The Sunday Salon used to be a meme but was getting so huge it became unmanageable, so it is now a Facebook group that has become an informal week in review
gathering place for bloggers.
It is also a place to share our thoughts about things of a bookish nature.
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by
Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer
~ It’s a chance to share news~
A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.
It has been an another busy week . Ellery Adams Month started on my blog! 3 Great Escapes Book Tours are running with more starting soon and my inbox is filling with more to set up. Plus I read 3 fantastic books!
Friday night Mr.Dollycas, Daughter #2, and I had dinner with our very best friends. They are moving to Kentucky next week and we are going to miss them terribly. We tied up a table at Applebees for over 3 hours and we were all in tears as we said good-bye with promises to visit going both ways. Kicking myself because we didn’t take a picture.
I am writing this Saturday morning in great anticipation of what tonight will bring. Tonight is my 35th Class Reunion. Yes, I graduated in 1979, it really doesn’t seem that long ago. We had a get together a couple of years ago at a local bar and had so much fun. This one is a little more planned and hoping more people will be able to attend. I am probably sleeping in this morning due to the late night last night. I will tell you all about it next week!
I also had the privilege to read an early copy of
Captain Shelby by Jesse Giles Christiansen.
July Totals – 17 Books – 5010 Pages – 4842 KB
Year-To-Date Totals – 121 Books – 36766 Pages – 31051 KB
I didn’t complete any Challenges this month 🙁 but am getting close on a few.
Weekly Rewind – July 28 – August 2, 2014
Monday – It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? And – Spotlight/Giveaway – Gold Diggers, Gamblers and Guns by Ellen Mansoor Collier
Tuesday – Review – Mission to Murder by Lynn Cahoon
Wednesday –Cozy Wednesday with Cleo Coyle – Author of The Coffeehouse Mysteries (Giveaway too!) and Review/Giveaway – Billionaire Blend by Cleo Coyle
Thursday –Special Guest Jenna McCarthy – Author of I’ve Still Got It…I Just Can’t Remember Where I Put It: Awkwardly True Tales from the Far Side of Forty with Giveaway!
Friday – August is Ellery Adams Month – Review – Murder in the Mystery Suite (Giveaway too!)
Saturday –Review/Giveaway – Fast Track by Julie Garwood
I hope you all are able to Escape Into A Good Book this week!!

You had a great reading month! And oh, how hard it is to say goodbye to dear friends…hope you get to visit often.
I hope you get to see your friends that are moving very soon! =)
Class Reunions can be alot of fun!
What a great July you had! Have a great week!