My friend, Liz Lipperman, has a new Clueless Cook Mystery out
and you are going to love it!!
I am so happy she could squeeze in time to visit tight before the holidays!!!
By Liz Lipperman
First of all, I want to thank Dollycas for having me on her blog today. She’s such a diversified reader, and I love her reviews. Now onto the post.
Last week we had an arctic storm blow into the Dallas area that crippled the entire Metroplex for three days. I posted this picture on my Facebook page because it is so funny — and true about Texans and snow. But in our defense, we don’t see many snow/ice storms, and consequently, DOT has a limited number of snowplows to routinely clean up the roads the way you northerners have.
Plus we can go from sleeveless one day to ski clothes the next — which is exactly what happened here. It was 80° on Wednesday and 28° on Thursday after the storm arrived.
I tell you this because I had a rude awakening when I went into the grocery store Thursday morning intending to buy the food for our weather-related house arrest.
The grocery store I use didn’t look as bad as the one above, but it was severely depleted. They didn’t even have green peppers, for heaven’s sake. No red, orange, or yellow either. It made me wonder what people were eating while they were stuck in their houses. Since I live in Texas where we have a large Hispanic population and I was planning on making chicken fajitas and figured everyone else was, too, that explained the no peppers.
All this got me thinking about what stores in different areas around the country would look like in this situation. Would there be no oranges in Florida? No pizza in Chicago? No Kolaches in West, Texas, where there’s a big Czech population? No hot dogs in New York?
Again this got me thinking — which is dangerous all by itself. Here in the United States, we have so many different cultural groups that influence what is marketed in different areas of the country.
So I did some more thinking about how this might relate to reading books— geez! (It’s a wonder I didn’t blow a brain fuse.) What if everyone only liked to read literary fiction? Or biographies? Or how-to books?
First of all, I would be dead meat, since I write mystery/suspense. But wouldn’t the world be a dull place if you walked into a Barnes & Noble with only those types of books. No Clive Custer, Janet Evanovich, or Nora Roberts. I, for one, would be devastated. Although my TBR pile is composed mostly of mysteries and thrillers, occasionally I venture out into other genres, especially those written by my friends.
Thank heavens we have so many choices, and the world is filled with people like you guys who read a book just because it’s good. Who get invested in the story because you fall in love with the characters and not because it’s a certain genre.
In the New Age of publishing there is so much more out there in all genres. Sometimes it’s even free. And prices have come down on a lot of books, especially digital downloads, all of which is conducive to trying new stuff and new authors. I love that. It’s really all about good characters and good writing, anyway. The only difference between a paranormal mystery and a regular mystery, for example, is the way the story is presented. A killer is a killer even though he may be a dragon or have supernatural powers. Am I making my point or just confusing you?
I’ll close with a little story about my six-year-old grandson, who always gives me lots of material to work with. We were on a family vacation last summer, and I had popped a bag of popcorn that had been on the shelf for a long time. I followed the microwave directions to a T, but somehow, I ended up with burnt popcorn — and you know how bad that can smell. Anyway here’s the conversation between my grandson and me.
Him: “Nana, why’d you burn the popcorn?”
Me: “I did exactly what they told me to do.”
He crinkled his brow and asked, “Someone told you to burn the popcorn?”
See how words can be interpreted differently? And with that, I’ll end with a question. Are you eclectic with your reading preferences, or do you stick to one or two genres only? One lucky commenter will receive a copy of CHICKEN CACCIA-KILLER, my latest cozy release.
Liz is one busy author with several books coming in 2014 too!! Check out her webpage here to find out more about Liz and all her books.
Chicken Caccia-Killer
(A Clueless Cook Mystery) (Volume 4)
4th in Series
Cozy Mystery
Self Publshed (December 5, 2013)
Paperback: 236 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1494286064
E-Book File Size: 498 KB
Forced to fight to keep her job as the culinary reporter at the Ranchero Globe, Jordan must cover the International Italian Festival coming to town. But along with the festivities and great Italian food, she has to deal with meeting her boyfriend Alex’s mother and sister for the first time.
When an arrogant Italian playboy falls to his death from a suite at a swanky hotel during a pre-festivities party and Alex’s sister Kate is charged with his murder, Jordan springs into action to find clues that could prove her innocence. But the real killer doesn’t appreciate that she getting too close. Can Jordan and her motley crew of friends thwart his efforts and catch the killer before he succeeds?
Dollycas’s Thoughts
Liz Lipperman writes some of the funniest stories I have ever read and this one is no exemption. She puts Jordan is some of the craziest predicaments, dangerous and hilarious. Jordan is always right in the middle of the trouble, even when she doesn’t even have to cook.
Meeting Alex’s mother and sister had her nervous to begin with but then his sister just happens to have a fight with a guy right before he topples to his death. Jordan knows there has to be more to the story so she has to get involved in the investigation. She just can’t help herself. She also has a sidekick to help her investigate, Alex’s mother, which both hastens and hampers her efforts. Natalie is a hoot!!
This whodunit has plenty of twists and turns. Secrets are revealed and there are plenty more suspects that just poor Kate. It seems the dead guy’s playboy status more than rivals Hugh Hefner’s. He was one busy fella! Although some of enemies were also male!
Chase away those winter blues with this wonderful cozy. Be sure to try out recipes too!! Carlita’s Italian Cake Balls sound scrumptious. There is also one for Ginny’s Braided Spaghetti Bread made with Rhodes Dinner Rolls. This put quite a smile on my face as this reviewer worked for Rhodes for almost 15 years 🙂

Thanks to the author I have 1 copy to give away!
Contest is open to anyone over 18 years old
with a US mailing address.
Answer Liz’s Question!
Are you eclectic with your reading preferences,
or do you stick to one or two genres only?
One lucky commenter will receive a copy of CHICKEN CACCIA-KILLER, my latest cozy release.
Contest Will End January 1, 2013 at 11:59 PM CST
Winner Will Be Chosen By
Winner Will Be Notified By Email
and Will Be Posted Here In The Sidebar.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. Receiving a complimentary copy in no way reflected my review of this book. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
I mostly read mysteries and fantasy, but I also like romance, some science fiction, some non-fiction just to spice everything up.
I’m an eclectic reader. Although I mostly read cozy mysteries, I also read sci-fi/fantasy and adventure stories – I love Clive Cussler, not Clive Custer ;), and an occasional war or spy novel.
OMG! I didn’t even catch that error about Clive Cussler, Dotty. I have never mastered the art of typing fast without a lot of mistakes. Anyway, I love his books as well. Matter of fact, in my RS special opes series coming this year, I even use one of his NUMA underwater vehicles!! AND wow–from cozies to spy novels!! You are eclectic.
My favorite genre are romance and mystery thrillers. At the same time though, I love to read and am open to anything that strikes my fancy!!!
Sounds exactly like me, Jeanne. As I mentioned, I will venture out occasionally. Thanks for commenting.
Cozies and family-drama fiction (i.e. Barbara Delinsky) is what I usually read. However, I’m trying to read more non-fiction, especially biographies.
Love Delinsky. And I also like biographies. It;s amazing to see how people emerge into the superstars/politicians/etc.
I read many books in many categories. If a book is well written I usually enjoy it.
That’s exactly how I feel, Gram. The trouble is, there are so many great writers out there that my TBR pile is overwhelming.
I re cozies and a few paranormal.
Hey, Nancy, good to see you here. Fingers crossed for you to win this cozy.
I enjoyed the first few books in this series
Thank you, Sandy. I have so much fun writing these characters. Hope you get a chance to read this one, too.
I generally read only a few categories: mysteries, fantasies, horror and paranormal, and occasionally romance. All escapist literature!
That’s exactly what a good book is supposed to do–take you away from the drudgery and hecticness (is that a word??) of your own world. Thanks for commenting.
I read all kinds of books, fiction, mystery, si-fi, nonfiction . Really I read just about anything,
I live to read lol. because you never are bored , you travel the world and you solve mysteries keeping your mind sharp
You sound like an author’s dream reader, Debbie. And I agree that books are magical and can take you away for a few hours.
Kaye, you sound like you like several genres, which is good. Fingers crossed that you win a copy of CCK.
And to everyone, good morning. I woke up to this wonderful review from Dollycas, and I can’t stop smiling. And I had no idea you worked for Rhodes, D. The man who gave me permission to use the recipe was so gracious, he even sent me a wonderful recipe book (you can get any of their recipes free on their website.)
I am really eclectic. I will read just about any genre. The top 4 right now are mystery, UF, paranormal romance and contemporary romance.
That’s a great top 4, Anne. Thanks for sharing and fingers crossed.
I usually read a lot of genres but there are some I don’t read, too. I stay away from erotica or historical fiction for two examples.
I’m like you, lkish. There is nothing about werewolves or dragons that I like, but I read them because I have writer friends who write them. It goes back to that “if the writing is good” thing.
Sounds like a fun read! Would love to win…
Then we’ll have to cross our fingers for you as well, Martha. Thanks for commenting.
I’ll read ALMOST anything. I don’t do erotica in any format (I leave that to my sister in law). I started out with Nancy Drew, the Hardy Boys. Then in my early teens I moved into science fiction and fantasy. As I got older I started reading British mysteries and such. These days when I’m bored I’ll even read the instructions on the food packages I buy.
My list of authors read would fill a small town phone directory and the list of genres even boggles my own mind. You’d have to check my blog site for the exact list of the genres.
Liz, I’m a big fan of this series and own a number of your other titles.
Waving at Nora, who is also a reviewer. Now might be a good time to slip it in that the nicest thing you can do for an author is to review her book on the sites–good, bad, or indifferent. Okay-off that soapbox and back to Nora. I think it’s terrific that you are so diversified in your reading tastes. The instructions off food packages?? I’ll have to burn the candle at both ends to keep you in books!! Thanks for commenting, Nora. I love that you keep the books after you read them.
It really depends on my mood. I just love reading! I don’t read too many nonfiction though. I love mysteries, YA, clean romance, dystopian, fantasy, Christmas, cozies, …… I could go on and on! My son liked the story about the popcorn. And I love the Texas snow story. How funny! I have a friend who lives there and I know the snow was crazy there.
Christy, thanks for commenting.It sounds like you;re pretty eclectic in your reading tastes as well. As an author, I love that.
I read many different genres. Sometimes I’ll read a bunch of contemporary romance in a row. sometimes it’s cozy mysteries and sometimes small town romance. It really depends on my mood. Once I read like ten western books in a row. lol
Rita, I laughed when I read your comment. Now if I could just get you going with my books!! Thanks for commenting.
I read fiction – family sagas, mysteries and suspense.
Those are two of my favs as well, Anne. Thanks for commenting.
I read Cozy Mystery, SiFi, and just any books I win. Love to share after reading so they get good use! Any chance of another giveaway for New and Past books in this set?
Sharing is a great idea, especially if you really enjoyed the book. And Sherry, sign up for my street team. I have lots of giveaways there. It’s a facebook private group of writer/readers who help me promote my books. At the release party for this book, there was a giveaway every hour. And check your library. We’ll be gearing up for the release of a Valentine anthology I’m in that will come out in early January and the second book of my Dead Sister Talking Series releasing in May.
I am very eclectic in my reading. I can be reading a John Grisham novel one day and a cozy mystery the next. I’ve always been that way. I just love all books! Even some sci-fi books though they tend to take longer to read as some of them can be very weird.
Somehow I missed this comment. Good to see you here, Angie. (She’s one of my street team members) I agree with you about sci-fi. I met a woman at my book signing in Ohio last weekend who only read that genre. I kept looking at her to see if I could see anything trekkie or weird about her. LoL. Again–different strokes.
Yes, I am very eclectic. I love sci-fi, sci-fi fantasy, paranormal, urban paranormal, young adult, new adult, chick lit, mysteries, cozy mysteries… I have an odd habit where I only want to read a certain type of book so I’ll just read mysteries for months or romances for months and then I move to another genre:)
cc_clubbs at yahoo dot com
I don’t think that;s an odd habit. I do that with certain foods. Right now I am on a Braunsweiger tear. I grew up eating it and can’t get enough of it now. OMG! I just read what’s in it. I’m like Jordan–I am really picky.
I have always loved braunsweiger and it makes me sad how fattening it is:( I have cut it out of my diet and I miss it so much!!
I buy the Boa’s Head low fat and it only has 2 grams of carbs.
love reading Cozy mysteries. Happy Holidays
Gloria, same to you. Thanks for commenting.
I mostly read cozy mysteries with a little fantasy and light romance thrown in.
Sue, I love that you like the romance part. No matter how hard I try, I always end up with a love interest that I also fall in love with. Who wouldn’t love Alex?? He looks like a god and cooks like one, too!!
First, I live in a suburb of Dallas and had the same experience when I went to the grocery store Thursday evening. I was lucky to find a loaf of bread that someone must have decided they didn’t need on the paper goods aisle. There wasn’t a loaf left on the bread aisle. And worst of all there wasn’t a single box of tea left on the shelves. And we were out. You know it’s bad when Texans can’t have their iced tea!!
As to reading preferences, I will read any genre. My favorite is mystery/thriller, but I mix it up with every other genre all the time. It isn’t unusual for me to have a mystery, non-fiction biography, and historical romance/chick lit book going at the same time.
What it is about southerners and their sweet tea?? Loved your bread story, Ellie.
Way back when I was around 12 I started devouring Nancy Drew, so its no leap to say I really enjoy Cozys but I soon expanded to Romance and now Romance with a little suspense, Since I joined Good Reads, I’ve expanded a little more. I used to say no to any Sci fi but I recently read Blue Hearts and really enjoyed that. Partly because it was well written. So a well written book goes a long way to expand our reading preferences.
Love hearing this. See, it’s all about the characters and the writing. Thanks for sharing that.
Mostly mystery and fantasy (I love Diana Wynne Jones!) but, like a magpie, my attention is caught by shiny objects and those can be books.
Libby, I haven’t read Diana, but I will give her a try. And I love the magpie reference!!
I love to read contemporary romance and mysteries mostly.
Then you;re in luck., Leanna because I write contemporary and mysteries. I have a short story coming from Amazon publishers sometime next year that is mostly romance, but anyone who knows me won’t be surprised to see a gun in there. Thanks for commenting.
I am definitely eclectic. I go from anywhere from Christian to Erotic, Romance, to Children’s. My motto has always been “give a book a chance”. I have always heard never judge a book by its cover, so I always gave an author a chance. Some of the best books have came from taking that “shot in the dark”. Just found a new author: Courtney Cole. I can see an adventure finding the rest of her Beautifully Broken Series (especially since our local library doesn’t have any of her books).
You are eclectic, Jumpin’. I haven’t read this author, but FYI, she;s got a freebie on Amazon!!
I mostly enjoy cozies & historical fictions…..i’ll throw in some YA’s……, I guess, I’m not that eclectic…………
thank you for the giveaway!!!
It’s okay to love one or two genres. I tend to stay with mystery/suspense myself. Thanks for commenting.
I read mostly Cozy/Suspense/Mystery/Thriller, then add in Women’s fiction (Wendy Wax, Karen White), other fiction and a little bit of this or that if it catches my fancy. Several genres just have no interest to me.
First choice is cozy mystery, but that has evolved over the years. Have always liked mystery, but read the more spy or thriller types previously.
Barbara, a mystery reader after my heart. Thanks for commenting.
I read cozy and other mysteries mainly. But like some other things, I will read romances, some biographies, and other genres depending on if I am working on a challenge or see a book I like. I have done A-Z challenges the last two years and you never know what you will find for the letters you need.
The A-Z challenge sounds like fun…and interesting. Thanks for commenting.
I read many genres, but the cozy mystery is my choice for reading just before I fall asleep, or when I wake up in the middle of the night. I read poetry, lots of nonfiction, biographies, and usually literature for my book club. Also books on quilting.
Love Liz’s clueless cook series! I read mostly cozy mysteries. Saying that, I also read historical mysteries, the “harder” mysteries/thrillers. Graphic description of murder are less & less appealing. I tend to shy away from those mysteries involving children and women being brutally tortured and murdered. And like the amateur sleuth especially if I can laugh or at least smile at the characters. I do read biographies and historical fiction at times. Thanks for the review, comments, and giveaway!
You have just made my night, Linda!! And I love to laugh when I read as well. I love writing vulnerable characters who aren’t afraid to laugh at themselves. Having grown up number 8 of 9 kids, if I didn’t laugh at myself first, one of my siblings would beat me to the punch.
Meant to comment on storm frenzy -if you Dallas is bad, you should see Houston when there’s a hint of ice/snow!! And, I just finished reading Dead Sister Talking series #1 -Heard it through the grapevine. Really enjoyed the unique concept. Only way to make mysteries better would be audiobooks released at same time as digital and print! 🙂
Ha! That series is based on my relationship with my own 4 sisters, one of whom died way too young and was nothing like my ghost Tessa. Book 2 releases in May and it’s Maddy’s turn to get into trouble. And I believe you have ESP!! That series is coming out on audio soon!!
Maybe not ESP, but the insight of 30+ years working as a librarian and knowing a good series when I read it. And, yes, I’ll definitely “re-read” the series on audio.
I like to mostly read fiction. Romance if there is suspense in it, Cozy mysteries but than also could read a James Patterson type mystery more of a thriller.. I also enjoy drama, psychological fiction books. I have read some memoirs that have been interesting. Mostly women’s fiction.
Hey, Mary, thanks for sharing your preferences. I used to love James Patterson–not so much anymore. And FYI, I have a new romantic suspense series starting next year called SWEEPERS. Look for it.
I will mostly read just about any book when desperate, but, my true preferences run to historic fiction, mystery, cozy mystery and nonfiction.
I like that attitude, Vennie. Thanks for commenting.
I mainly read 3 or 4 different book genres, including Romance, Historical Romance, and cozy mysteries.
Your new book sounds very interesting! and the recipes sound Great! =)
Lori, I didnt know that you worked for Rhodes! Did you get to take some yummy things home?
Thanks, Linda. Maybe you;ll win and get a chance to read it!! And the recipes are awesome, especially the Italian nachos.
I prefer to read cozy mysteries that feature food or book themes, but I also read YA lit, biographies, time-travel, cookbooks and classics.
Ah, mom, then I am right up your alley!! Come on. You know you want to try me.LOL Seriously, thanks for commenting.
i started out with nancy drew. then when i got older (teens)i would read different harlequin series and silhouette.which i still read but now i’ve discovered cozy mysteries which i really enjoy.thanks to this site.
Lori is amazing, although her reading tastes are eclectic, as well. I love reading her reviews. Thanks for commenting.
lag110 at mchsi dot com
Good to know. Thanks for commenting. Fingers crossed.
I like to read a variety to spice things up 🙂
I love the way you put that, Karen. Thanks for commenting.
I like to read a lot of different genre’s, but since mysteries and thrillers are my favorite books they are what I read most of. This book sounds wonderful.
They’re my favorites, too, Anita. And thanks for the kind words.
I like to read all types of books. My favorites are cozy mysteries. However i enjoy historical fiction, thrillers, suspense, romance, fiction, animal stories, and even the good accouning/tax season prep book.
Sounds like you definitely qualify as an eclectic reader, Elisa. Thanks for sharing that.
I am definitely an eclectic reader! I enjoy reading just about everything, though cozy mysteries are my absolute favorites.
I appreciate your comment, Brooke. Thanks for sharing it.
Cozies are my favorites, but I dabble into romance or chick lit
Samantha, are there still chick lit out there? I haven’t read one of those in a while. Who are the writers int hat genre that you would suggest?
Would you believe before last week, I had never even HEARD the term “cozy mystery”? While most of my reading for the past, oh 20 years, has been either parenting, children’s books or textbooks, I am a reading ho…er, I mean I am eclectic in my choice of books…I’ll read (just about) anything! :O)
Authors love reader hos!! And I have to share a funny story. When my agent submitted my grittier mystery series (now titled A Dead Sister Talking Series) to Berkley, the editor loved it but said she would have to ruin it to make it a cozy. She asked if I could write a cozy series for her. When my agent related the question, I said, “Absolutely,” then paused before asking, “What’s a cozy??” I have come to realize it is basically a G rated mystery with lovable characters. But since I try to do that with every book, I had no idea there was a category for that. Okay, I have to confess that I write these grittier R rated mysteries as Lizbeth Lipperman.
I am very eclectic in my reading. I have two readers on my tablet, plus a kindle and physical books. When I am reading on all four I need to have different genres to keep the stories clear. I’m not fond of non-fiction, but I read it if someone gives it to me or it’s highly recommended. Thank you for the giveaway!
Holy cannoli!! How in the world do you keep the characters straight? You are truly an eclectic reader. Thanks for sharing that.
I’m a fairly eclectic reader. I read to escape the everyday world, so the only books I avoid are non-fiction things like biographies, political commentaries and other depressing tomes.