The Sunday Salon used to be a meme but was getting so huge it became unmanageable, so it is now a Facebook group that has become an
informal week in review gathering place for bloggers.
It is also a place to share our thoughts about things of a bookish nature.
You can also link up weekly on Readerbuzz.
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer
~ It’s a chance to share news~
A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.
Summer Blues
I love Summer but it clearly does not love me this year. This week just wasn’t good.
It started on Monday with a visit to the pain specialist. I have nerve pain in my arms at night due to the injury to my spinal cord from 2001. Usually when one medication stops working another one is prescribed and we have even gone back to one I used before. Now with some of my other medical issues, my options have become limited. I am waiting to hear from a surgeon to find out if steroid injections may work for me. The P.A. at the pain clinic was not very optimistic and when he learned about my husband’s recent back surgery he had pretty dim ideas of that lasting too.
Then on Thursday, I started to have new/different back pain. When I woke up on Friday after several trips to the bathroom during the night I was sure I had a kidney infection and called the doctor right away. We had an afternoon appointment with lab tests, a CT scan (no kidney stones), and more lab tests. I have been a borderline diabetic for years. My family all had/s diabetes and my inactivity due to my disability doesn’t help. When I switched to a new doctor a few weeks ago I found out I finally have diabetes and a medication I had been taking for the pain I mentioned above had damaged my kidneys. Because of all this and my not drinking enough water every day, and I drink a lot, my whole system is out of whack causing the issues I am currently having. I have been prescribed antibiotics and some other meds I have been taking have been changed.
As I type this on Saturday, I am waiting for results for more lab work that was done this morning. I may have to be admitted to receive fluids or other treatment. As it is later in the day now without a call, I hope the new labs had shown an improvement. Sadly, I stayed home from a family get together as I didn’t think I could tolerate the heat today.
Added 7/14/2019 – Still home, no call yet 🙂
Hopefully next week I will have plenty of good news and good times to share again.
Weekly Rewind – July 8 – 13, 2019
Monday – My Reading Itinerary Monday! – Week #28 2019
Friday – #FlashbackFriday – On Her Own Two Wheels by Stacy Xavier – #Review / #Giveaway
Praying for you! Have a Blessed day!
Well crummy buttons. I’m so sorry. Praying for better times.
I’m hoping your lab results do show improvements. Thoughts and prayers sent your way:)
Sure hope the labs show improvement and the kidneys do too! Can’t imagine how horrible all that is. Can you take cranberry pills? I’ve had great results for my kidneys since I started taking them, and got my husband, a diabetic, started on them too and he’s doing better. We both have to drink large quantities of water to stave off kidney/bladder infections.
Praying for you!
Bless your heart! Continued prayers!!!