The Sunday Salon is a Facebook group that has become an
informal week in review gathering place for bloggers.
It is also a place to share our thoughts about things of a bookish nature.
You can also link up weekly on Readerbuzz.
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer
~ It’s a chance to share news~
A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.
A Week in the Life of Dollycas
It was another quiet week around here.

Tuesday was the 13th anniversary of my mom’s death and it just doesn’t seem that long until I look at the grandkids. Only Kaden was alive when she passed. I know she would have given the rest the tons of good loving hugs she was known for. She always said, “Give me some loves” with her arms open wide. She took so much family history with her too. I wish I would have sat down with her and written down and absorbed it all. I am trying to pass along everything I can remember to my kids but I know there is so much before my time that may be lost. Food for Thought: Document what you can while you can. Your children, grand and greats will be so happy you did.
We have had a very special house guest the last couple of years. Son #2’s bearded dragon, Thor, has been staying with us until yesterday when he moved to their apartment. I am not a reptile fan but as long as he was behind glass he was a lot of fun to watch. Mr. Dollycas thought he was being funny when he brought him to me to say goodbye. I didn’t reach out for him at all and then my son put him on my shoulder. I am getting a little assist from Charlotte. The funny thing is I missed him as soon as he left. He was very active and had some silly antics. We had learned what he liked to eat, how warm his tank needed to be, that when his chin turned black he was angry about something, and to spray him down with water to protect his skin. Shedding was always a fun time of year. While he is no longer in our house I can go visit him at my son’s where I know he will get loads of attention from the kids and their parents.
I am still playing Wordle. Are you? It has now been taken over by the New York Times so everyone is wondering how long it will be free to play. I plan to keep playing as long as it is. It is a good test for this old mind. I did miss one last week due to a silly mistake but that happens. I have added a post on the Escape With Dollycas Facebook Page if you would like to share your scores.
How was your week?
Weekly Rewind – February 7 – 12, 2022
Monday – My Reading Itinerary Monday! – Week #6 – 2022
Party On!
Happy Reading!!
Your Escape Into A Good Book Travel Agent
My mom passed about 12 years ago too, and of course she is still with me, nevertheless.
I am also a big fan of Wordle, and even use the Wordle Archives to do the ones from the very beginning of the craze. Today’s I found a bit difficult but managed to get it in 6 tries! Have a fun reading week.
My mom passed almost eleven years ago, and I miss her so much. Her one regret, she told me, is that she never got to hold a great-grandchild. My mom carefully documented family history, and left me a ten volume collection.
I enjoy Wordle, too. I just learned that it is available in other languages. Doesn’t that sound fun?!
Every one of those new books looks good.
My Mom passed away 14 years ago, I wasn’t even 30 yet. Still miss her! I think your mother’s wedding dress is gorgeous! So classy and stylish!
I have Ghost Agents up for review somewhere in March. Need to check out a couple of your tours!
Have a good week and happy reading!
Elza Reads
I ;like the little salamanders that eat the mosquitoes outside my back door, but I don’t want lizards, especially ones that BIG around, and definitely not on me!
I had a good week and ended it today with the Big Game Readathon; My Better Half continues to read next to me.
I have a busy week ahead, but I am looking forward to it.