The Sunday Salon is a Facebook group that has become an
informal week-in-review gathering place for bloggers.
It is also a place to share our thoughts about things of a bookish nature.
You can also link up weekly on Readerbuzz.
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer
~ It’s a chance to share news~
A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received, and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.
I am not sure what is happening, but lately, I can’t stay up as late to read, which is really messing with my schedule. Also since I took July 4 off I feel like I am chasing my tail to get caught up on my emails.
Then, on Tuesday I was supposed to have a quick check-in with my radiation oncologist and then have my Zometa infusion to help prevent damage to my bones that can occur after cancer treatments. The check-in went great but when I went to have my infusion I found out my labwork showed my magnesium count was low. So after the quick 15-minute infusion, they started an IV of magnesium which has to have an extremely slow diluted flow so I wouldn’t get an upset stomach. More than 2 1/2 hours later the procedure was complete. Missing most of the day put me even further behind.
Wednesday I thought I was getting a handle on my work so I wrapped up my day on time to go to Thomas’s last baseball game of the season. What a great time. He was so funny. When he came up to bat he shouted to us “I think I have a blister on my foot”. Then he hit the ball like a champ and ran the bases favoring his foot. When he went to the dugout his mom went to check it out and she found he had not put on the right socks. She quickly took off her socks for him to wear. He went to play in the field still favoring his foot, but his next time up to bat he shouted “it doesn’t hurt anymore”. I wish I had a tape of the funny voice he used. He had everyone laughing. So baseball ended on a high note with a win. Soccer practice started the next day. Both he and Charlotte will be playing soccer with their parents coaching. Those matches should be fun to watch.
Friday night we hit the road to watch Remi play in a baseball tournament. The mosquitoes were out in full force. The boys were dancing and swatting on the field even after being sprayed with bug spray. Those of us on the sidelines were doing the same. They lost the game (we are blaming the bugs) but we went back yesterday for 2 more games. It was a hot one, full sun, high 80’s, humid, with an occasional breeze. They lost the 1st one 10-9 and won the second 10-4. Remi pitched in both games and with some strikeouts. He also played center field and shortstop. I have to keep reminding myself this is the first year he has played and he is at the same level as the other kids. Mr. Dollycas says he is a natural athlete and Daughter #1, his mom, says he gets the skills from her. No matter where he got the skills he and his teams have been so much fun to watch. This may have been the last games with football starting soon but his coach said they have been invited to a tournament in August. The powers that be will have to decide if they will compete.
On the way home from the games Remi and his parents stopped to get Papa John’s Pizza and Dunkin’ to celebrate and Remi slammed his finger in the door at Dunkin’. A trip to urgent care, thankfully not broken, but sprained, it looks like it hurt.
Today, I will be hitting the emails again and taking some more steps to get caught up on everything.
How was your week?
Weekly Rewind – July 8 – 13, 2024
Monday – Sunday Salon / Sunday Post – A Week in the Life of Dollycas – Weekly Rewind – New Arrivals
Thursday – One Big Happy Family: A Novel by Jamie Day #Review @StMartinsPress
Saturday – Special Guest – Lawrence E. Rothstein – Author of Venetian Bind #AuthorInterview / #Giveaway
Sounds like you enjoyed a good week except for the car door slamming incident! Sitting in the car in 90 degree heat sounds pretty challenging to me. I hope you get caught up on work.
best, mae at
I really had no idea that other places suffered from mosquitoes like we do. We actually have a mosquito control truck that comes around to spray for mosquitoes.
Hope the sprain heals up quickly. It sounds like everyone is enjoying their sports time.
Kids say the darndest things.
sherry @ fundinmental
Kids are so funny! Such entertainment that it doesn’t even matter how the game goes. LOL!
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction