Tears Water the Seeds of Hope Tour
September 24 – October 29, 2012
The inspiring true story of a Midwest husband and wife that become disenchanted with the relentless pursuit of the American Dream and embark on a journey that spans six countries and redefines their lives and values. The story begins in a small town in Wisconsin and weaves its way through South and Central America as the couple gathers an army of supporters and establishes an organization to save the lives of children in the end stages of starvation in eastern Guatemala.
Genre: Memoir-Narrative Non-fiction
Publication Date: September 10, 2012
ISBN# 978-1-61315-027-6
240 Pages
The book will be featured in the October Issues of Christianity Today and Books and Culture.
September 24 – Writers & Authors – Awesome Showcase!
September 25 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book
September 26 – Geo Librarian Great Review!!
September 27 – Teena In Toronto – Wonderful Post
September 28 – Dr. Pepper Diva Nice Showcase!!
October 1 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – Review & Giveaway
October 2 – CMash Reads – Wonderful Showcase
October 3 – Writing and other ways into the heart… Another Great Review
October 4 – Book Angels – Wonderful Review
October 8 – Minding Spot Another Great Review!!
October 9 – Martha’s Bookshelf – Beautiful Post and Review
October 10 – Proud Book Nerd – Great Guest Post & Review
October 11 – I’d Rather Be Reading At The Beach – Awesome Post!
October 12 – Tribute Book Reviews – Great Interview
October 16 – What Going On In Heidi’s Head – Excellent Guest Post!
October 17 – Kaisy Daisy’s Corner – Another Great Review and Giveaway!
October 18 – The Haunting of Orchid – Another Wonderful Post and Giveaway!!!
October 19 – My Devotional Thoughts – AWESOME REVIEW!
October 22 – Ordinary Servant – A Spectacular Review
October 23 – Reading 2 Review – Great Showcase
October 24 – Books and Needlepoint
October 29 – Karen’s Fiction and Non-Fiction Book Reviews – Fantastic Review
The setting sun painted a backdrop of cotton candy pink clouds over the roadside bar and grill where we would soon hear our favorite acoustic guitar duo sing Jimmy Buffet songs. It was an idyllic Wisconsin summer night late in June of 2005. Under normal circumstances, I would have enjoyed the warm breeze and the glow of the festive colored tiki lights on the outdoor deck with the sense of carefree recreation that midwestern families enjoy when school is out and the days are longer. Randy shook his head, smiling as our two daughters took turns throwing harmless jabs at one another, each laughing hysterically at her own jokes. I felt as if I were watching the scene from a distance, fighting back tears as my mind returned to the children I had seen two days earlier in a squalid hospital in drought and famine-stricken eastern Guatemala—a scene that would change me forever and wreck me once and for all for the relentless pursuit of the American Dream. I was haunted by the forlorn faces of two children whose hopeless situation had laid the framework for the rest of my life.
The severely starved two-year-old boy was scarcely more than skin and bones. Hair was a luxury his body could not afford, as the nutrients available to him were barely enough to keep his vital organs functioning. His face was sunken and pale, the outline of his ribs and spine clearly visible through his thin layer of skin. He had been carried by his barefooted ten-year-old sister from El Volcancito, their remote mountain village several miles away, into the small town of Jocotan, in hopes that his life could be saved. The mother of the children was bedridden with a debilitating illness for which she could not afford treatment. My heart broke as much for the boy, barely hanging on and suffering miserably, as for the young girl, exhausted and saddled with the crushing responsibility of keeping her baby brother alive.
A frail little girl sat weeping on a tattered bench at the entrance to the facility, her body emaciated and her abdomen severely bloated, revealing the presence of parasites within her weak, trembling frame. She had been brought to the hospital for nutritional rehabilitation, and because she was four years old, and her mother had two smaller children to care for at home, she had been left alone. Lidia could not have understood why she had been left behind by her family in this unfamiliar place. She had been sitting on the bench since early morning waiting for them to return. In her hand she clutched what was probably her only toy, a comfort and reminder of home. The lump in my throat returned each time I recalled opening her tiny hand to find that she held a black plastic vulture.
Randy and I were married in May of 1993. During our early years together, we were blessed with two beautiful daughters and were pursuing careers in real estate, climbing the ranks among our colleagues in terms of sales volume. We purchased an enormous house on four acres, and although it was only four years old, we completely remodeled it to suit our tastes. With luxury vehicles and an ever-increasing income, we were living the American Dream. There was much to be thankful for, but something was missing.
Kim Tews was raised in Madison, Wisconsin and attended the University of Wisconsin-Madison, majoring in Economics. She and husband, Randy, pursued careers in real estate before beginning mission work together in Ecuador, South America in 2001. In 2005 they established the 501 (c) 3 non-profit Outreach for World Hope to save the lives of starving children in eastern Guatemala. The couple lives in Verona, Wisconsin with their three children, traveling back and forth to Guatemala frequently to facilitate the ongoing programs of Outreach for World Hope.
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