Duffy Brown is my guest today!
Her new book Pearls and Poison is one crazy cozy you will all love!!
Sleuthing and the BFF…
By Duffy Brown
It’s that dark and stormy night we hear so much about, your car just broke down in the middle of nowhere and you forgot to recharge your cell phone. In the moonlight you see an old dilapidated farmhouse off in the distance.
The question is… Who’s walking to that farmhouse with you?
Sherlock has Watson with him, Perot has Captain Hastings, Nancy Drew has boyfriend Ned, Stephanie Plum has Lula. Some sleuths even have a cat or dog. Sometimes they even talk. I wish my cats talked. Actually I wished they did the laundry and vacuumed but I digress.
Every sleuth has a BFF to chat with, get into trouble with, drink with.
On TV Beckett has Rick Castle. The SCI people have each other kicking around and Lizbeth has tea-drinking Patrick Jane in the Mentalist.
It’s not just solving the crimes together that makes them BFFs, but sharing their personal lives. IMO it’s this personal touch that’s the most interesting part of the show or book. Don’t you love when Sherlock does something nice for Watson or Perot and Hastings travel and take on the chase together or when Becket and Castle turn to each other and say I know who the killer is!
That LuLa is a once-upon-a-time hooker makes for a great character, that Patrick Jane is hunting for Red John keeps us riveted, that Rick Castle is has a grown daughter and a boyfriend who is nothing like Rick and has his mother is living with him gives a human touch to finding killers and tripping over dead bodies.
In my book the Consignment Shop Mysteries protagonist Reagan has BFF Auntie KiKi. KiKi was once a roadie for Cher and spouts Cher-isms when giving sage advice like A girl can wait for the right man to come along but in the meantime she can have a darn good time with all the wrong ones. When KiKi was born the angels chanted cha-cha-cha over her crib and turned her into Savannah’s resident dancing teacher, when Reagan’s mom was born she was wrapped in a blanket with pink elephants resulting in Reagan being named Reagan.
In Pearls and Poison, Reagan’s mom is running for city council and her opponent winds up dead…that’s one way to win an election. Daughter Reagan and Auntie KiKi run to the rescue to find the real killer discussing suspects over martinis.
Back to our dark and stormy night. We know who our sleuths have at their sides when going into that creepy old house. So who would you have tagging along. Who is at one person that when you show up at their house with a dead body grabs a shovel and doesn’t ask questions.
When life goes right to hell in a hand-basket, who do what at your side?
About This Author
Duffy Brown loves anything with a mystery. While others girls dreamed of dating Brad Pitt, Duffy longed to take Sherlock Holmes to the prom. She has two cats, Spooky and Dr. Watson, her license plate is Sherlock and she conjures up who-done-it stories of her very own for Berkley Prime Crime. Duffy’s national bestselling Consignment Shop Mystery series is set in Savannah and the Cyclepath Mysteries are set on Mackinac Island. Duffy writes romance as Dianne Castell and is a USA Today bestselling author.
Pearls and Poison
(A Consignment Shop Mystery)
3rd in Series
Cozy Mystery
A Berkley Prime Crime Mystery
The Berkley Publishing Group (March 4, 2014)
Published by The Penguin Group
Cover Illustration by Julia Green
Cover Design by Diana Kolsky
Mass Market Paperback: 304 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0425252482
E-Book File Size: 1534 KB
It’s election time in Savannah, Georgia, and Judge Guillotine Gloria—aka Reagan Summerside’s mom—is neck and neck in the polls with Kip “Scummy” Seymour. But the already dirty campaign is about to get downright filthy—with one candidate getting buried six feet under…
With her strong opinions and knack for getting into trouble, Reagan is not an ideal volunteer for her mother’s alderman campaign. Plus, she’d rather be running her consignment shop, the Prissy Fox, and eating doughnuts with her dog, Bruce Willis. But when her mother’s opponent, Kip, is found poisoned and her mother is pegged as a suspect, Reagan nominates herself as lead murder investigator.
Reagan is intent on finding Kip’s killer and clearing her mother’s good name, but she soon finds herself on the bad side of Kip’s enemies-turned-suspects. This time, no amount of costumes and makeup can keep her inconspicuous and out of danger. Because the closer Reagan gets to the truth, the hotter things get…
Dollycas’s Thoughts
Another winner from Duffy Brown!!
These are some of the best cozy characters out there today. Reagan and Aunt Kiki are pure treasures. Boone continues to grow on me and he is starting to grow on Reagan as well. Judge Gloria was a little more mellow this time but then she was the prime murder suspect so she was “watching her p’s and q’s”, except she was “helping” at the Consignment Shop. Reagan exercised extreme patience with her mother. I don’t know how she did it 🙂
While this story is full of Southern charm it is the dialogue that makes this story stand out. When these characters communicate the reader can almost hear the words like they are right there in the Prissy Fox or running around with Reagan chasing down clues and ducking danger.
The political plot worked really well except I wouldn’t ever expect a judge to want to be an alderperson, but maybe that is the way things work in Georgia. Dirty politics is always a great jump off for mysteries and this one had plenty of twists to keep us guessing.
Great characters, wonderful setting, a believable plot, southern charm, sassy dialogue and humor all add up to make this one fine cozy.

Thanks to the people at Penguin I have 2 copies to give away!
Plus the author is giving away 2 Pearl and Poison Tote Bags!!
That’s 4 winners!!
Contest is open to anyone over 18 years old
with a US or Canadian mailing address.
Duplicate entries will be deleted. Void where prohibited.
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Contest Will End March 26, 2014 at 11:59 PM CST
Winners Will Be Chosen By Random.org
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Check out the rest of the tour!
Tour Participants
March 4 – A Date with a Book – Review, Guest Post
March 5 – Chloe Gets A Clue – Interview – Blog is having server issues – She should be back up soon.
March 6 – Melina’s Book Blog – Review, Interview, Giveaway
March 7 – Cozy Up With Kathy – Review, Guest Post
March 7 – Thoughts in Progress – Review – Giveaway
March 8 – A Year of Jubilee Reviews – Review, Giveaway
March 9 – Psychotic State Book Reviews – Review – Giveaway
March 10 – Book Lady’s Booknotes – Review, Guest Post
March 10 – Mochas, Mysteries and Meows – Guest Post, Giveaway
March 11 – My Recent Favorite books – Review, Giveaway
March 12 – Melissa’s Eclectic Bookshelf – Interview, Giveaway
March 12— Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – Cozy Wednesday (Guest Post)
March 13 – Deal Sharing Aunt – Review, Guest Post, Giveaway
March 14 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – Review, Guest Post, Giveaway
March 15 – Brooke Blogs – Review, Giveaway
Giveaway at each stop!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. Receiving a complimentary copy in no way reflected my review of this book. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
I love this series, it can only get better 🙂
Hi, Christina! Great seeing you here. So glad you’re enjoying the series. Reagan and Auntie KiKi are always up to something. Never a dull moment. Hugs, Duffy.
I’m a southern girl, so sassy and southern are right up there on top for me!! Sounds like a wonderful read and thanks for the chance to win!!
Hi, Jeanne. The South is a great place to set a series. So much atmosphere. Savannah is incredible with the Spanish moss and live oak trees. Lovely.
Sounds like a great book ,would love to win
Hi, Debbie. Thanks for stopping by and chatting. Hugs, Duffy
I really love this series and can not wait to get this installment and read it!!
Hi, Donna. That you are enjoying Reagan and Auntie KiKi and the Savannah regulars really makes my day. Thanks tons. Hugs, Duffy
This sounds like another winner!
Thanks, Alicia. Nothing more fun than murder, mayhem and a few dead bodies to make life interesting. Hugs, Duffy
Sounds like another great one!
I haven’t read this series yet.
HI Sandy. Hope you stop by my website and take a look around. Hugs, Duffy
Wonderful series. Best wishes.
So glad you’re enjoying the Consignment Shop series, Sharon. Thanks for stopping by. Hugs, Duffy
I just love your books Duffy! I can’t wait to read this one. Congratulations on your new release!!
Hi, Kelly. Thank you so much! I’m so glad you’re having fun in Savannah with Reagan, KiKi and the gang. Hugs, Duffy
Sounds like a wonderful read.
Hi, Rita. Always something fun going on with Reagan and Auntie KiKi and that scalawag and oh so handsome Walker Boone. Hugs
Great series, and my birthday is April 3, so maybe I’ll get lucky and win something! 🙂
Hi, Carol. Happy early Birthday. Thanks for stopping by and chatting. Hugs, Duffy
I love this series!! It has me smiling and laughing in parts. =)
Cant wait for more books from Reagan and the gang!
Thanks so much, Melissa. That Pearls and Poison had you laughing sure makes my day. We all need a little more fun in our lives. Thanks so much for writing. Hugs, Duffy
I love this series. It always makes me laugh and keeps me guessing.
Hi Cricket. So glad you’re having fun with the series. Thanks for posting. Hugs, Duffy
Duffy is one of my favorites so much so that I don’t need to win as I own all her books! They are great reads with characters I wish I could be friends with! It doesn’t get better than that. And, Duffy she is wonderful!
Thanks tons, Love a mystery! You are so sweet. I really appreciate it. Thanks tons. and since you already own my books I’ll send you a Pearls and Poison tote. Just drop me a note of FB with your address. Hugs,
I love this series, can’t wait for the next book.
Thanks tons, Dotty. I really appreciate it. So glad you’re having fun with Reagan, KiKi and that hunk Boone. Hugs, Duffy
I want my hubby by my side – at all times. I also would want my daughter to be right by me when the going gets rough. She’s already been thru some tough times with me, but that was more than 20 years ago when she was still in high school.
Daughter is one that will help (guilt) me into cleaning out and getting rid of stuff — think I need her help right now to push me to a consignment shop. Or maybe your book will do that?
My daughters are my BFFs too. Wouldn’t know want to do without them. I am indeed blessed!
Will be curious to see how Reagan’s mom will do in the end! Congrats on the new title, Duffy! And thanks for the chance to win.
Guillotine Gloria had he share of enemies. Who knows what will happen. 🙂 Thanks for chatting, Holden J.
This sounds really good. I look forward to reading it.
Oh, the right side kick… BBF makes a story so much more interesting and fun! I look forward to Pearls and Poison, this is a great series.
Thanks so much,Merry. Auntie KiKi and Reagan are BFFs for sure,
Another new series to follow. I’m ready to cozy up!
Hope you give Pearls and Poison a try. I’ll buy the book back if you don’t laugh at least once. 😉 Hugs, Duffy
I have only a few cozy series that I REALLY love and can’t wait to read each new book in the series and yours is one of them Duffy. I was thrilled to get my copy of Pears and Poison and to get a copy for my daughter for her birthday tomorrow signed by the one and only Duffy. I am so glad that you switched from romance to mysteries; what would we do without you, Duffy?? Thank you for everything. You are a peach. Wish MA was not so far away from OHIO. Darn.
How I would love to attend one of your book signings, or other events. Wishful thinking I know.
Continues success in all that you do. You are one special lady.
Hi, Cynthia. you are so sweet. Mystery readers are the best ever. Thanks for your kind words, I really appreciate it. Thanks for everything. Hugs, Duffy
I would like to take Duffy along as I want to meet her. You all can meet the other me on page 100 as my name is used for a character in the book. Duffy sent me an authographed copy and a tote bag and I had won a bag in a contest. So, I am not entering to win a book I love so far. I might just have to take a trip to Ohio so I can meet my internet friend.
This is a fun series. Even though I can not shop in consignment shops because my ocd kicks in I like to hear what others find
A lot of the things we get in are new with tags. Maybe you can just shop for the new stuff. Hugs, Duffy
I’m really enjoying this series and look forward to reading this one.
Hi, Linda. So glad you’re having fun with the series. You never know what Reagan and Auntie KiKi are up to next. Hugs, Duffy
I love that it is set in the south. It sounds like fun and interesting read. The name alone makes you want to read it.
Hi, Anita
If you have a thing for South like I do you’ll gave a good time with Reagan and Aunie KiKi. I just love Savannah. Wish I was there now. Hugs.
I like that… who do you want by your side? Plus, you are right, the humanizing bits are what keep us glued to the book / tv screen. I wonder how many of us think of ourselves as the Sherlock and how many see ourselves as the Watson…
This is a great series and Pearls and Poison sounds like a wonderful addition to the on-going saga. I love consignment shops! I have found some lovely treasures in thrift and consignment shops. They are also great for finding play clothes for my grandkids. It hurts when they ruin a nice garment that cost way more than it was worth. It’s not so bad when it’s something you paid a dollar or less for. And you can always congratulate yourself on your good sense.
Hi, Goldenmane. Thanks for writing I love consignment shopping! Have gotten some of the best deals ever. I get my grandkids play and even good clothes at the Snooty Fox here in town. Such funds. Have a good week.
I love the supporting cast in this series. Aunt Kiki is absolutely wonderful!! Keep the good books coming!!!
Thanks so much, Suekey! So glad you’re having fun with Auntie KiKi and the gang. If you’d like some SWAG just email me DuffyBrown@DuffyBrown.com
i havent read any of the series yet but it sounds great.would love to win.thanks for the chance
Hi, Angela. Hope you give Pearls and Poison a change. I think you’ll have fun with Reagan and Auntie KiKi and the Savannah regulars.
I agree…we all need an assistant sleuth or at least a sympathetic buddy to help us figure out stuff. I can hardly wait to read this book to see how things work out for them.
Reagan and Auntie KiKi are always up to something, Betty. Never a dull moment in Savannah. Hugs, Duffy
anyone wanting Pearls and Poison swag just email me DuffyBrown@DuffyBrown.com with your snail address so I can send it to you via mail. Hugs and thanks for chatting, Duffy
Love this series! Great cast of characters
Hi Samantha. The Savannah regulars are always up to some mischief and eating at all the best restaurants in town. Love shrimp and grits. I’m a Southern belle at heart. Hugs.
Such a fun series! I would love a tote. 🙂
Hi, Brooke. So glad you’re enjoying the romp with Reagan and KiKi. They sure know how to get into trouble.
Anyone wanting Pearls and Poison swag just email DuffyBrown@DuffyBrown.com and I’ll send along goodies. Thanks everyone for playing along. So much fun chatting with you all. Hugs Duffy
needed a gift idea … thanks
just right up her alley