The Sunday Salon is a Facebook group that has become an
informal week in review gathering place for bloggers.
It is also a place to share our thoughts about things of a bookish nature.
You can also link up weekly on Readerbuzz.
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer
~ It’s a chance to share news~
A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.
The big news around here this past week was again weather-related. On Thursday we had some crazy thunderstorms but south of us, there was a “Particularly Dangerous Situation (PDS)” tornado warning that was issued for the tornado that touched down near Evansville Wisconsin. That tornado tracked across Rock, Dane, and Jefferson Counties for 24.53 miles and packed wind speeds of 135 MPH, just 1 MPH shy of an EF3. The other tornado near Albany Wisconsin in Green County received a rating of a high-end EF1. This tornado was on the ground for 8.35 miles and had wind speeds of 110 MPH. These tornadoes are the first February tornadoes on record in Wisconsin’s state history. Daughter #2 lives down in that area but while they had warnings they just had high winds and thunderstorms.
Grandson Thomas was hurt while playing at school back in December. Following directions from the doctors for the past weeks he was still favoring that leg. Thankfully his mother was vigilant knowing there was something still wrong even though Thomas didn’t let it slow him down. Following an MRI earlier in the week we learned on Thursday he has multiple stress fractures in his foot and ankle and free fluid. He is now in a cast for 4 – 6 weeks. He is an active little boy so the next few weeks are going to be tough and he is upset he probably going to miss playing baseball this year. I am just glad that this was finally caught and that while it sucks to be in a cast now, I would hate to see what would have happened if had gone undiagnosed. A mother knows when there is something wrong with their child.
On Friday I had an appointment with my primary doctor for a yearly Medicare Wellness Check. I am doing well but my blood sugar was a little high so we are adjusting my medication. I always joke that when I go see this guy he always tries to find something wrong. This time it was a nice visit talking about tests I could have in the future and that the past year I have felt better than I had in a while.
Saturday we had a nice surprise. Daughter #1 came to visit so her dad could do her taxes and she brought Kaden and Remi along. The boys helped move some things around for us and Remi took down the polar bear inflatable outside. They did things in minutes that would have taken us all day. We are blessed that they don’t live too far away for these quick visits. I just wish these boys wouldn’t grow so fast. Every time I see them they seem to have grown several inches. The best thing was the great hugs they give that will keep me going until their next visit. This Nana loves those hugs!!
How was your week?
Weekly Rewind – February 5 – 10, 2024
Monday – My Reading Itinerary Monday! – Week #6 – 2024
Plus – Cherry Pies & Deadly Lies: A Very Cherry Mystery Series by Darci Hannah #Review / #Giveaway

I hope you find time to escape into a good book this week!
Your Escape Into A Good Book Travel Agent
Stay safe in all that bad weather! Hope your grandson’s leg heals up correctly. Here’s my SP:
Oh no, I hope your grandson feels better soon, Lori. Thank goodness that the family was okay during the tornado. Oh, I just hate tornadoes, our town is in a valley so they usually pass over us, but we had a very bad one back in the 70s on Palm Sunday, that actually touched down. There were some deaths in that, it was a very sad time for our community. Have a wonderful week, Lori 🤗🫶
I’m sure Thomas is disappointed about being in a cast, but it’s better than letting the leg be untreated.
And hurray for surprise grandkid visits! It’s astonishing to be around young people and to experience their amazing energy levels.
Tornados are scary. We have tons of them here, but luckily, they’ve never done more than knock down our fence. I hope Thomas heals quickly!
Glad they found the issues in your grandson’s leg
Have a great week.