Welcome to Cozy Wednesday!
Elizabeth Lynn Casey joins us today!
Her new Sewing Circle Mystery was released last week!
When a “Small Fix” is Anything But
By Elizabeth Lynn Casey
(Guest Post provided by publicist)
Have you ever had one seemingly tiny thing go wrong only to have it kick off an almost domino-effect across other aspects of your life?
I know I have.
And, in Patterned After Death (12th book in my Southern Sewing Circle Mysteries), so too, does my main character, Tori Sinclair.
When the story opens, Tori’s car isn’t working. Her husband, Milo, thinks it’ll be a quick fix.
Ahhh, yes, famous last words…
Not only is the issue with the car harder to figure out than Milo thought, it also ends up being the least of Tori’s worries. Because by the end of the day, she’s found a dead body and hit her head on a concrete floor.
And that’s just the beginning. In a matter of day or two, she’s trying to clear a friend’s son of murder charges, help another deal with decreasing health, and convince another that she’s not a traitor.
Suddenly that broken car doesn’t seem like such a big deal, huh?
You can read more about Tori Sinclair in Patterned After Death, the 12th book in the Southern Sewing Circle Mysteries
by Elizabeth Lynn Casey:

Patterned After Death (Southern Sewing Circle Mystery)
Cozy Mystery
12th in Series
Setting – South Carolina
A Berkley Prime Crime Mystery (June 6, 2017)
An Imprint of Penguin Random House LLC
Mass Market Paperback: 304 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0425282571

Everyone in Sweet Briar, South Carolina, knows former high school football stars Jake Davis and Noah Madden. The two were fierce rivals once and now, twenty years later, the dueling quarterbacks haven’t lost their luster. So townsfolk are surprised when Jake and Noah team up for a business venture. And there’s only one suspect when Noah turns up murdered.
Margaret Louise, Jake’s mother and one of the founding members of the sewing circle, isn’t about to take the attack on her son’s reputation lying down. In fact, she’s in full mama-bear mode. And Tori and the rest of the Sweet Briar gang are more than willing to help her sharpen her claws to catch a killer.
Dollycas’s Thoughts
Tori’s day gets off to a bad start with her car making a funny noise but things get a whole lot worse when she finds a body at the Jake’s repair shop. Jake seems to be a shocked as Tori and Milo but because he and the dead man have a history that dates back 20 years he becomes the #1 suspect. His mom, Margaret Louise is one of Tori’s best friends as is his wife, Melissa, mother of his 8 children. Tori knows he is innocent, she just has to prove it. The Sewing Circle members all pitch in any way the can to get this mystery stitched up as quickly as possible.
I love this series! I love these characters!
The Sewing Circle is made up of a fabulous group of ladies, 1 gentleman and 1 rabbit 🙂 The group has its share of spats between the members but this time there is a major divide and feelings are hurt. Of course, there is an explanation but communication lines between 2 members are completely shut down causing even more stress and urgency to find the real killer. The characters introduced in the first story have become so real over the years that when they hurt it flutters right off the pages and into my heart. They are truly as close as family and I absolutely love the way they take care of each other. This is a true sign of the author’s excellence, she keeps the characters real and vital. If they actually were real I would move to South Carolina just to join this group.
Now as for the mystery, that is top drawer as well. More suspects than I had originally imagined. The way the whole town was involved – Team Jake – Team Noah pulled me even deeper into the action in Sweet Briar. You may think a book set in the South would have a slow build but this story moves at a speedy pace. In addition to the murder there is some very emotional stuff going on. After the murderer is revealed the story has a final delightful, wonderful, heartwarming twist. I loved the ending. I am going to have an especially hard time waiting for the next installment 🙂
I have been asked before if these books can be read as stand alone and they definitely can but you will probably want to go back to the beginning to see how Tori’s life in Sweet Briar started.

About the Author:
Elizabeth Lynn Casey (of the Southern Sewing Circle Mysteries) is a pen name for Laura Bradford, the national bestselling author of several mystery series, including the Emergency Dessert Squad Mysteries, the Amish Mysteries, the Tobi Tobias Mysteries, and the Jenkins & Burns Mysteries. Laura is a former Agatha Award nominee, and the recipient of an RT Reviewer’s Choice Award in romance. When she’s not writing, Laura enjoys making memories with her family, baking, and being an advocate for those living with Multiple Sclerosis.
For more information, visit: www.elizabethlynncasey.com or www.laurabradford.com .
Twitter: @bradfordauthor and @ElizabethLCasey
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Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. Receiving a complimentary copy in no way reflected my review of this book. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”