Welcome to Storyton!
We are thrilled you have stopped by for a visit!
There are plenty of places to visit in the village –
Run For Cover Bookshop
Cheshire Cat Pub
The Canvas Creamery
La Grande Dame Clothing Boutique
Tresses Hair Salon
The Pickled Pig Market
Geppetto’s Toy Shop
The Potter’s Shed
and more but we know you want get checked in at Storyton Hall.
Your journey to Storyton Hall begins at the train station. The moment you alight from the train car, a man dressed in impeccable blue and gold livery will raise a placard bearing your name. After collecting your luggage, your chauffeur will lead you to one of Storyton’s fleet of vintage Rolls Royce sedans. It looks like you’ll be spending the forty-five minute drive to the resort in the luxurious comfort of a Silver Shadow. While you gaze out the windows at the tree-covered hills and the endless blue sky, your driver will remind you of Storyton Hall’s technology restrictions. Because the resort caters to readers, we don’t want anything to disturb the tranquility of the public areas, so you may only use cell phones, tablets, ereaders, or computers in the privacy of your room. At first, this might cause you some anxiety, but you’ll soon find that it’s a boon to be able leave the cares of your busy life behind for a spell.
Ah, here comes your first glimpse of Storyton Hall now. Do you see how magnificent it is? How its central clock tower reaches toward the hills and its two long wings seem to reach out and out like a pair of arms opening to embrace you?
Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Jane Steward, the resort manager and single mother to twin boys, Fitzgerald and Hemingway (Fitz and Hem for short). It’s my honor to invite you to stay in this manor that was once the Steward’s ancestral home. I come from a long line of readers, which is why most of the rooms in this great, sprawling mansion are named after famous authors.
Great Gatsby Ballroom
Madame Bovary Dining Room
Isak Dinesen Safari Room
Daphne Du Maurier Morning Room
Jane Austen Parlor
Shakespeare’s Theater
Kipling Cafe
Milton’s Gardens
Lewis Carroll Croquet Lawn
Beatrix Potter Playroom
William Faulker Conference Room
Henry James Library
Ian Fleming Lounge
Robin Hood Archery Range
Green Gables Gazebo
Jules Verne Pool
Now before you begin your tour please enjoy a glass of champagne and let me introduce you to the staff.
Our Butler, Mr. Butterworth, who is serving you right now.
Our Head Librarian, Mr. Sinclair. Be sure to talk to him if you are looking for something special to read, a classic or a new bestseller..
Our Head Chauffeur, Mr. Sterling. He arranged your travel to Storyton Hall today and can help you if you would like to spend some time in the village.
Our Head of Recreation, Mr. Gavin. He has all kinds of ideas for you to make the most of your stay here.
Our Head of Housekeeping, Mrs. Pimpernel. If you need anything for your room or forgot something you need at home she will be on hand to help you out.
And finally Our Head Chef, Mrs. Hubbard. An extraordinary chef. Believe me, you don’t want to pass up Mrs. Hubbard’s Victoria sponge, scones with homemade jam and clotted cream, or her delicious tea sandwiches.
It is Murder and Mayhem Week her at Storyton Hall. It starts tonight with a costume ball. I hope you’re prepared to come dressed as your favorite detective. Of course, I won’t be able to tell who’s who tonight. With all the Miss Marples, Hercule Poirots, and Tommy and Tuppences, a guest could get away with murder and I’d never know it!
Now the stage is set. The rest is up to you!
This week’s contest is easy and fun!
You get a chance to write the story!
The story of your stay at Storyton Hall!
Will you travel through the shops in Storyton?
How will you do without your cell phone and e-readers?
Did you bring some friends along on your trip?
Swim in the Jules Verne Pool?
Have lunch in the Kipling Cafe?
Stop by the Ian Fleming Lounge for a cocktail?
Find something interesting in one of Mrs. Hubbard’s Cupboards?
Have Mr. Sinclair find a special book for you in the library?
Who will you dress up as for the Murder and Mayhem Costume Ball?
Will you find a dead body or solve a murder?
It is all up to you!!
It can be as short as one paragraph or as long as a
typical guest post, 500- 800 words, or anywhere in between.
Be silly, be crazy, be scary, be adventurous, just be sure to have fun!!
To keep your stories a surprise – DO NOT POST THEM IN THE COMMENTS!!
Please email them to me at lori (at) escapewithdollycas (dot) com.
by next Thursday at 10 p.m.
Be sure to put the word Storyton Contest in your subject line.
Nest Friday morning I will post my 3 favorites (keeping the writer’s name secret) and
you will be able to vote for the winner!!
I will announce the winner on September 2, as we wrap up Ellery Adams Month!
The Winner will be able to choose 2 Mass Market Paperbacks from Amazon and I will send them to you.
Maybe one of your choices would be
Ellery’s new Books by the Bay Mystery coming out in November.
The other two favorites will win an autographed copy of
Now don’t stress out over this. I know you are not authors. This is meant to be fun!! You can write about just one day in Storyton or as many as you want. I wish this was a real place so that we could all visit, without a dead body, of course, unless is was all a bit of acting, put on just for our enjoyment.
Remember send them to the email above.
Nice contest. I cannot enter at this time.
Thanks for a fun contest Dolly. I have my thinking cap on!
I am glad I have a few days to think about my entry.
Absolutely love your books and can’t wait for the next one