I am so excited to welcome Sheila Webster Boneham back to Escape With Dollycas!!
When we originally set up this date the book was set to be released this month.
The new release date is October 8, 2014.
Writing Serious Issues in Fun(ny) Mysteries
In my mysteries, dogs and cats and other animals are vital characters. After all, the series isn’t called Animals in Focus for nothing. Each book in the series finds 50-something animal photographer Janet MacPhail participating in a different “animal activity”—a type of competitive event, or noncompetitive sport, or non-sporting activity such as pet-assisted therapy–and each mystery hinges on an issue that just might inspire murder and mayhem.
I’ve spent many years deep in the world of animals. Purebred, mixed breed, rescued, responsibly bred—I love them all. And honestly, I like the vast majority of people involved with dogs and cats in all those arenas. If I’ve learned anything, it is that no serious issue is simple, and that there are good, responsible people involved in all parts of the “animal world.” There are also some of the others.
Just as they do in real life, serious issues can create major problems for cozy writers in a genre that discourages “nittygrittyness.” So one of the challenges I face is balance: how do I balance some really tough realities with the conventions of the cozy?
In the first book, Drop Dead on Recall (2012) we meet Janet and her Australian Shepherd Jay at a canine obedience trial. When a nationally ranked l competitor keels over, Janet, Jay, and their very important feline family member Leo find themselves embroiled in a series of murders that seem to be linked to breeder ethics (or lack thereof) and cut-throat competitiveness.
In The Money Bird (2013) Janet has her lens focused on retrievers training for AKC retrieving tests, especially the handsome Drake and his almost-as-handsome person, Tom Saunders. When Drake retrieves something unexpected at a practice session, Janet quickly finds herself face-to-face with illegal trafficking in endangered tropical birds, a very nasty business that is all to common and lucrative in the real world.
Catwalk, available now for pre-order, takes Janet and Leo to their first competitive event—feline agility! Janet competes with her dog, Jay, in the canine version, and figures fair is fair. Besides, Leo loves “playing” agility, so why not? The book also drops Janet into the controversial and emotional politics of feral cat colonies and trap-neuter-release programs, and environmentally destructive land development.
So what are the challenges of writing “issues” into entertainment? First, readers of “cozies” have certain expectations:
1. Murder and allusions to sex are fine; graphic details are not.
2. Adult humans may be killed; children and animals may be threatened, but can’t be harmed. (And why would I want to?)
3. Serious issues may be presented and may underlie motives, but they shouldn’t be the main focus.
Knowing these “rules” is helpful in some ways, restrictive in others. After all, I’m writing about creatures and issues that stir intense emotions in me as well as in my readers, and it isn’t always easy to stifle myself. Many authors face this problem in fiction, where characters and story (plot, if you prefer) are the real focus. So how do we strike a balance? Not all of us do – I’m sure we’ve all read books in which the author’s passion for a cause overshadowed everything else. If you’re like me, you may have quit reading, especially when I pick up a book mostly for entertainment and escape. I do read serious books, but I go into them knowing what to expect. Most of us don’t like to be bludgeoned when we’re reading for fun.
On the other hand, I do like to learn new things and want to live consciously. More than one novel has teased me into digging deeper into an issue that I didn’t know much about. I hope I’m striking that balance in my own fiction.
I would love to hear what you think. In fact, if you leave a comment, I will put your name in the hopper to win one of my mysteries—winner’s choice.
Would you like a chance to name one of the new animals? Check out my Catwalk pre-order contest to name a kitten or puppy at http://writersandotheranimals.blogspot.com/2014/09/help-name-mystery-kitten-and-puppy.html
About This Author
Sheila Webster Boneham writes the Animals in Focus mystery series. Drop Dead on Recall, the first book in the series, won the 2013 Maxwell Award for Fiction from the Dog Writers Association of America and was an NBC Petside Best Ten Dog Book of 2012. Sheila is also the author of 17 nonfiction books, six of which have won major awards from the Dog Writers Association of America and the Cat Writers Association.
For the past two decades Boneham has been showing her Australian Shepherds and Labrador Retrievers in various canine sports. She has bred top-winning Aussies, and founded rescue groups for Aussies and Labs. Boneham holds a doctorate in folklore from Indiana University, an MFA Stonecoast/University of Southern Maine, and resides in Wilmington, N.C. Sheila writes literary nonfiction and poetry as well, and teaches writing. You can keep up with Sheila’s latest news at www.sheilaboneham.com and www.facebook.com/sheilawrites, learn more about animal-oriented writing—with some of your favorite authors!—at her Writers & Other Animals blog at www.writersandotheraniamls.blogspot.com.
(An Animals in Focus Mystery)
3rd in Series
Cozy Mystery
Published by MIDNIGHT INK (October 8, 2014)
Trade Paperback: 336 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0738734880
E-Book Link will be up soon!
Agility can be murder for cats, dogs, and people!
Animal photographer Janet MacPhail is training for her cat Leo’s first feline agility trial when she gets a frantic call about a “kidnapping.” When Janet and her Australian Shepherd Jay set out to track down the missing party, they quickly find themselves drawn into the volatile politics of feral cat colonies and endangered wetlands.
Janet is crazy busy trying to keep up with her mom’s nursing-home romance, her own relationship with Tom, and upcoming agility trials with Jay and Leo. But the discovery of a body on the canine competition course stops the participants dead in their tracks—and sets Janet on the trail of a killer.
Dollycas’s Thoughts
Again Sheila Webster Boneham has crafted a wonderful story with a great whodunit. She also includes just the right amount of humor and romance. The mystery is so well plotted and will keep you guessing right up until the end.
This time kitties join the puppies in the adventure!! Leo is quite a cat. He is training just like the dogs do for agility trials and I am very impressed with his talents. Our cats were very agile when traveling as high as possible around the house but the only time they rushed anywhere was to the kitchen when they heard the can opener.
Jay is quite a dog as well with a very good sniffer. He comes in very handy when trying to find lost kittens or to track down a killer.
I like Janet MacPhail more with each story. I enjoy the pace that her relationship with Tom is progressing. They are an older couple who are used to being on their own and their lifestyles are starting to mesh together perfectly. Janet’s mother also plays a key role in this story and that really put a smile on my face. The realistic characters are what makes these stories really shine.
The other thing I look forward to in these stories is that we learn something too. This time is was about a capture, neuter, release program for feral cats. We also learned a bit about conservation and areas that need to be preserved for birds and wild animals to thrive and survive.
If you love animals, and who wouldn’t, you have to read this series. They can all be read as stand alones but treat yourself to all three captivating mysteries. You will be glad you did.

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You could win a book!!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. Receiving a complimentary copy in no way reflected my review of this book. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Loved the first 2! Looking forward to Catwalk!
Thanks so much, Lindar!
Feral cats – scary topic. And it’s interesting to learn more about the competitive side than what we see on TV.
Love cozies with animals , would love to win a book
Good luck, Debbie ! Thanks for visiting!
I don’t mind causes in cozies, but I don’t want to be hit over the head with them either. I love cozies with animals. 🙂
Sally, feral cats present complex problems that vary from place to place, and it’s an emotional issue for sure. Gram, yes, as I said in the post, none of us enjoy being lectured to. Motivations for murder in mysteries, though, often come issues. I wouldn’t call my attention to the issues in Catwalk “causes,” as my opinions are not fixed and I think there are a lot of gray areas. And character and story always come first! Thanks for coming by!
Love the cover; have not read anything by this author yet, hope to get a chance to. Thank you for the chance to win 🙂
Thanks, Lisa! That cover was a collaborative effort – here’s a post I wrote about how it came to be, if you’re interested – http://writersandotheranimals.blogspot.com/2014/06/the-making-of-book-cover.html
Love cozies with animals , would love to win a book
Looks like a great read. Love animal stories.
I’m not sure how I missed this series but sounds great.
A wonderful book and great series. Thanks.
Thanks for having me here today, Lori – and for the wonderful review.
You are a new author, to me. I, TOTALLY, agree with your comments…”I pick up a book mostly for entertainment and escape. Most of us don’t like to be bludgeoned when we’re reading for fun. On the other hand, I do like to learn new things and want to live consciously. More than one novel has teased me into digging deeper into an issue that I didn’t know much about. I hope I’m striking that balance in my own fiction.” Therefore, I know I can (SAFELY) read your books…learning, while being entertained.
Thank you, Sheila and Lori!
Thanks so much, Patricia! I hope you enjoy the book(s) – I’d love to hear back after you read one or more of them. 🙂
I think it is fine to put a little bit of “learning” into books as long as it doesn’t overwhelm the story or the author’s politics don’t take over the book and turn people away. Sounds like a good story!
I agree, Christy, which is why I try to strike a balance. Mostly, I want to pique people’s interest in the hopes that some will look for more information, or possibly rethink what they think they know. All while moving through the story!
Thanks to everyone who has commented – I love throwing lots of names into the hopper 🙂
What a great review. I can’t wait to read the book.
Rita, I’ve been smiling all morning since I read Lori’s review. 🙂 Thanks for commenting!
Congrats for the great review on another stellar mystery! (And I can say that, since I got to read an advanced copy.) Everyone else will have to wait. 😉
Aww, thanks, Tracy! They won’t have to wait too long – the official pub date is Oct. 8, but last year The Money Bird was out a couple of weeks earlier. yay!
Sounds like a great book.
Hi Charlotte. I hope you’ll give one of more of my mysteries a try! Thanks for stopping by.
“On the other hand, I do like to learn new things and want to live consciously. More than one novel has teased me into digging deeper into an issue that I didn’t know much about. I hope I’m striking that balance in my own fiction.”
So true.
Hi Libby! Always nice to have someone agree 🙂
My mystery friends and I have been focusing on cat and dog cozies recently, but I had never heard of this series before. It sounds really good. So many of the ones we’ve read really seem to just have a token pet. The idea of feral card is great too. My cousin has been feeding a little cat that was apparently dropped off In the woods behind her house. It took over three months, but she was finally able to get the cat to trust her enough that she could hold her. Then another couple weeks before the cat trusted her enough to be carried around, so she could take her to the vet for shots etc. agility tests for animals have always fascinated me. Definitely sounds like a winner here!!
Ronna, it can take a long time to gain their trust. Brava to your cousin.
This sounds like such a fun series! Thank you to you both for the chance to win! lisaksbookreview@aol.com
I certainly have fun writing it, Lisa, and I’ve heard it’s fun to read. I hope so – if we can’t have fun with dogs and cats and mature, confident women, who can we have fun with?
I have seen Catwalk mentioned in a few placed but I hadn’t realized that there were 2 other books before that, thanks for bringing it to my attention, I love cozies with animals.
Debbie, I’m happy to hear that you’ve seen Catwalk mentioned, but sorry you hadn’t heard of the first two books. But now you have! 😉 Thanks for being here!
This sounds like another author to add to my list. Anything with dogs and cats always gets my attention.
Lisa, Debbie, Ann – thanks for popping in!
If the topic is animals, I don’t mind it at all. There are topics that, if they get too intense, I will stop reading. If I want something “political” or biased in any way, I ant to have chosen to read that (as you do).
Looking forward to a great reading experience.
new author for me.the book sounds great and i love the cover.i love cozies with animals in them.
All of our cats have been dumped on our property. We feed them get them and get them fixed. Most stay around but a few prefer staying in the barn. I am worried that my vet is now referring to me a animal rescuer.
Thanks, everyone, for stopping by! I will wait until this evening (Thursday) and then put all the names in a doggy bowl and have my husband draw the winner. So there’s still a little time to leave a comment and take your chances! If you like books with animals, I hope you will check out my Writers & Other Animals blog at http://www.writersandotheraniamls.blogspot.com .
I read another cozy about feral cats I discovered through you Lori and loved it. I like that the animals are not killed and the sex is implied more than described. My sister recently passed away and I adopted her cat. I am a dog person and founfdthis a challenge. She creeps me out sometimes when she sits and stares at me. I’m bonding with her now and spoiling her rotten. She’s a subtle little booger. LOL
I am going to have to read this wonderful series. Animals rule!
And the winner is…..Rita Wray! Thank you all for your comments – I hope you’ll check out my links, and my books, too. Libraries, paperbacks, ebooks, Audible — they al work! 🙂 Lori, thanks again for having me – this is one of my favorite blogs.
I forgot to mention we have 2 feral cat communitites. One on the bay way crossing and one on the bluff overlooking the bay. Many in the community help feed and care for these cats and local vets spay, neuter, and tend to their health for free.
Fuonlyknew, brava for taking in your sister’s cat (and I’m sorry for your loss). Cats are, I believe, widely misunderstood, perhaps because we relate so well to dogs and want cats to behave the same way. But if we lose that expectation and see them as they are, they’re wonderful companions. Anyway, thanks for stopping by!
And the winner is….Rita Wray! Rita, please email me at sheilaboneham at gmail dot com and let me know which book you would like and how you’d like it (paperback, ebook, Audible). Thanks all for playing! And Lori, thank you again – this is one of my favorite blogs.
Humor, mystery, and both cats and dogs?
Can a book get any better?
Agility is my favorite sport to watch.
I read for pure escapism–hence I read cozies because they are light reading without the blood and guts and gore. I think some cause reference and info is fine—just don’t let it get to serious.
Laura, agility is a lot of fun, isn’t it? The dogs – and cats! – certainly think so!
Suekey12, I agree, and while there are some more serious passages (it’s a murder mystery, after all), the fun stuff breaks it up. I hope you’ll give them a try. Thanks for being here!
a new-to-me series/author……
I’m not an animal person, but I enjoy books with them in it!!!! go figure!!!
Cyn209, that’s not completely weird – I enjoy reading about places I don’t want to go (the Antarctic comes to mind!), and about doing things I don’t want to do, so I can see enjoying animals vicariously. Thanks for coming by!
I read and enjoyed The Money Bird….I look forward to checking out this newest book! Thank you for the chance. 🙂
I love mystery stories with animals as characters. This is a new series for me and I hope I win!