Bonbon Voyage (Adventures of Gladys)
by Katherine H. Brown
I am thrilled to welcome Katherine H. Brown to Escape With Dollycas today!
Hey there! Thanks for letting me come say hi today. My name is Katherine Brown and I live in Texas. I love words and weaving them together to create stories and books. I also love to read. I read fiction the majority of the time, with one or two non-fiction books thrown in every year or so. I read cozy mystery, chick-lit, paranormal, witchy and werewolves, you name it. My Kindle is running out of space and I’m constantly looking for new places to put bookshelves in my home. My husband built me several beautiful ones inset in the wall already.
Besides tons of books, my bedroom is cluttered with a ridiculous number of spiral and composition notebooks, big and small. I’m jotting down story ideas, random bits of dialogue that are witty but have no story to go with yet, poems, and about a million fun titles for books that I haven’t begun to write yet.
To answer the age-old question, yes, I’ve actually always wanted to write. Since childhood. My parents can vouch for that and they are still some of my biggest fans. My sister is only an email away and I bounce ideas off of her frequently. There are so many things I love about writing. I love telling stories that entertain people and keep them guessing. I enjoy the freedom of allowing words to flow onto the page; I don’t plan out my books down to the last detail. I barely plan the beginning, middle, and end. I do brainstorm and jot down a list of things that need to happen but then the characters take over and I am able to simply write, often being as surprised as the readers at what happens next. For example, Chef Fabio started speaking with a French accent in the book and I had no idea he would be French when I added him. It is fun, to make something come to life and rewarding when others tell me they enjoy it or ask when the next book will be completed.
One of the most difficult things about writing, for me, is deciding on the ending. I don’t even like to read blurbs because I want to be totally surprised. When I write, I find it difficult to “know” the end rather than just be surprised. I know. Weird. Still, I’ve found a happy medium of planning enough to create a good storyline while still leaving enough empty space to not know all of the details. I work through the problem with my characters as we go.
Just like reading, when writing I get to be all of the characters. I can make them familiar, or I can use them to vicariously experience new things and that is thrilling. All of the fun and adventure without any of the actual pain and danger to fear. When people tell me that they don’t like to read, it is the one thing I can’t imagine.
When Summer arrives and with it a pretty big disruption to my writing schedule because of all the things we have planned. Let me share a typical workday with you. The alarm for my husband to go to work blares between 4:45 and 5 in the morning. I get up alongside him and turn my laptop on as I head to brush my teeth. For the first hour or two, I check emails and maybe update my mailing list and do business operations. Plus check to see if I’ve earned another thirty-five cents or not. Then after taking our daughter to school, I settle in with water or green tea and a bowl of peanut butter/oats/honey/dark chocolate chips for a good three to a five-hour writing session. Twenty to thirty minutes of TV while I eat some lunch, then maybe mow the yard or do other outside things. I usually push for another hour of writing or editing before it is time to get my daughter from school. With that, I’m able to get around 50,000 words in a month MOST months, though not every time. Things come up. Life happens. For the most part, it is a system that works for me and that I can be productive with. I think that my favorite book to write in my Ooey Gooey Bakery Mystery series
might be book 3 Bake, Eat, & Be Buried
. One of the most fun scenes that had me laughing out loud was when Gladys shows up to the bakery with a bag of “supplies” for herself, Piper, and Sam. The things that woman found shopping online!
Thanks for letting me share a little about me today. I hope that. if you decide to check out the books, that you enjoy them. I love reader feedback.
About Bonbon Voyage
Bonbon Voyage (Adventures of Gladys)
Cozy Mystery Novella
1st in Series
Independently published (December 31, 2019)
Paperback: 213 pages
ISBN-10: 1653633166
ISBN-13: 978-1653633166
Digital Print Length: 129 pages
Gladys gets more than she bargains for when she climbs aboard her first cruise and witnesses a murder. Armed with wigs and wits alone, she determines to get to the bottom of things.
This cozy mystery is a spinoff from the Ooey Gooey Bakery Mystery series.
About Katherine H. Brown
Katherine H. Brown is from the tiny community of New York, Texas. Booklover (some might say book addict) and weaver of words, Katherine desired to be a writer from childhood, embarked on her first publishing adventure in 2017, and in 2019 said audios to her cozy office job to leap into a career as an author full-time.
When not found between the pages of a book or tapping keys on her laptop, Katherine loves to watch baking shows with her stepdaughter or cuddle up with her husband Patrick. Katherine and family prepare to welcome a new baby girl into the family in March 2020.
Author Links – Facebook Author Page – Website – Instagram – Goodreads – BookBub – Amazon Author Page
Purchase Link: Amazon
Also by this Author
a Rafflecopter giveaway
February 21 – Brooke Blogs – CHARACTER GUEST POST, GIVEAWAY
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February 22 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – GUEST POST
February 23 – A Wytch’s Book Review Blog – REVIEW, CHARACTER INTERVIEW
February 24 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
February 24 – T’s Stuff – SPOTLIGHT
February 25 – Ruff Drafts – SPOTLIGHT
February 25 – The Book Decoder – REVIEW, CHARACTER INTERVIEW
February 26 – Ascroft, eh? – GUEST POST
February 26 – Lisa Ks Book Reviews – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
February 27 – I’m All About Books – SPOTLIGHT
February 27 – Christa Reads and Writes – SPOTLIGHT
February 28 – eBook Addicts – REVIEW
February 28 – Here’s How It Happened – REVIEW
February 29 – Laura`s Interests – REVIEW
February 29 – MJB Reviewers – SPOTLIGHT, GIVEAWAY
March 1 – Cozy Up With Kathy – CHARACTER GUEST POST
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Your Escape Into A Good Book Travel Agent
LOL! I love the idea of a heroine who travels with a supply of wigs!
Thanks for stopping by to chat with us Katherine!
Gladys looks about my age, and I’ve never been on a cruise. Maybe I NEED to read this one!