Paper Shortage and Supply Line Issues
I listened to President Biden yesterday trying to address Supply Chain Issues we are experiencing. He has worked with all the involved parties to open the ports 24/7 in hopes of getting the ships emptied and products onto trucks and trains to get us the supplies we need.
How did we get here? Well, the pandemic caused a demand for certain products, remember the toilet paper surge and absence. We also saw lumber prices skyrocket. At first, it seemed like that was caused by home construction. Then we learned that lumber supply was down due to lack of availability and lack of production during the pandemic. Those shortages are now affecting paper production at a time when demand is high. This shortage is impacting the availability of all kinds of paper including BOOK PRODUCTION!
Earlier this month author Krista Davis posted the following image using information provided by Bookend LLC.
I have noticed several release dates have been pushed the last few months and the authors have been posting to Facebook and Twitter to share these changes with their readers. I highly recommend following your favorite authors on social media for not just important announces regarding release dates but for the other things they may post like giveaways, series news, and more.
I also recommend you follow Krista’s advice and pre-order any books you can and visit independent bookstores. We will get through this, we just need a little patience and give companies and suppliers the time they need as we are hopefully getting closer to the end of this pandemic.
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