A Disguise to Die For
by Diane Vallere
I really liked the author’s writing style as it made the story just flow along.
~A. Holland Reads
Vallere is becoming my go-to author for a fun and crazy -without being over the top -read. This is my 3rd book by her and it might just be the most fun.
~I Wish I Lived In a Library
I’m already loving the Costume Shop Mysteries series after this first book. It’s witty, funny, fresh and kept my interest.
~Bubble Bath Books
You will be captivated from the start.
~Shelley’s Book Case
This book was well written and flowed well.
~Melina’s Book Blog!
Diane is a terrific writer and hooks you from the very first page.
~Cinnamon Sugar and A Little Bit of Murder
“A Disguise to Die For” by author Diane Vallere is a really nice mystery.
~3 Partners in Shopping; Nana, Mommy, &; Sissy too!
I really like reading about Margo’s interactions with the two people closest to her — her father, of course, and Ebony, who’s been almost like a mother to Margo for over 25 years.
~Jane Reads
Diane Vallere has done a wonderful job constructing a new cozy mystery world incorporating a costume shop.
~Sapphyria’s Book Reviews
I knew I was going to like this one from the first page as it made me chuckle. If you love fun, quirky cozy mysteries then you will enjoy this new series.
~Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my!
Diane Vallere has created a wonderful new world inhabited by quirky characters with substance.
~Cozy Up With Kathy
A Disguise to Die For:
A Costume Shop Mystery
New Series
Cozy Mystery
Publisher: Berkley (February 2, 2016)
Mass Market Paperback: 304 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0425278284
E-Book ASIN: B00X5936W2
Someone is dressed to kill in the debut Costume Shop Mystery from the national bestselling author of the Material Witness mysteries.
No sooner does former magician’s assistant Margo Tamblyn return home to Proper City, Nevada, to run Disguise DeLimit, her family’s costume shop, than she gets her first big order. Wealthy nuisance Blitz Manners needs forty costumes for a detective-themed birthday bash. As for Blitz himself, his Sherlock Holmes is to die for—literally—when, in the middle of the festivities, Margo’s friend and party planner Ebony Welles is caught brandishing a carving knife over a very dead Blitz.
For Margo, clearing Ebony’s name is anything but elementary, especially after Ebony flees town. Now Margo is left to play real-life detective in a town full of masked motives, cloaked secrets, and veiled vendettas. But as she soon learns, even a killer disguise can’t hide a murderer in plain sight for long.

About The Author
I’m a former fashion buyer turned mystery writer, trading fashion accessories for accessories to murder. I was bit by the mystery bug as a kid reading Trixie Belden, Connie Blair, and The Three Investigators. Now I’m writing three series: the Style & Error Mysteries, the Mad for Mod Mysteries, and the Material Witness Mysteries. Coming in Feb 2016: The new Costume Shop Cozy Mysteries!
The Material Witness mysteries feature Polyester Monroe, who inherits the fabric shop where she was born. Books include SUEDE TO REST and CRUSHED VELVET
. The third, SILK STALKINGS,
will be out in August 2016.
The Style & Error Series features former fashion buyer turned amateur sleuth Samantha Kidd. Books in that series include DESIGNER DIRTY LAUNDRY; BUYER, BEWARE
. (A short story, “Just Kidding
,” tells the story of how Samantha first met shoe designer Nick Taylor). Book 5, GRAND THEFT RETRO, will be out in 2016.
The Madison Night Mysteries feature a modern day interior decorator who specializes in midcentury design (studying Doris Day movies to get the look right). Books are PILLOW STALK, THAT TOUCH OF INK
. A prequel novella, “Midnight Ice,” can be found in OTHER PEOPLE’S BAGGAGE
Author Links
FB: https://www.facebook.com/DianeVallereAuthor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dianevallere
GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4739022.Diane_Vallere
Tour Participants
February 2 – A. Holland Reads – Review
February 2 – Melissa’s Eclectic Bookshelf – Interview
February 3 – I Wish I Lived in a Library – Review
February 4 – Brooke Blogs – Review, Guest Post
February 5 – Bubble Bath Books – Review
February 6 – Shelley’s Book Case – Review
February 7 – Melina’s Book Blog – Review
February 8 – Cinnamon, Sugar and a Little Bit of Murder – Review
February 8 – 3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, &, Sissy, Too! – Review
February 9 – Jane Reads – Review, Guest Post
February 10 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – Review
February 11 – Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my! – Review
February 11 – Cozy Up With Kathy – Review
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