Granny Skewers A Scoundrel
by Julie Seedorf
This Laugh out loud whodunit will have you reading past your bedtime.
~Shelley’s Book Case
I really enjoy cozy mysteries like this one, with lots of wonderful characters including cute pets!
Granny is a smart, funny lady who really likes to get things done.
~Readingnks – My Recent Favorite Reads
Well, Granny really skewered me in this book. Once I started it, I didn’t want to put it down.
~Melina’s Book Blog
There are lots of twists and turns I did not expect. Kept me guessing. Lots of humor, crimes, memory problems and junk food.
The characters are quirky and extraordinary, the plot a bit twisty, and altogether a fun read.
~Christa Reads and Writes
Now, there are many types of mysteries, ‘cozies’ being one of them. But add a sub-category here and call it a wild ride with a cool, funny lady.
~Latte’ Da
Granny is a spry, sassy little rascal and she makes me laugh out loud.
~Brooke Blogs
I love Granny! (Do you think she’ll adopt me?)
~Back Porchervations
This cozy mystery excels in lovable characters and zany situations.
~Author Teresa Trent
It ‘s a really fun book…a cozy mystery to be enjoyed from the first to the last page.
OMG, I fell in love with the cover of this book in a glance. Once I started reading, I fell in love with the series too.
~A Chick Who Reads
Granny Skewers a Scoundrel:
A Fuschia Minnesota Mystery
Cozy Mystery – 225 Pages
Cozy Cat Press (March 11, 2014)
ISBN-13: 978-1939816382
July 14 – July 28, 2014
12 Stops
Guest Posts and Interviews Available
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E-Books For Reviewers
Granny has a new addition to her arsenal of crime fighting weapons as Fuchsia, Minnesota’s most colorful detective. Now, along with her famous crook-hooking umbrella, she’s acquired a scoundrel-skewering knitting needle. And just in time! Residents of Fuchsia seem to be dropping dead like flies! First, it’s Granny’s neighbor Sally (who gives up the ghost in her weed-filled front yard), followed by Esmeralda Periwinkle (the squirrel lover on Main Street), and then, Mr. Nail, owner of the local hardware store (who is squashed when dozens of bags of fertilizer fall on top of him). Granny is baffled. Who is behind this murder spree?
Granny enlists the help of her sort of boyfriend franklin Gatsby, the town’s police chief Cornelius Stricknine (or “The Big Guy”), her reality-show loving neighbor Mavis, and her own son Thor. And, of course, the special assistance of her menagerie of pets — including Mr. Bleaty, the goat. Soon Granny is hot on the trail of this dastardly murderer. Unfortunately, when Granny herself is poisoned, everyone insists that she cool her crime solving ways and stay indoors and out of harms way. Of course, that’s never going to happen! Not when Granny knows all the secret passageways and tunnels that run underneath Fuchsia. Out she goes–and watch out, you evil doers! Granny will solve this mystery–you can bet your pink undies, she will!
About This Author
Julie grew up in a small Minnesota community. She knows the value of neighbors looking out for neighbors.
Julie has worn many hats during her lifetime. She has been a waitress, barmaid, activities assistant, store clerk, office manager and for the last 14 years has worked in computer repair, and finally owning her own computer repair business. In January 2014 she closed her computer business to write full time.
Her most important career in her estimation has been wife, mother and grandmother. Nothing could equal the gift of nurturing and watching her children and grandchildren grow.
Julie is also a columnist for the Albert Lea Tribune. Her column “Something About Nothing” brings a little fluff to an unfluffy world. She believes there is always something underlying in the nothings we talk about. In 2011 she self-published “Whatchamacallit? Thingamajig?. It is a book about grandmothers and grandchildren. It was a collaboration between her grandchildren and Julie. Along with a glossary and lots of weird words, it is a mystery that reveals to the characters grandchildren who Grandma used to be.
In 2013 Julie signed a contract with Cozy Cat Press for the publication of her Cozy Mystery “Granny Hooks A Crook.” It fulfilled one item on Julie’s bucket list. Granny lives in the fictional town of Fuchsia, Minnesota. The Fuchsia, Minnesota books is a series. Granny Skewers A Scoundrel, book two in the series was released in March 2014. The Fuchsia books are unusual cozies with a little satire about small communities and an over the top Granny that gives a new meaning to old. Julie also writes free lance for the Courier Sentinel and the Albert Lea Tribune. She also is designing a line of shirts, cups and other material to complement her books.
Never quit dreaming is Julie’s motto. Dreams are the gateway to fun, fantasy and the future.
Author Links,,,, Twitter: @julieseedorf
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Tour Participants
July 14 – Shelley’s Book Case – Review
July 15 – Kelly P’s Blog – Interview
July 16 – My Recent Favorite Books – Review
July17 – Melina’s Book Blog – Review, Guest Post
July 18 – readalot blog – Review
July 19 – Christa Reads and Writes – Review
July 20 – Latte’ Da! – Review, Guest Post
July 21 – Author Michele Lynn Seigfried’s Blog – Guest Post
July 22 – Brooke Blogs – Review, Guest Post
July 23 – Back Porchervation – Review
July 24 – Teresa Trent Author Site – Review, Interview
July 25 – Omnimystery News – Interview –
July 26 – LibriAmoriMiei – Review
July 27 – a chick who reads – Review
July 28 – deal sharing aunt – Interview
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I grew up in the Midwestern small town but it was never like Fushsia. Sounds like a burg chock full of colorful characters! Good luck to Julie on her blog tour!
Thank you Sally. Fuchsia is unlike any town I have lived in too because it doesn’t conform except to silly.