The Sunday Salon is a Facebook group that has become an
informal week in review gathering place for bloggers.
It is also a place to share our thoughts about things of a bookish nature.
You can also link up weekly on Readerbuzz.
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer
~ It’s a chance to share news~
A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.
A Week in the Life of Dollycas
My week got off to a rip-roaring start on Monday, when a notification popped up in the corner of my screen from Microsoft telling me my account had been accessed by someone other than me. Followed quickly by a notification from Amazon that I had purchased an X-Box gift card. My one hand was flying across the keyboard reporting it was not me and changing my passwords. Every time I changed the password the hacker intercepted the emails and changed them again and kept ordering. Thankfully daughter #2 walked in the door on her lunch break and I was flipping out. Her two hands worked much better than my one and she had my Amazon account locked down in seconds and worked with Microsoft too so that I could change my passwords without the email going to my Hotmail account. I now have some of the longest passwords known to man and have noted them down on paper because there is no way I could remember them. Since I was changing those passwords I changed my passwords everywhere and no two are the same. Hence the need for pen and paper. I am happy to report all the Amazon orders were canceled and the money was returned to my account very quickly.
Happier News – I did get to go to Remi’s basketball tournament last Sunday. The boys have really improved but they were up against some tough competition, losing all three games but two were really close. Remi played so well. I am so proud of him. We had the best seats too, just off the court under the basket. This meant I had to stay alert. I did have the ball come at me a time or two, In fact, I posted 1 video on Facebook showing how close I was. Just click here to view the video. LOL Remi’s reaction, #34 is priceless. It was not the first time, heck when Daughter #1 and #2 and Son #2 played it wasn’t uncommon to catch a ball or even a player when I was sitting on the sidelines.
We had a bit of snow blow-in on Thursday, about 5 inches. Schools either had snow days or sent the kids home early, but Friday the sun was shining and the temps warmed and most of it melted away.
How was your week?
Weekly Rewind – February 6 – 11, 2023
Monday – My Reading Itinerary Monday! – Week #6 – 2023
Tuesday – Six Sweets Under (A True Confections Mystery) by Sarah Fox #Review @BerkleyMystery @TheWriteFox

Your Escape Into A Good Book Travel Agent
I’m so sorry you had to deal with that hacker. Glad it is taken care of, but I’m sorry you had to face it. I would have been flipping out as well.
I grabbed Till Death Do Us Port this week as well. Looking forward to it.
Wow! That hacker experience is frightening. I’m glad your daughter was able to quickly get things under control. I hope the hacker is caught and has to suffer for the suffering he is giving to others.
Crazy to think that you can have five inches of snow one day with everything shut down and then the next is back to normal!
Wow, sorry about the hacker. I’m glad it worked out, but I would have lost my mind. I hope you have a great week!
I’m so sorry you had to deal with your accounts getting hacked. At least you were able to lock everything down. I hope that’s the end of it, but keep a close eye on your credit cards, and pull up your credit report; the hacker may also try to set up store credit cards in your name.
I’m glad you got to go to the tournament — and didn’t get hit by a ball!
Oh no, so sorry to hear you had to fight against that hacker! Glad all is resolved for you.
Imagining a world without books? I can’t even try to do that, lol
That meme at the end made me laugh. I can never imagen a world without books.
Have a great week.
I’m glad you were able to get access back for your accounts, and your money back. Grrr hackers make me mad.
Oh crap! I hate those hackers! We got hit recently as well, makes for such a mess, getting new card numbers (and passwords!!) to legitimate auto-pay and dealing with accounts that didn’t get their payments on time. Our hacker decided we needed a dating service subscription! I’d laugh if I wasn’t so pissed.