It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?
This great meme is hosted by Sheila at
“Book Journey”.
It’s a great way to start the week and
find out what other bloggers are reading.
My To-Be-Read pile has grown to an
unbelievable number thanks to this meme.
Sheila has started posting some reviews and Morning Meanderings.
Please keep her in your prayers.
Still fighting this darn summer cold. 27 days should be enough. It does seem to be getting better or I am getting better dealing with it 🙂
Here’s my recap of reading for last week and what I am planning this week.
Trawling for Trouble: A Celebration Bay Mystery Novella (Celebration Bay Mystery, A)
Release Date – July 21, 2015
My Review
The Karma of King Harald
King Harald’s Heist (King Harald Mysteries) (Volume 2)
Richard will my guest this week for Cozy Wednesday!
Fudging the Books (A Cookbook Nook Mystery)
Release Date – August 4, 2015
The Fudging the Books Great Escapes Book Tour starts August 1!
My review will be up on Friday!
Zachary’s Choice
This book was recommended to me after my son’s death. This is not a book I can read like a novel, more a chapter at a time as I can handle it.
The Musubi Murder
Release Date – August 5, 2015
Frankie Bow will be my guest for Cozy Wednesday next week
to kick off her Great Escapes Book Tour!
Give Em Pumpkin To Talk About (Pumpkin Patch Mysteries Book 1)
Release Date – August 4, 2015
The Great Escapes Book Tour starts August 3, 2015
Fool Me Once (A Tarot Mystery)
Release Date – August 7, 2015
The Great Escapes Tour kicks off here on August 7!
Click Here To See All My Current Giveaways!!
Happy Reading!!

That was a nice wrap up for the week. Hoping that your cold gets better quickly. I’m reading By Cook Or By Crook and A Timely Vision.
Nice list of books read and to read! I’m just starting Butter off Dead