I am excited today to welcome Betty Hechtman here today to talk about her other mystery series. She was here back in July to tell us about her Yarn Retreat Mysteries. Today she is here telling us about her newest Crochet Mystery.
Betty Hechtman
I remember when it was just a dream to think about mixing crochet and mystery and now Knot Guilty, the 9th book in the series, is coming out. Between then and now I have learned a lot more about the yarn world.
I thought when I taught myself how to crochet granny squares from a kids kit that the golden door of yarn craft had opened up for me, but it turns out it had just opened a crack. Like everything else though, I didn’t know what I didn’t know. When the first book in the series, Hooked on Murder, came out I spoke at a Sisters in Crime meeting. Afterwards a woman came up to me and leaned in close to share that she had a stash, too. I smiled and nodded like I understood what she was talking about, but I didn’t. Shortly after that I found out that a stash is the overflowing supply of yarn that it seems most yarn crafters have. Think bags and bins of yarn tucked in closets and filling up guest rooms. I certainly know what the word means now and actually have a stash in two cities.
Speaking of yarn, I quickly found out that all yarn is not the same and some of it is a nightmare to work with. Eventually I got into how yarn was made and learned about shearing sheep, preparing wool and spinning.
My crochet skills got sharper with each book. And I heard about yarn shows. The first one I went to was put on by the Crochet Guild and the Knitting Guild and held in Minneapolis. There were classes, contests, demonstrations, fashion shows, banquets and a huge vendor floor. I quickly discovered there were two groups at the show — the attendees and the people who were there for business. And they had two different perspectives on the event. One group was basically there for a good time and the other was hoping to make a profit. The business group included teachers who traveled a circuit of yarn shows giving classes and people from yarn shops, yarn companies, and related business who had booths in the vendor area, along with the show organizers.
Whenever you get a big gathering of people with different motives there is bound to be drama.
I began to wonder what Molly Pink and her crew would do at a yarn show…. So, in Knot Guilty, Molly and the Tarzana Hookers are running a booth at the Southern California Knit Style show. Up until now the show has always been knitcentric and this is the first year that crochet is being included in the classes, contests and fashion shows. Even so, the head of the show K.D. Kirby is still treating crochet like the poor step sister yarn of yarn crafts.
Anybody who has read any of my books can just imagine how Adele Abrams takes that news. As Molly says, they all agree that crochet is their preferred yarn craft, but Adele takes that feeling to a whole new dimension.
The drama in this yarn show goes into overdrive and wouldn’t you know someone turns up dead.
Betty Hechtman writes two national best selling yarn related series for Berkley Prime Crime. Knot Guiltyand For Better or Worsted are her latest in the Crochet series and Silence of the Lamb’s Wool is the latest in the Yarn Retreat series. All books in both series feature patterns and
In addition, she has just released Stolen Treasure, (Blue Schwartz Mysteries Book 1) as an e-book. Formerly published as Blue Schwartz and Nefertiti’s Necklace, it features a 13 year-old babysitter who loves to cook and is accused of stealing a priceless necklace. Three of Blue’s favorite recipes are included in the book.
She has a B.A. in Fine Arts and has taken classes in everything from improv comedy to magic. She has written newspaper and magazine pieces, along with short stories and several scripts. She splits her time between Southern California and Chicago and has yarn stashes in both places. For more information check out BettyHechtman.com, Facebook and her Friday blog for Killerhobbies.blogspot.com plus on Facebook.
Thanks to the worderful people at Penguin I have 2 copies of
Knot Guilty to give away!
Plus 2 paperback copies of For Better or Worsted to give away too!!
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My “grandaughter” run Alpenglow yarns out of California. She is on FB. So I love yarn cozies.
I love both of your series! I am totally hooked! Thanks for the chance!
Congratulations, Betty! Hope your series continues for a long time to come.
I have read a few of Betty’s books, and as a crocheter, I LOVE THEM! Looking forward to reading more! – Robin Christofaro
A great book and wonderful series. What a great feature.
I love the series and enjoy how it has progressed with ‘boy’ friends, focus on different book group members and how the book group members have grown.
Great tiles, Betty! Thanks for the opportunity to win one.
I really need to try crocheting again, I tried when I was younger, I enjoyed it but the results weren’t very pretty, LOL. Thanks for the chance to win.
Back before the carpal tunnel and other tendon and nerve problems in my arms, I was able to crochet but, sadly, no more. But I can still read about it. The book sounds like another hit.
I spend a lot of time crocheting, knitting and reading. I love books that put some of these together. Happy writing
I’ve never tried knotting. But I do love looking at all the pretty balls of yarn at the craft stores. Would love the chance to read your books.
Love the idea of adding crochet mysteries to your books. I used to teach lots of needle arts, so I think these books are so worthy. Love the titles too!!
Love both of Betty’s series and look forward to reading both.
I don’t crochet and am not crafty, but I love mysteries featuring such things. Thanks for the giveaway!
Can’t wait to see what Molly and the gang are up to next!
What fun books these are – thank you for the chance to win
Great titles to add to my TBR list!
Thank you for the chance to enter your contest! Happy Thanksgiving !
I’ve never been talented at needlework—but you make these books interesting and enjoyable for me anyway. Thanks for the contest.
I enjoyed reading that you went to yarn shows to do research for your box. I do some knitting. Sounds like some fun reading. Thanks for the giveaway.
I love this series! and contests! 🙂
I used to crochet with my step mom when I was younger. I have been thinking of starting up again.