The Sunday Salon is a Facebook group that has become an
informal week in review gathering place for bloggers.
It is also a place to share our thoughts about things of a bookish nature.
You can also link up weekly on Readerbuzz.
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer
~ It’s a chance to share news~
A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.
The weather threw a monkey wrench into our anniversary and Mother’s Day celebration last Sunday but it was so good to get together with family. We were delighted to have Daughter #2’s new boyfriend join us.
He also brought a new friend for Daisy. Ruger is an African Mastiff and is just 7 months old. There is a bit of a size difference but they are becoming fast friends.
The rest of the week was the usual. Blogging, book tours, reading, working on a puzzle, and watching television. It was nice enough to read out on the porch and I hope to do that every day I can.
There were some excellent season finales last week and it is good to see that all my favorite shows have been renewed for another season. SWAT was canceled but due to fan pressure and the magic that is Shemar Moore it has been renewed for a final 13 episodes. Blue Bloods will also be back thanks to the actors taking pay cuts. Other shows are coming back but limiting the number of actors per episode. I think all the networks are going through the pains of keeping the shows on their flagship channels and on their streaming services. The efforts to keep sponsors across the board seems to be a monumental task. I hope they figure it out. We have grown attached to these shows and as long as they can keep giving us new stories we all want to keep tuning in. That depends on the writers though. I hope a fair agreement for them can be made soon and end their strike.
How was your week?
Weekly Rewind – May 15 – 20, 2023
Monday – My Reading Itinerary Monday! – Week #20 – 2023
Plus –Daryl Wood Gerber – Cookbook Nook Mysteries – This new theme has made me create posts for my sponsors so they show up in all the places I want them to.
Thursday – Murder on Mustang Beach (Outer Banks Bookshop Mystery) by Alicia Bessette #Review
Plus – Daryl Wood Gerber – Fairy Garden Mysteries

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I am glad that the weather didn’t ruin your plans too much last weekend. It is an interesting time with TV right now. And the strike is going to make it very crazy next year.
Happy anniversary – despite the weather! What sweet photos!
Sounds like you had a relaxing week! I’m glad SWAT was renewed and I so love Blue Bloods! Yes, I’ve been wondering how streaming would affect “regular tv”.
I do enjoy Ellery Adams’ books! Lots of cozy mysteries seem to be the theme for you. 😊
It’s always interesting to me that people who do the most important part of the actual work (in the case of tv, the writers) get the smallest portion of the profits. This seems to be true in every job. Those people who actually lift and empty those garbage cans ought to be getting the lion’s share of the refuse company profits, in my very humble opinion.
Your daughter looks very happy. I’m glad you were able to get together with family despite the weather.
A new boyfriend with a dog! Sounds good! Have a good week.
Nothing like a Family get together… Glad you enjoyed it.
Yes, TV is really changing. We moved from cable to streaming two years ago and it changed how we watch. It’s funny my grandkids call commercials ADS. They have no concept of having to watch oodles of ads to watch a weekly show.
I’m thinking a new boyfriend who brings a dog is probably a keeper! Both dogs are so cute!
I wish this stuff with the shows would get settled. I hope the rest of my favorites will be coming back. I’ve already had a few end and I am very sad about.
Thanks for reminding me that I need to have my son get our folding table back from my other son so I can do a few puzzels and other things.