The Sunday Salon is a Facebook group that has become an
informal week in review gathering place for bloggers.
It is also a place to share our thoughts about things of a bookish nature.
You can also link up weekly on Readerbuzz.
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer
~ It’s a chance to share news~
A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.
A Week in the Life of Dollycas
This week sure didn’t go as planned.
Tuesday I headed to the hospital for some lab work and a bone density scan that I have yearly following my cancer treatments. I had been having some pain in my mostly paralyzed right arm so we also had an x-ray to rule out a break. Wednesday I was surprised that I hadn’t heard any results nor was there any report in my account with the hospital system. Then about 2 o’clock, my primary’s office called stating it was his day off but that he received my results and he wanted me to go to the Emergency Room as soon as possible. I called Mr. Dollycas who was at work an hour away and gave him the news. He came home right away and we made it to the ER by 3:30. We checked in and waited and waited. They were very busy and no one seemed to have any urgency regarding my condition.
When I finally was admitted and in a room, they ran more tests and X-rays and explained that I may have a bone infection that entered through a wound on my elbow that opened up after a fall a couple of weeks ago that is almost healed. Tests came back and that is exactly what I had. They wanted to admit me for IV antibiotics but we convinced them to let me come home with oral antibiotics. Let me tell you, they sure pack a wallop. Nausea, headache, lightheadedness, no appetite again, which was almost back to normal. In essence, I feel like crap. I am doing my best to keep up with all my commitments but may have to rearrange a few as I will have to take these meds for at least 30 days. The alternative could mean losing my arm. An arm that can be a hindrance due to it being paralyzed but after 20 years I use it regularly and have no desire to have it gone.
Then on a global front, we lost Queen Elizabeth after just seeing her two days earlier meeting the new prime minister with her purse on her arm, a smile on her face, and a twinkle in her eye. Yes, she was 96 and she had begged off from some events but she was an icon, she had been there my entire life and that made me feel she was invincible. It was like she had a list she had to complete and then could think of herself and go to be with the love of her life. There are so many pictures to love of the Queen but some artists have really outdone themselves this week. Artists Eleanor Tomlinson Art and LadyBugArt.
It has been suggested that perhaps when the rainbows formed over Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace after she passed that Her Majesty had reached the Rainbow Bridge where she was met by countless Corgies and horses.
On a happy note, Kaden had 3 games this week. He dressed but didn’t get to play in the varsity game this week because of “who they were playing” and the score was not another blowout but the boys did win all three games. The pictures below are from the JV game Thursday night. Sadly due to my stupid arm, I wasn’t able to attend any of the games this week.
Remington had an away game on Saturday and because his mom had to work. Mr. Dollycas and Daughter #2 were his chauffeurs. He is #43 played outside linebacker and his team won 39-3.
Charlotte also has some fun yesterday helping her G.G. (Great Grandma) with a little yard work.
How was your week?
Weekly Rewind – September 5 – 10, 2022
Monday – My Reading Itinerary Monday! – Week #36 – 2022
Tuesday – A Death in Door County (A Monster Hunter Mystery) by Annelise Ryan #Review @ryan_annelise
Thursday – No post due to illness.
Saturday – A Good Dog’s Guide to Murder (A Paws & Claws Mystery) by Krista Davis #Review
Happy Reading!
Your Escape Into A Good Book Travel Agent
I sure hope the antibiotics work for you and your arm recovers completely!
Prayers for a speedy and complete healing…
Best wishes on fighting that infection.
My husband is (we hope) in the last week of daily IV antibiotics for a blood infection. He started with a week in the hospital being pumped full of antibiotics. Then home where I got trained to done IVs.
Luckily they caught that infection in time and can get you healed up and well. It’s frustrating to be told to go to the emergency room and then face such a lack of urgency, though.
I’m sorry you didn’t get to see the games this week. I hope you are able to get back to them soon!
Health scares are so ….. scary! Hopefully the antibiotics help. When you don’t feel well it’s even hard to focus on a book sometimes. Take care.
Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys
Praise God they caught the infection! I hope it heals completely with no residual effects. I hope this week is better for you and the side effects from the medicine become tolerable.