This is my favorite Challenge!
The Alphabet Soup Challenge means that by December 31, 2017
your bowls must be full of one book for each letter of the Alphabet.
Each Letter Counts As 1 Spoonful
This challenge will run from January 1st, 2017 until December 31st, 2017.
You can join anytime. You do not have to post a review of the book. Books can come from any genre.
You do not need to link up each spoonful.
Make a page or a post or a GoodReads shelf where you will keep track of your spoonfuls. I keep track of mine on my Challenge Page.
Crossovers to other challenges are allowed and encouraged!
It’s an alphabet challenge!!! The challenge is to read one book that has a title starting with every letter of the alphabet.
You can drop the A’s and The’s from the book titles as shown below.
The First Main Word Needs To Be
The Letter You Are Counting
Except For those pesky Q, X AND Z titles the word that starts with the challenge letter can be anywhere in the title.
So there are two different ways you can set up your own A-Z Reading Challenge.
A – How I plan to do it: Make a list on your blog from A-Z. Throughout the year, as you go along, add the books you are reading to the list. Towards the end of the year, you can check and see which letters you are missing and find books to fit.
B – Make a list now of 26 books, picking one for each letter of the alphabet. For example: A – Assault and Beret by Jenn McKinlay B- Bookman Dead Style by Paige Shelton C – Cold Pressed Murder by Kelly Lane D – Dead Cold Brew by Cleo Coyle etc.
Books can be read in any order and all formats – print – e-book – audio – are acceptable for this challenge!
Ready to join??
Bloggers grab the image below and make a post about the challenge to encourage others to join!
Non-bloggers you can join too! Just keep track any way you wish and if available or sign up using the link below. You can even set up a special shelf on to help you keep track!
Follow Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book as there may be special announcements made about the challenge.
There is also a very active group on Facebook where you can share your books read and converse with others taking part in the challenge. Alphabet Soup Challenge – Right now they are finishing this year’s challenge but it will switch over to the new year on January 1.
Then when you complete the challenge copy and paste your completed list in a comment below and FILL OUT THIS FORM
I have changed from a Linky link up to a Google Form for 2017 because Google Forms are FREE! If you have already signed up on the Linky I have transferred your information to the new form.
I am a non blogger but I think I have successfully signed up. I created a Goodreads shelf and have been happily selecting books. Tomorrow is the big day!!
Let’s see what I can accomplish this year!
I’m joining this challenge for the first time and I can’t wait to see how I’ll do 🙂 Already started with the letter G 🙂
Hi! I am new as well. I started with S. Have fun ? Good Luck
Hi everyone,
This is my first year participating in Dollycas’s website and challenges. I am really exciting because I absolutely love to read. With that said, I just added my first book for the “Alphabet Soup Challenge ” to my shelf year on Goodreads. The book is called “The Seance” written by Heather Graham. I love her writing, and this book is no exception. I loved it. ❤?
I think I signed up. I will have to go to goodreads to setup a a challenge shelf. This is my first time doing this challenge and I’m looking forward to it.
I just wanted to say that I added another book for the Alphabet Soup Challenge. It is “Tippy Toe Murder,” by Leslie Meier. I love everything she has written, and I know that I will being adding another book to the list. I am having a great time with these challenges. Thank you for letting me a part of your love of books. ?❤? The next book I will be reading is ” The Ghost and Mrs. Mewer,” written by Krista Davis.
All signed up…and joined Facebook group. Thanks for hosting!
Hi there,
I have a quick question. I am signed up for The Alphabet Soup Challenge and The Crazy for Cozies Challenge. Am I allowed to use the same book for each challenge? For example, I added the Tippy Toe Murder to the Alphabet Challenge, but can I also add it to the Cozies Challenge? I just want to be sure that I am following the rules. If someone can message back, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks and Take Care.
great idea, i’m all signed up…
Hello I’d like to partecipate to the challenge Can I? My email is
Thanks for hosting! I had a great time. My list is in this blog post:
I have completed my 2017 challenge! My list can be found on my blog at or my Goodreads shelf I can’t wait for next years challenge!
I completed the 2017 Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge! Just finished The Long Secret by Louise Fitzhugh for the letter “L”. Yay!! My list can be found on a page of my blog –
I have completed the challenge. The list can be found at:
I read a lot but found this challenge difficult.
I love doing your Alphabet Soup challenge. You may object to my X, but it’s the only dodgy one!