The Sunday Salon used to be a meme but was getting so huge it became unmanageable, so it is now a Facebook group that has become an
informal week in review gathering place for bloggers.
It is also a place to share our thoughts about things of a bookish nature.
You can also link up weekly on Readerbuzz.
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer
~ It’s a chance to share news~
A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.
Daughters Down For The Count
I have been feeling much better and am drinking all the water I can but . . . .
Monday found Daughter #1 in the hospital. She had a sore or a bite on her arm that had become very painful. A trip to urgent care didn’t give a firm diagnosis but she was admitted to receive intravenous antibiotics. The first two they tried had terrible side effects but the third one seemed to work. She was sent home late the next day with a prescription and told to rest. She saw her doctor on Friday and has received the go-ahead to return to work tomorrow. She still has to keep the sore covered and doesn’t know exactly what it is, but is starting to feel like her old self.
Monday also found Daughter #2 staying home from work sick. She had had back pain she has been seeing a chiropractor for but this turned out to be a headache upset stomach sort of illness. After several days of no relief, she finally went to the doctor on Friday. He gave her an injection to help with the headache and nausea and prescribed a very limited diet for the next week. She felt much better yesterday and was kicking herself for not going to the doctor sooner as I had suggested. She too will be returning to work on tomorrow.
I kept myself busy reading and blogging while a few things out in the real world had me pretty upset, but will keep those things to myself rather than interject my politics here. Beware if you visit my PERSONAL Facebook page though because I can be quite vocal.
Thursday night Kaden arrived to see his Xbox, LOL. I did receive a hug so I think he was happy to see me too. He was a little sore after a 3-day football camp he had attended. I can’t believe it is almost August and football practice and games will be starting soon. It’s tackle this year so it should be pretty interesting. Not sure how long he is staying, I do enjoy having him around and he does help Mr. Dollycas with year work, etc.
This video popped up in my Facebook Newsfeed this week.
I love the Backstreet Boys!
How was your week? Did you do anything fun?
Weekly Rewind – July 22 – 27, 2019
Monday – My Reading Itinerary Monday! – Week #30 2019
I hope you have a week full of sunshine and cool breezes!

Goodness! Your poor daughters have had a time. Sending good thoughts and prayers their way.
I try to keep my politics off the blog, too. I’m always glad to see that people are thinking about and acting on their political beliefs.
I hope your daughters heal, and I hope you have a good week.
i’m getting excited thinking of football season. time goes so fast i can’t believe it will be here before we know it
sherry @ Sunday Memes
What a week for you all! I’m glad both your daughters are on the mend! Hopefully this week will be much less eventful.
I hope this week is calmer for you. My weekly update
I’m glad your daughters are both recovering.
Wishing you a great reading week
Hope everyone is feeling better. I had to laugh when I read Kaden came to see his Xbox. When our grandkids were young they spent summers with us, and one year we moved the computer into the living room area so that we could at least see Josh, if not interact with him much ;-).
I must say I LOVE YOUR SITE!!! (Sorry for yelling…but I really do love it!)
I agree with your escape plan – ‘kept myself busy reading and blogging while a few things out in the real world…’.
And…the quote by Confucius just allowed me to breathe easy. 🙂
Oh, gosh! That’s some seriously bad luck that both of your daughters have had a heck of a time with health related concerns. Hopefully this week treated them, and you, better!