It’s that time of year when us readers start thinking about our
reading challenges for the year to come.
You can find Part 1 of my 2018 Challenges here.
This challenge is hosted by Charlie at The Worm Hole.
I missed doing this challenge last year, excited to add it in 2018.
From Charlie –
This is the sign-up post for the eleventh annual What’s In A Name challenge, originally started by Annie, handed to Beth Fish Reads, and now continued here at The Worm Hole.
The basics
The challenge runs from January to December. During this time you choose a book to read from each of the following categories. (Examples of books you could choose are in brackets – translations and other languages most definitely count!):
- The word ‘the’ used twice (The Secret By The Lake; The End Of The Day, The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time)
- A fruit or vegetable (The Guernsey Literary And Potato Peel Pie Society; The Particular Sadness Of Lemon Cake)
- A shape (The Ninth Circle, The Square Root Of Summer, Circle Of Friends)
- A title that begins with Z – can be after ‘The’ or ‘A’ (Zen In The Art Of Writing; The Zookeeper’s Wife, Zelda)
- A nationality (Anna And The French Kiss; How To Be A Kosovan Bride; Norwegian Wood)
- A season (White Truffles In Winter; The Spring Of Kasper Meier; The Summer Queen; Before I Fall; The Autumn Throne)
As usual I’ve tried to include some easy categories and some not so. Remember the titles I’ve given here are only examples, you can by all means use them if you want to but it’s not necessary. There are plenty of other books that will fit the categories and you may have some in mind already or even some on your shelves you can read.
Extra information
- Books can be any format (print, audio, ebook).
- It’s preferred that the books don’t overlap with other challenges, but not a requirement at all.
- Books cannot overlap categories (for instance my example of The Square Root Of Summer could be used for ‘a shape’ or ‘a season’ but not both).
- Creativity for matching the categories is not only allowed, it’s encouraged!
- You don’t have to make your list of books beforehand, you can choose them as you go.
- You don’t have to read your chosen books in any particular order.
Everything else
On January 1 I’ll publish 7 posts, one for each category and one for your wrap-up post. These posts will be published as WordPress pages and linked to from the What’s In A Name logo on the sidebar. You will be able to post your links to your reviews or leave comments, depending on whether you’re a blogging reader or a non-blogger reader. If you are a blogger, please leave one review per category. You’ll be able to find the gateway post through a link I’ll be adding to the navigation section of my sidebar.
If you have trouble finding a book for a category, have a look at the corresponding page for it here once the challenge has started – readers who’ve already completed the category will have linked to their reviews and added titles that you can look through.
To join the challenge, sign up using the Mr Linky if you’re a blogger, and if you’re not a blogger please email me your details (I’ve had to turn off comments on this post because the spam has become too much). If at any time you have difficulties adding your link, email me at the address on my contact page with your information, and I’ll add it myself.
How to use Mr Linky: put your name and/or your blog’s name in the top box and the URL (web address) of your blog in the second box. If you have a Tumblr or use a Facebook page instead of a blog, use the web address to that instead.
How you link is up to you, but it’s suggested that you include both your name and blog name in the first box.
If you have any suggestions for this year’s challenge, let me know in the comments (again, if you’ve not commented here before the comment will show up after I’ve approved it as part of my site spam moderation).
And remember that you don’t have to sign up today – as the challenge runs until the end of 2018, you can sign up at any time during the year.
Hope you enjoy the challenge and best of luck! The hashtag for Twitter is #whatsinaname2018 (the number included so we don’t get lost amongst various Romeo And Juliet quotes!)
You can sign up here.
2018 Cloak and Dagger Challenge
This challenge is hosted by Stormi at Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my! and Barb at Booker T’s Farm.
From Stormi & Barb – Where did 2017 go! I can’t believe it’s already time to do sign ups for 2018! I hope everyone who participated this year read a lot of great mystery, suspense, and thrillers. I know I did and I found a lot of new series!
I don’t know about you all but I read a lot of mysteries this year. Most of them being cozies but I also found some great new mystery series to try. Hope you all found some great new authors or series to try! I don’t know how many of you tried to challenge yourselves this year to finish or at least catch up to a series but I did pretty good. I at least got caught up on about 4 series which is pretty good for me. I am close to catching up on some more but I have a long ways to go before catching up on all of them!! ?
We still have our facebook group so if you haven’t joined we would love for you too! Here is the groups link: It’s a closed group so just ask to join and we shall let you in. ?
Challenge Rules:
- You can read any book that is from the mystery/suspense/thriller/crime genres. Any sub-genres are welcome as long as they incorporate one of these genres.
- You don’t need a blog to participate but you do need a place to post your reviews to link up. (blog, Goodreads, booklikes, shelfari, etc.)
- Make a goal post and link it back here with your goal for this challenge.
- Books need to be novellas or novels, please no short stories. (At least 100 pages +)
- Crossovers into other challenges are fine.
- The Challenge will be from Jan. 1st to Dec. 31st. (Sign up ends April 15th)
There will be a monthly link up so that others can check out your progress and look at your reviews. At the halfway mark and at the end we will have a giveaway for those participating.
If you tweet about your progress or reviews please use the hashtag #CloakDaggerChal so others can see it.
5-15 books – Amateur sleuth
16-25 books – Detective
26-35 books – Inspector
36 – 55 – Special agent
56+ books – Sherlock Holmes
This year Barb wants to play a game some time during the year. It’s sort of a mystery game but we haven’t tweaked it just yet so it doesn’t have a name but I wanted you to get ready in case you like to play games. It will all involve reading mysteries but just doing so in a fun way. ?
I am signing up again at the Detective Level 16 – 25 books. These books will be kept separate from the books I use for the cozy mystery challenges.
Ready? I started this challenge because I read more ebooks than print books but continued to buy print books! As I was thinking about it, I wondered if I was the only one that needed this.
Guidelines are pretty simple. You’ll have all year to read your books so go ahead and stretch yourself.
1. Choose a Level
- Board Books: 12 (New level)
- Picture Books: 26 (New level)
- Chapter Books: 52
- Middle Grade: 78
- Teen: 104
- Young Adult: 156
- Adult: 208 or more
2. You may move up a level but not down.
3. You don’t need a blog to participate. Feel free to link to a Goodreads shelf or another public profile where everyone can see your books.
4. Reviews are not necessary but a list of books you’ve read is. There will be a link up for reviews if you wish to post them. You can make a list of books you want to read and change them if you’d like.
5. All formats allowed as long as the book has an isbn or equivalent and can be purchased or borrowed, the book counts.
6. Individual short stories in a collection and individual books of the Bible do not count.
7. Crossovers from other challenges count
8. Books started before January 1st, 2018 don’t count.
2018 NetGalley and Edelweiss Reading Challenge
This challenge is hosted by Katrina at Bookish Things and More.
From Katrina –
Welcome to the fifth annual Netgalley and Edelweiss Reading Challenge!
Emily at Falling for YA created this challenge and is passing the torch onto me. I’m excited to be hosting, and can’t wait to get my review ratio on NetGalley up.
Have you ever logged on to Edelweiss or Netgalley with the intention of “Just Looking” and then logged off having requested 5 new titles even though your TBR is a mile long? This challenge will (hopefully) give you the incentive to tackle your review books, stumble upon new ones, and get your Netgalley percentage to the desired 80%!
Challenge Guidelines
- The challenge will run from Jan 1, 201 – Dec 31, 2018.
- Anyone is welcome to join. You do not need to be a blogger, just post your reviews and come back every month to link them up.
- Any genre, release date, request date, length, etc. counts so long as it came from Edelweiss or Netgalley.
- At the beginning of each month there will be a roundup post for you to add your reviews.
- If you forget to link up one month it’s not a problem just add your reviews next month.
- If you would like to move up or down levels that is completely fine and at your discretion.
- If you have any questions tweet me @BookishThings or e-mail!
- Hashtag: #NGEW2018
Bronze – 10 Books
Silver – 25 Books
Gold – 50 Books
Platinum – 75 Books
Diamond – 100 Books
Reading more and more e-books, but my NetGalley shelf needs some attention. I am signing up Silver but shooting for Gold.
2018 Finishing the Series Reading Challenge – #FinishingTheSeries2018
This challenge is hosted by Lenoreo and Carly at Celebrity Readers.
From Lenoreo and Carly – This challenge is focused on finally finishing those series that you’ve started but not yet completed. We participated in a similar challenge in 2016 hosted by Bea’s Book Nook, but we couldn’t find one for 2017. So we decided we would host our own version for 2018!
While we’re pretty lax about how you wish to set up this challenge for yourself, we do have a few guidelines to follow.
- The challenge will run from January 1st, 2018 to December 31st, 2018. Books must be read during this time frame to count. Sign up is open from now until December 1st, 2018, so you may join even just for the last month of the year.
- Series can be already completed as well as still ongoing. For ongoing series, the goal is to catch up to the most recent book published. For example, I’m hoping to catch up on the Winston Brothers series by Penny Reid, but I know there will still be another book coming in 2019 before that series is considered complete. I would just need to read all the books published before the end of 2018 to qualify it as completed for this challenge. So assuming the release schedule remains the same, that would include Dr. Strangebeard but not Beard Necessities.
- We don’t care if you have only 1 book or 10 books to read in order to finish your series, as long as you’ve started the series before 2018 (ie read at least one book in the series), it counts. Re-reads are not required.
- Any format and length of book counts – print, ebook, audio, ARC, etc.
- Series can be any length (even if it’s just a Duet).
- Crossovers from other challenges are totally acceptable!
- Reviews are not required, but highly encouraged.
How to Play:
- Declare your intentions to participate in this challenge somewhere on the internet!! You do not need to be a blogger to participate, there are many ways to declare. You could write a blog post, create a reading challenge page, create a Goodreads shelf containing series you hope to finish, post about it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
- Some things you could include (but that aren’t required):
- A link to this page so that others may find us and join the fun as well (feel free to download the button at the top to use in your posts).
- A list of series you hope to read for this challenge. You could even get fancy and list the length of the series, or the books you’ve already read, etc.
- The level you are aiming for.
- Sign up for the challenge using the link up below, and link directly to where you’ve declared your intentions (ie to the specific blog post, the goodreads shelf, the Facebook post, etc).
- We will be posting monthly link ups for you to add links to your reviews or any wrap-up/overview posts you wish to share.
- Go forth and READ!! And have fun!!
- Use the hashtag #FinishingTheSeries2018 on any social media to keep up with other participants!
The Reward:
Uh…your own sense of pride in achieving a goal? Sorry folks, we’re not actually that motivated by prizes ourselves, so we’re just offering bragging rights. But we can offer you some pretty graphics to either declare your goal or to use as a badge once achieved!
The Levels:
We offer you 3 different “Celebrity” levels of achievement for this reading challenge:
I have several series to finish or catch up on. I am signing up at Level C but hope to move up to Level B.
Some of us have a huge problem.Cheryl from CMash Loves to Read and Gina from Hott Books are two such people. And they are the founding mothers of the Reading Challenge Addict Blog. Bev from My Reader’s Block is one with a HUGE problem and the current author and caretaker of the Blog. We each can stand proudly and say,
I am a Reading Challenge Addict.
So we are challenging each of you who can also
say that you also are a Reading Challenge Addict.
How addicted are you?
- Easy as Pie: 1-5 Challenges (Entered & Completed)
- On the Roof: 6-10 Challenges (Entered & Completed)
- In Flight: 11-15 Challenges (Entered & Completed)
- Out of This World: 16+ Challenges (Entered & Completed)
We’re not making this a difficult challenge, actually, it’s going to be very simple!
- Each edition of the challenge will begin on January 1 and end on December 31.
- Write a starting post joining the challenge and outlining your challenges.
- Track all of your challenge accomplishments – good & bad.
- Comment like crazy and offer support for your fellow addicts.
- Have FUN!
Easy, right? Who wants to be in on the fun? Are you ready? As soon as it shows up in the tabs across the top, sign up on the latest “Reading Challenge Addicts” page.
I will also be participating in the GoodReads Reading Challenge trying again to read 200 books in 2018.
The Book Dragon’s Lair will also be hosting their E-Book Challenge and Pages Read Challenges. The sign ups for them have not yet been posted.