The Sunday Salon used to be a meme but was getting so huge it became unmanageable, so it is now a Facebook group that has become an informal week in review
gathering place for bloggers.
It is also a place to share our thoughts about things of a bookish nature.
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by
Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer
~ It’s a chance to share news~
A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.
Happy SUNDAY Everyone!
Snow, Snow and More Snow!! Enough already. Traveled to watch my grandson play football yesterday but the game was cancelled because of the snow. Coaches said they would only cancel if there was lightning, don’t think snow was even in their thoughts. Guess we’ll try again next week.
Weekly Rewind April 4 – 9, 2016
Monday – It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 2016 Week #14
Tuesday – New Release Tuesday – April 2016
Plus – Review – Opportunity Knocks by Alison Sweeney
Wednesday – Cozy Wednesday with Duffy Brown – Author of Braking For Bodies – #Giveaway too!
Thursday – Review/ #Giveaway – Who Invited the Ghost to Dinner? by Teresa Watson – Great Escapes Book Tour
Friday – Flashback Friday – The Measby Murder Enquiry by Ann Purser – Spotlight/ #Giveaway
Saturday – Review/ #Giveaway – A Muddied Murder by Wendy Tyson – Great Escapes Book Tour
Plus – Special Guest – Susan Wittig Albert – Author of Blood Orange – #Giveaway too!
Let’s all think warm thoughts and hope the weather follows along!

Always surprised to hear about the arrival of snow in the spring.
Luv your mailbox. Will peek one more time.
Luv seeing new books in the mail
You got snow and I got a sunburn! Enough with the snow already. Seems like it sure is a long winter this year. My mother got snow too. Loving those cozies, Lori. You’re the reason I discovered the genre and am now addicted to them. LOL
Oops. Forgot to leave my link
My Sunday Post
It didn’t snow here but I’ve heard that it did just an hour to the north. Sorry your grandson’s game was cancelled! As always, your cozy titles look like such fun. I’m looking forward to reading Tea Cups and Carnage, but haven’t gotten the OK from NG yet. Both the Heather Blake and the Sally Goldbaum are tempting, and Catch as Cat Can and Berry the Hatchet… Have a great week and enjoy all those lovely books!