This book caught my eye some time ago on Staci’s blog Life In The Thumb. At first when I learned that it was book 11 in the series I was a little hesitant as I am one of those people that has to read series in order, but after seeing Staci’s review and hearing more about it I moved it to the top of my To-Be-Read pile last week. Thank You Staci!!!
The Girl in the Green Raincoat: A Tess Monaghan Novel
Published by HarperCollins
Cover Design by Emin Mancheril
Cover Photo by Charles Gullung/Corbis
11th in the series
Tess Monaghan is a private investigator in Baltimore, but unfortunately as she enters the third trimester of her pregnancy she is put on complete bed rest. This is especially hard for a woman who uses her keen observations to solve crimes. Now all she gets to observe is what she can see out her window. Pretty boring stuff, the same people walk by every day, some walking dogs or kids. A young woman wearing a green raincoat walking a dog goes by every day without fail. Tess is intrigued by her and tries to figure out her story just by what she can see from her bed.
Then one day the dog goes flying by Tess’s window and the girl in the green raincoat is nowhere in sight. Certain that something is really wrong. Tess decides she must solve the mystery. What happened to the girl in the green raincoat? Little does she know she is putting herself and her baby in danger as she delves into her quest to find the answers she needs.
Dollycas’s Thoughts
The book reads quite easy as a stand alone. I have not read any of the books in this series and totally enjoyed it. The whole Rear Windowesque theme was thoroughly entertaining.
Some of Tess’s superstitions added quite a bit of humor along with the zany actions of Dempsey. It is easy to feel for the character of Tess as she not only deals with being bedridden but deals with questions about her future, the normal pregnancy hormones and the fears of a high risk pregnancy. Her boyfriend is a gem, her best friend Whitney is a stitch and her dad is the typical dad, there when you need him.
This story is short, well paced and gives us a peek into the world of Tess Monaghan. This may be the first story I have read in this series but it won’t be the last. I also want to check out some of Laura Lippman’s stand alone novels.
If you want to find out more about Laura Lippman check out her web page.
This book came from my own person collection.