5/6/2013 – I have been receiving some messages about the difficulty in finding Q, X, and Z books that have these letters first. While I would prefer these letters be primary in the title I do understand. For that reason I will allow that these letters can start any word in the title.
For those that are able to read books such as Zero Day, Quilt or Innocence: A Southern Quilting Mystery or The Xibalba Murders (Archaeological Mysteries, No. 1) you will receive one additional entry for each book (3) when you complete the challenge for the year end prize.
Monthly Review Tabs can be found at the top of the page. Scroll down under the challenges tab to A-Z Challenge. Off to the right monthly tabs will appear. Each tab leads to a page with a Linky for to you link up your reviews.
I really enjoyed this challenge this year!
I see the blog that hosted it is no longer in the blogosphere so I have decided to host it myself.
12/27/2012 – Update – I just found out today that Lindsey at Babies, Books and Beyond is still blogging and is hosting an A-Z Challenge this year after all. My links to her blog or the searches kept giving me error messages because she changed the name of her blog. I had no idea, but if you would rather do her challenge instead of mine or in addition to this one here is the link http://www.babiesbooksandbeyond.com/2012/12/a-to-z-book-challenge-2013.html
I apologize to Lindsey for issues this has caused.
This challenge will run from January 1st, 2012 until December 31st, 2013.
You can join anytime.
Crossovers to other challenges are allowed and encouraged!
It’s an alphabet challenge!!! The challenge is to read one book that has a title starting with every letter of the alphabet.
You can drop the A’s and The’s from the book titles as shown below.
So there are two different ways you can set up your own A-Z Reading Challenge.
A – How I plan to do it: Make a list on your blog from A-Z. Throughout the year, as you go along, add the books you are reading to the list. Towards the end of the year, you can check and see which letters you are missing and find books to fit.
B – Make a list now of 26 books, picking one for each letter of the alphabet. For example: A – The Azalea Assault B- Blue Monday C – Crops and Robbers D – A Deadly Grind etc.
Books can be read in any order and all formats – print – e-book – audio – are acceptable for this challenge!
Ready to join??
Bloggers grab the button and make a post about the challenge to encourage others to join! Use the post URL in the linky below.
Non-bloggers you can join too! Just keep track any way you wish and enter a link below if available or sign up in the comment section. You can even set up a special shelf on Goodreads.com to help you keep track!
Need some help finding titles to match the alphabet – Jandy’s Reading Room has a wonderful list to get you started. X and Z were the toughest for me so this year I am going to try to take care of those two early.
Follow Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book as there may be special announcements made about the challenge.
LOVE, love, love the button. I’m in. I left the URL linky page that I will be recording my progress. And will make an announcement on Friday for challenges that I am signing up for this week. Thank you so much for hosting!!!!!!!!!!
I am using my new blog for this challenge. I am so glad you are hosting this. I will be choosing books as it goes along except my X was the one you read in 2012. I bought it hoping to use it for this challenge.
love doing this challenge and will be back with a link tomorrow
Fabulous button!!
Thanks for hosting this challenge, Lori! I didn’t manage to complete it for 2012…still need D, K, Q, V, X and Z!
Just to make sure: can I count books I read for other challenges towards this one?
yes, crossovers are fine
Thank you so much for hosting. My announcement link is: http://cmashlovestoread.com/2012/12/21/2013-challenges-3/
Great idea! Can’t wait to blog about it and plan my own participation! My link is: http://worthy2read.wordpress.com/2012/12/22/2013-reading-challenges/
Angela Rivera
I am adding a new shelf to my goidreads book the A-Z 2013 reading challenge:)
I’ve never signed up for a reading challenge before, but thanks for inviting me. I will give this a go. I’m not sure if I did this right, but I’ll explain how I posted about it.
http://confessionsofafemalebookaholic.tumblr.com/post/38587716539/2013-a-z-reading-challenge-sign-ups-post is where I posted the rules.
http://confessionsofafemalebookaholic.tumblr.com/2013-RC is where I will keep up with my progress.
If I did this correct, which would I use on sign-ups?
Also, since I have my reviews up on GR (where I will also create a new shelf for this), and put them over to my blog as well, I’d probably forget to link them up on here.
If that disqualifies me, feel free not to add me to the links.
Sorry if I did this wrong.
Oh what a great idea! I have put my post up and added my link. I look forward to visiting you all during the year.
I love this challenge 🙂
I joined also last edition (2012) but I failed 🙁
Some letters are almost impossible to find in Italian 🙁 so maybe I will have to ignore them or I will have to consider the original title…
My link is http://quattropassisullenuvole.blogspot.it/2012/12/a-z-reading-challenge-2013.html
I’m looking forward to starting this challenge. My link is http://thebooktower.webs.com/2013-challenges
Great idea for a challenge! I’ll get a post written up.
Posted about it here: http://foodsnbooks.wordpress.com/2013/01/01/2013-challenge-accepted/?preview=true&preview_id=35&preview_nonce=792a2fe5bf
Also I will be making a page about it’s progress on the same blog!
Hope that’s fine or do I have to do something else?
I’ve been looking for a challenge like this one all day! 🙂
Going to post my progress in my challenges-section & signed in above
My blog is German for the most part, but as I do read in both German and English I’ll post in both languages.
Happy new year!
Thrilled to have you join!!!!
Love the idea, I’m in
I just have a question: Do we have to use book titles for the A-Z challenge, or can we also use authors? Since there are two bloggers hosting this challenge, I was just wondering whether we can use titles for one and authors for the other?
Mine is book titles, not sure about the other challenge.
I’m in, thanks for hosting! 🙂
Great! Love this challenge, thanks for hosting.
Here is my post with an update:
Hi there!
I wrote my fist two reviews, you can find them here:
I was wondering if with books with numbers like for example I’m reading 16 Lighthouse Road right now could I not count to 16 or would you prefer if I treated it like it was a spelled out number so it would count for S.
Rachael, Either way is perfectly acceptable.
I have now read 11 “letters” of the 29 I am going to read. As I can’t see a place to link reviews is here my start up post which is where I update my count.
Monthly Review Tabs can be found at the top of the page. Scroll down under the challenges tab to A-Z Challenge. Off to the right monthly tabs will appear. Each tab leads to a page with a Linky for to you link up your reviews.
I’ve completed 4 letters thus far and am at work on the letter “B” https://twitter.com/Loopy_Librarian/status/298901850676142080 Great fun!
I have completed 4 letters so far.
Updated post: http://rabidbookworm.wordpress.com/2013/01/11/a-to-z-reading-challenge/
Having just made a list on my computer to make sure I can actually complete it, I am totally in for this, starting now in mid-May. I’m really going all out with the reading challenges this year. 🙂
I have eleven letters left!
Added “A” today. 10 letters left!
I just finished my last letter (Y…) & had so much fun doing this challenge!
My list of books can be found here
Thanks again for hosting!