Ogden Nash’s name, I like his poetry too. They’re both a little quirky.
Are there any names that have a particular association for you? Or maybe your name is one I’d like to add to my “collection.” Please share.
Final Catcall:
A Magical Cats Mystery
5th in Series
Cozy Mystery
An Obsidian Mystery (October 1, 2013)
Published by The Penguin Group
Mass Market Paperback: 336 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0451414700
E-Book File Size: 1121 KB
ASIN: B00BC2566I
Small-town librarian Kathleen Paulson gets plenty of entertainment from her extraordinary cats, Owen and Hercules. But when a theatre troupe stumbles into more tragedy than it bargained for, it’s up to Kathleen to play detective….
Marcus has decided to call it quits with Kathleen just because she can’t keep her nose out of his investigations at the exact same time as her ex Andrew shows up in town to try to get her to move back home to Boston and give their relationship another chance.
Mayville Heights also has become the location for a theater festival when their original place runs into to a few snags. This brings all types of drama to this wonderful town both on stage and off. When Kathleen finds director Hugh Davis shot to death at the marina the air starts to fill with talk of fraud and blackmail.
Kathleen again is in the middle of another of Marcus’s investigations and so is someone else he cares about. With a little help from her magical felines Kathleen may just solve another mystery.
Dollycas’s Thoughts
Kathleen has her hands full in this one and I loved it!!
You could cut the romantic tension with a knife. Forced to see each other because of the murder, Marcus and Kathleen just don’t know how to relate to each other. Add Andrew to the mix trying to show Kathleen he has changed but trying to impress her new friends as well and you have a soap opera worthy romantic triangle. Then add a dead body! Viola! Awesome Cozy Mystery!!
This entire series has been well written and had terrific characters and each book is better than the one before. I love the “catversations” with Owen and Hercules and their different attitudes and little rituals. It is also time for Kathleen to make the huge decision. Does she stay or does she go back to Boston? No spoilers here. You will have to read the story yourself.

Find out more about Sofie Kelly and her books here.
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Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. Receiving a complimentary copy in no way reflected my review of this book. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Some names do match the people they belong to, others do not. There are some interesting names out there —- mine is very plain — Donna.
My granddaughter has 3 cats: Atticus (& yes, I do believe it’s from To Kill A Mockingbird); Loki (a Bengal cat); and Sterling Archer. And her bloodhound is Gertrude.
I’ll try this again — my comment didn’t show up [ having lots of trouble with Internet ].
I do think some names just fit that person, but others do not. There is a lady I’ve recently met — Her name is Beverly, but she sure looks to me like a Connie. My name is very plain — Donna, but it’s from my daddy, Don, so it’s just fine.
My granddaughter has 3 cats: Atticus (& yes, from To Kill A Mockingbird); Loki (a Bengal kitty); and Sterling Archer. She also has a bloodhound named Gertrude.
My dads name has always intrigued me. Vaden. All 5 siblings da double names : Paula Lou, Josia Lee, etc (yep, southern family in Oklahoma). Dad didn’t get a middle name just the initial:V. Grandma couldn’t Rememer where Vaden came and no answer concerning the lonely V. But his signature always looked neea VVH. Even better written with his excellent cursive penmanship.
Sometimes it pays to have a normal sounding name. I was named after an uncle even though I am female. But my mom did give me a nick name that sounds like a female thank heaven.
I really like this series. I think it’s easier to go through life with a normal name. My boyfriend’s nephew named his son Hillel and the grandparents weren’t happy. Everyone else in the family has a fairly standard name.
When I was growing up I wanted a “normal” I am happy with mine.
I love this series- one of my very favorites.
This sounds like such a great book! I always liked the name Sarah but my mom has a bad association with that name cuz my dad’s old girlfriend before they met was named Sarah 🙂 So that option was taken out when I was pregnant. My daughter’s name is Molly and she really looks like a Molly! I always wanted to be named Jennifer too! It was a 70s thing lol. My son is Kyle but if he was a girl he was going to be Samantha. Looking at baby name books is really interesting.
Final Catcall, does this mean this is the last book in the series?
I didn’t like the name Jeff for many years because I associated it with a nerdy, drooly kid from my third grade class.
I like the premise of the story and can’t wait to read it.
This series sounds very intriguing. Names are important and suit individuals and creatures.
This book is on my wish list, I can’t wait to read it !!!
Definitely adding to my TBR list. I have always been fascinated with names and to whom they are attached. And there are names I think adorable on a child but I think won’t fit them at all when they are eighty!
Librarians rule okay – from an ex-Librarian. Actually not come across this series before – will have to look out for it
I have always liked my name because it’s just a little different but yet simple–Suzan. However, I don’t like it paired with my middle name of Kay–don’t know why, I guess just the sound of it.
When I was pregnant my husband and I agreed on a boy’s name easily…Ian. We could not pick a girl’s name because what I liked reminded him of someone he didn’t like and the same with me. His brother picked Ashley and his sister-in-law picked Jordan, thus came Ashley Jordan. My second pregnancy his employee liked Savannah and Morgan, thus came Savannah Morgan. We never did get to use the boy’s name that we picked, LOL.
I could not wait to rid myself of my last name, Arringdale. I have what I thought was a simpler last name, but I still have to spell it as most leave out the ‘e’ in Tobey.
I’ve always associated names with people, but my Mother was raised in a small community and everyone had a nickname even the community. I was in my teens before I knew the real name to the community. Today, l know some of the people’s real but not all of them. Your book sounds wonderful. Looking forward to reading it.
I should have been named Sarah Annette – the 13th or 14th in the family – but my mother refused because my initials would have been SAP! Love the series.
I enjoy cozies with cats in them. I could just see our cats involved in mischief
Hi Sofie! Can’t wait to read the new book! I always wanted to be a Sarah, so I named my daughter that! Good use of a good name, yes!? Thanks for the info and chance to win.
Sounds like a good book. Really cute cover.
Sue B
My son has a cat named M because he is “M” azing. He and his wife come up with some strange names for their pets. I just have a 12 y/o dog named Puppy.
I love your books & I love the names of the cats. I have a cat called Shadow. I turn around and there he is, just shows up like a shadow.
I love cat mysteries so much that I named my cats Koko and Yumyum after the cats in Lilian Jackson Braun’s “The Cat Who . . . ” series. Sadly, Koko passed away in January, which somehow makes Yumyum’s name sound odd even to me. But after 7 years, it’s to late to change it now.
It seems like cats have much more interesting names these days than they had when I was a kid. Maybe kids have more interesting names too.
Love this series
book sounds cats in mystery books
It’s fun to hear how you come up with names. Names of pets and people really make a difference.
I love unique names=)
I am Lethea (pronounced Leetha) This is an old family name & I couldn’t be prouder to carry on with a name given to me in honor of my Irish Grandmother=)
My initials are IAM. Sort of strange. My middle name is Adelaide. I truly hate that. My first name was my mother’s so I cannot complain too much. My first cat’s name was Circe. She was black. Need I say more? I named my first horse Druid. All my pet names fit. I don’t think mine fit me.
I’ve read some of the previous books and enjoyed them. I would love to win a copy of this book.
thank you so much for the opportunity to win this.
nice picture of Sorbo
great logic and name for a cat
need this for my collection
love to WIN
Thank you so much looking forward to reading this one. Have a wonderful day