The Sunday Salon is a Facebook group that has become an
informal week in review gathering place for bloggers.
It is also a place to share our thoughts about things of a bookish nature.
You can also link up weekly on Readerbuzz.
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer
~ It’s a chance to share news~
A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.
We had some nice storms pass through this week and we learned that our granddog Thunder really doesn’t like Thunder. With each rumble of thunder, he either forced himself under my desk or into Mr. Dollycas’s lap. When the workday was complete, he stayed close by, sitting on my feet most of the evening. We gave him tons of attention as did Daisy who wasn’t bothered by the storm at all.
This week also marked the first time Daisy stayed home while Mr. Dollycas took me to a doctor’s appointment and for lab work. We left Thunder in charge and they seemed to fare nicely. Nothing new was chewed up and no messes were made. They both seemed very happy when we arrived home about 90 minutes later. We do still need to work on Daisy’s car travel but it is way too hot to leave her in the car during our appointments so it is good to know Thunder is a good dogsitter.
Friday was Mr. Dollycas’s birthday and Son #2 and his family and Daughter #2 joined us for a cookout and cake. Work schedules kept the rest of the family away. Charlotte and Thomas kept us on our toes though, they are always into something. I sure do like it when they come to visit.
This week I was also invited to try out Storygraph. Similar to GoodReads it helps track your reading but it also helps you choose books based on your mood and your favorite topics and themes. It boasts Simple tracking and insightful stats. As you track what you’re reading, they learn about the type of books you gravitate towards the most with our wide range of charts and graphs. You can see how your reading develops over time and use that information to help you pick better books. One feature that drew my attention right away is Content Warnings. When you review a book, you can let them know if there’s any content within it that might be triggering for others. For me, suicide is triggering, and it would be great to know about this type of content before I started reading the book. There is a FREE plan and a Plus plan and it is easy to import your books from GoodReads. One con to the site – you have to know your friend’s user names to find them on the site – mine is dollycas. It looks like a future plan is to set up ways to invite people to the site and to have friend’s features. The site is definitely a work in progress and clearly can’t replace GoodReads, but I am going to watch this site as they add more features.
How was your week?
Weekly Rewind – July 12 – 17, 2021
Monday – My Reading Itinerary Monday! – Week #27 – 2021
Thursday – The Question Is Murder by Mark Willen #Review
Friday – #FlashbackFriday – Uncle and Ants: A Silicon Valley Mystery by Marc Jedel – #Review / #Giveaway
The book recommendations I received at Storygraph are exceptional. I find it difficult to focus on a lot of different sites, though, so I haven’t updated my information there in quite a long time. My name on Storygraph is debnanceatreaderbuzz.
Happy birthday to your mister. I’m glad some of your family was able to get together to celebrate.
Great quote. Yes, keeping everything in harmony. I will add that to my quote list.
My animals are afraid of thunder and lightening too.
Happy Belated Birthday to Mr. Dollycass!
I’ll be checking out Storygraph for sure!
I hope you have a great week!
I lean towards mood reading these days. I’ll have to check out Storygraph. Enjoy your new cozy haul.