Grevy Danger: An Entertaining Cozy Murder Mystery
(A Kenya Kanga Mystery)
by Victoria Tait
About Grevy Danger
Grevy Danger: An Entertaining Cozy Murder Mystery (A Kenya Kanga Mystery)
Cozy Mystery
5th in Series
Publisher : Kanga Press (August 6, 2021)
Digital: Number of Pages 260
Two deaths. No crime. For this determined sleuth the answers are not black and white.
Community vet ‘Mama Rose’ Hardie is hoping for peace and tranquility to mourn the death of her faithful husband. But when a woman collapses and dies in her arms, she’s shaken to the core.
She joins an endangered zebra expedition, but alarms bells start ringing when a second woman mysteriously dies in her care.
Despite the lack of evidence, and the authorities’ insistence that the tragedies are coincidental, Rose acts on her own instincts to prove they’re deliberate killings. But with clues luring her deep into the corrupt lion’s den, unmasking this deadly plot could claim her last breath
Will Rose’s pursuit of justice lead to her own extinction?
Grevy Danger is the fifth book in the compelling Kenya Kanga Mystery series. If you like intuitive heroines, mysteries full of twists and turns, and sweeping African landscapes, then you’ll love Victoria Tait’s intelligent tale.
Before I started reading this book I did a little research because to me a zebra was a zebra.
I learned that the Grevys zebra is a lot different than the Mountain zebra and the Burchell zebra. Grevys zebras are less populated and rarer than the Mountain zebra and the Burchell zebra. They are also less social than the other types of zebras. overall, Grevys zebras are very different than the Mountain zebra and the Burchell zebra. The long-legged, endangered Grevy’s zebra is the largest of the wild equids. It is distinguished by its unique stripes, which are as distinctive as human fingerprints. Foals are brown with reddish-brown stripes, and gradually their coats darken to black. The Grevy’s are more closely related to the wild ass than the horse, while the plains zebra is more closely related to the horse. Grevy’s also are taller, have larger ears, and have narrower stripes than plains zebras. They are the largest of the zebra species.
Knowing the author would give me more details I was ready to jump right into this book.
Dollycas’s Thoughts
This story begins not long after the last one ended. Mama Rose is mourning the loss of her husband Craig and her friends are trying to get her back out into the world. She joins an event with her friends to count the endangered Grevy Zebra. They are all hoping for a quiet expedition with no drama for Mama Rose. But before they even start the event a woman dies and Rose becomes distraught that couldn’t help the woman she held in her own arms. Then another woman dies in a similar fashion as the rally barely begins. Rose tries to leave the deaths to the authorities and concentrate on the zebra count but she just can’t let it go. She really feels the deaths are connected, she just has to prove before she ends up on her own endangered list.
Sadly Craig is gone and there is a new coroner for the area who has become a huge thorn in the side of everyone she meets, but Chloe, Pearl, Thabiti, Commissioner Akida, Constable Wachira, Dr. Emma, and Sam all return. Rose catches up with some old friends as well but we are introduced to several new characters too. Rose is such a dynamic character, an elderly woman with more energy than women half her age. She needed a new project and her friends knew that. When that project led to another murder investigation Mama Rose did not shy away. She just has a way of putting the clues together. It may take a while for her to think things through but look out when the secrets and twists are pinned down she takes it upon herself to reveal all.
The mystery of the current murders is not the only investigation people are focused on. A plane went down nearly ten years ago that could be connected to the murders and Thabiti is working with a group of plane hunters looking for that plane and others.
The way Victoria Tait twists events and clues together continues to draw me deeply into the story. I shut the door so I wouldn’t be interrupted and nestled into my recliner and escaped right into Grevy Danger. Ms. Tait’s descriptive writing style brings the setting of Kenya alive as well as all the people we meet. I can feel the heat and get excited when a Grevy zebra is seen or any other animals that may appear. I really appreciated that this story opened my eyes to the different kinds of zebras especially the endangered Grevy Zebras. I love that I learn things while engrossed in a great mystery.
Grevy Danger really excited me. I will never travel to Africa/Kenya but the books in this series take me there virtually. I highly recommend reading them all. I can’t wait for the next adventure Ms. Tait takes her readers on.
Your Escape Into A Good Book Travel Agent
About Victoria Tait
Victoria Tait is the author of the enchanting Kenya Kanga Mystery series. She’s drawn on 8 years’ experience of living in rural Kenya, with her family, to write vivid and evocative books. Her readers feel the heat, taste the dryness and smell the dust of Africa. Her silver-haired sleuth, “Mama Rose” Hardie, is Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple reincarnated and living in Kenya.
Like all good military wives, Victoria follows the beat of the drum and currently lives in Sarajevo, in Bosnia and Herzegovina. She has two fast growing teenage boys and enjoys horse riding and mountain biking.
You can find Victoria at VictoriaTait.com, on Bookbub and in her readers’ Facebook group, Victoria’s Voracious Readers (with her cat Izzy)
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Great Escapes Praise for Grevy Danger: An Entertaining Cozy Murder Mystery (A Kenya Kanga Mystery)
by Victoria Tait
Well-developed characters take us on an African trip to remember all while Rose figures out what really happened. Makes for a fabulous read as it all plays out taking the reader on a trip they won’t forget.
~Books a Plenty Book Reviews
Overcoming grief and depression is a focus of this novel, healing, as well as greed and animal population concerns . . . Links, from relationships to crimes, can be tricky to establish and author Victoria Tait does so masterfully.
~Laura’s Interests
Once again Victoria Tait has written a wonderful mystery set in my favorite place, Africa. As always, she “paints’ the setting of rural Kenya so vividly that you can imagine yourself there in the heat and dust with her characters.
~Here’s How It Happened
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August 9 – Reading Is My SuperPower – SPOTLIGHT
August 10 – Here’s How It Happened – REVIEW
August 10 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT
August 11 – I Read What You Write – REVIEW, AUTHOR INTERVIEW
August 11 – Literary Gold – SPOTLIGHT
August 12 – Christy’s Cozy Corners – CHARACTER GUEST POST
August 12 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW
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Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. Receiving a complimentary copy in no way reflected my review of this book. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”